Sometimes it dawns on me, like a newfound discovery, that I'm an eejit. For those of you who are not Irish like myself, this is a fool.  In my family this was what we called ourselves or others when we did something ridiculously foolish. It also needs to be said with a heavy Irish accent to have full effect.
And this week I can categorically state that I am one.
Before you start saying nice things to me and reassuring me that I'm not, let me prove the levels of my idiocy to you.
Firstly what possessed me to think we should dream of something like this?

This may be because we are in renovation hell right now. Did I mention Barry the builder announced he was going on a cruise the first day of renovations? And on Day 2 we realised both bathrooms needed gutting and refurbishing instead of the just the one as we had originally planned and budgeted for . In fairness, I should add Felicia has been a rock of calm throughout all this and Brian the builder is nobly and ably stepping in to continue the works.
But still.
And for those of you interested, it looks like this.....

But the other thing that earns me a gold medal in eejit ville is this. On Friday I had to attend my offspring's athletics carnival. I duly applied 50+ sunscreen to my offspring and off we went. Most of the morning was spent consoling Miss Medium who spent the carnival in tears. Not, I hasten to add, because of the pressure of performing. She is simply overtired and overwhelmed from a week of moving out of home and starting school again after a lovely break.
So in my defence I was a little distracted.
I spent the morning reapplying sunscreen to myself and trying to watch the events.
Arriving home I felt somewhat sore and tired. An hour later I realised why.
Instead of applying 50+ sunscreen (and FYI it looks just as awful on my back) I had been applying moisturiser to myself. Just moisturiser. I'd accidentally slipped the wrong cream in my bag as we flew out the door.
I'm sure you will all agree I deserve my own pride of place in eejits ville. As long as it's well stocked with soothing balms and fans I won't complain at all.