Tues 26th Oct 2010: Salford Islington Mill. Emanuel and the Fear. Orchestral Rock stuff.
Wed 27th Oct. Simple Bar, Tib St, M/c. Susan Vale does comedy 'The Fall by Numbers'.
Wed 27th Oct.Salford Church. Lichens, Paul Metzger, Part Horses. All drones, loops and experimental axe work.
Thurs 28th Oct. Deaf Institute, M/c. El Guincho. S American carnival samples.
Fri 29th Oct. Academy 2 M/c. !!!. American funky indie dudes on Warp.
Sat 30th Oct. Scary party at Salford Islington Mill. Screaming Females and Gary War.
Sun 31st Oct. Deaf Institute, M/c. The Duke and the Kings.Americana with modern soul vibe.
Mon 1st Nov. Salford Islington. Zombie Zombie.Krautrocking keyboard due after F Buttons.
Coming Up:
6th November: 3 in a Bar, Darwen. Tramtown Junction.
12th November. 53 Degrees, Preston. Half Man Half Biscuit.
Sat 11tgh Dec. 2010. Hebden Bridge Trades Club. Dick Gaughan.
30th Dec 2010. Academy 1, M/c. Sonic Youth plus Mark Stewart.