When I first began blogging I have two key memories. One is that my blog was like the colour pink had exploded all over it. The second was that Louisa found my blog and was amazingly supportive of my ramblings. 
She still is.
She's an awesome writer and mama and her blog is here.
I'm delighted she is guest posting today.

I am the Lioness, she is my Cub.
With lush long red hair, loud laughs, fierce loyalty and adventurous spirits - we are kin.
It's not always an easy relationship, for our rambuncious spirits can clash spectacularly.
But,  I am the Lioness, and she is my Cub.
This morning I turned to see
tears streaming down her face,
whole body shaking,
"Mummy! Mummy! Mummy!"
A fist fight. Kicking, hitting. An older boy. No more details.
My baby!
Angry, darting eyes "where is that little boy??"
Deep breath,
He's only little. He's only learning. They're both only learning.
Later a mother looks around, little girl in her arms.
My little girl in the car at her feet.
Another fight, this one less physical, this one more her doing.
Now I am the mother apologising, explaining, helping my little girl out of the car, over to apologise.
"It's not kind to push."
She's only little. She's only learning. They're both only learning.
Two sides of the coin. Always.
They are all still little. They are all still learning.
But I am the Lioness and she is my Cub. Always.

Louisa is mum to two littlies, Miss Bliss and Little Bear. She lives in
Melbourne and is addicted to coffee, to-do lists and blogging, in no
particular order. She loves being a Mum even if sometimes it feels a bit
frantic. Louisa writes most days at Everything is Edible