Today we are going to go and farewell the Original Mrs Woog who passed away on Friday at the age of 96.

We called her Little Nagy. Nagy is Hungarian for Grand.

It is amazing that we had 4 generations of Woogs for 7 years. And Nagy certainly was a grand and fitting Matriarch of our loud, eating, laughing Hungarian Crew. Mr Woog was a willing recipient of anything that came out of her kitchen and she would pat him on the head as he hoovered up bowls of goulash and urge him to have another serve.

Generational Bookends - The oldest Woog and the youngest Woog, Jack.

Nagy fled Hungary during the Russian Invasion to start a new life in Australia. She bought with her all the recipes and strength of character that Old School Hungarians posses.

I remember meeting her when Mr Woog and I first embarked on our courtship when we were both 21. She gave me the once over, patted my hips and told me one day I would make good babies. At the time I was totally horrified, but it turns out she was right.

Nagy and her first great grandson Harry. They shared a special bond.

Also shared the Woog knack of falling asleep at any chance you got.

Farewell wonderful Nagy. Thanks for bringing me the Woogs.

I will be sure to have a Dreher or two today.

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