Even though I have reached a ripe old age of, let's call it maturity, I still have an innate need to apologise for "my thing."
I suspect it stems back to the puritanical ancestors on my father's side or possibly the ingrained Irish Catholic guilt that plays a key part of my DNA from my mother's side. Hard to say.
I think most of us have a "thing." It doesn't mean we get to do "the thing" as often as we'd like, but when we do it's special.
In my case "my thing" has evolved over the years. For a while it was facials. Rare but wonderful. Then is was massages. These days it's foot reflexology.
I'm lucky if I get one once a month but oh my, it's heavenly.
From the sinking of tired feet into a deliciously warm tub of water, through to the massaging of my feet it's bliss. Painful on occasion, especially when they hit various pressure points. But still and all, bliss.
I leave the place floating about 5cm above the ground afterwards and wondering why it took me so long between visits.
Lots of my friends have different things. One girlfriend tried to tell me hers was hitting the gym. When I cocked a quizzical eye at her, she admitted she actually enjoyed the massages offered at her gym rather than the workout itself.
One friend meets a scrapbooking group once a month and spends the remainder of the month frantically trying to juggle her schedule in order to make the next meeting. Like me, she finds the need to apologise for her "thing" frequently. This is despite the fact she spends the remainder of her time raising children and performing heart surgery in her "spare time."
It's an interesting thing my need to apologise or feel guilty about "my thing." Husband doesn't mind. No one else does either. So I wonder why I go through a routine of arguing with myself as to why I can justify it. Partner with 3 small children, juggling 2 jobs and trying to fit in some "me" time. Interesting how I come last on the list when I write it for myself.
What's your thing?