One of our brave and incredibly hardcore guides, Chantel Astorga, is currently soloing Mescalito on El Capitan in Yosemite.  In honor of this impressive endeavor I decided to feature this route in the Weekend Warrior blog.  If any of you would like to see some pictures of Chantel's progress on the route check out this website (you may have to scroll through a few other reports to find her climb):

Well, without further delay here are a couple videos of two other hardcore climbers, Tommy Caldwell and Kevin Jorgenson, attempting to free climb Mescalito.  There is great footage of the climbing and exposure encountered on this route.  It's wild to imagine Chantel up there soloing all of this!

VIDEO Part 1: BD athletes Tommy Caldwell and Kevin Jorgeson attempting to free El Cap's hardest climb from Black Diamond Equipment on Vimeo.

VIDEO Part 2: BD athletes Tommy Caldwell and Kevin Jorgeson attempting to free El Cap's hardest climb from Black Diamond Equipment on Vimeo.