Pear Madeleines

I haven't made madeleines in forever and I haven't given my mini madeleine pan from William Sonoma a debut.

Pear Madeleines

These aren't "traditional" madeleines as they have brown sugar, but they are still light and buttery. The pear flavor is very subtle and the vanilla sugar sprinkled on top is a lovely finish.

Pear Madeleines

Pear Madeleines
adapted from Milk and Cookies


150g plain all-purpose flour
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
100g unsalted butter at room temperature
50g light brown sugar
75g caster sugar
2 eggs
1/2 cup pureed pears
vanilla sugar for coating

Pear Madeleines

1. Pre-heat oven to 180 C and brush the Madeleine pan with melted butter. Sift together the flour, cinnamon and baking powder together in a small bowl.

Pear Madeleines

2. Cream by hand the butter and sugars in a large bowl until creamy. Add the eggs and gently stir. Fold in the pureed pears.

3. Fold in the flour mixture until combined. Put 1 teaspoon of batter in each mini madeleine mold (about 1 tablespoon for regular size).

4. Bake 7 minutes for a mini pan and 10 minutes for regular sized. Let cool for five minutes and take out of the pan. Sprinkle the sugar over top will still warm.

5. Best served right away.