Last night as part of the Gelto workshop (click here for those details) at Gelato Mio we advised Carlo on his new Gelato Cupcakes! It was pretty much the reason I was invited. Carlo knows everything about ice cream so now he wants to know everything about cupcakes.

When I got his email asking me for my opinions on a gelato cupcake I thought I'd died at gone to heaven. If you read my blog frequently enough I've mentioned several times that my three great loves are ice cream, cupcakes and tea. Combining two of them together is just genius. 

I say "we" as I wasn't the only food blogger there that night. He invited several and Andrea was there with me at this session. We were the first to get a glimpse which is very exciting!

A tray of cupcakes that the resident pastry chef had prepared

There she is. I won't embarrass myself trying to spell her name. We suggested which decoration techniques worked the best. For only researching cupcakes for 3 months she did a really great job.

The cupcakes were prepared in these beautiful chocolate cases

Chocolate cake for the bottom layer 

or vanilla cake 

They've developed a chocolate frosting that doesn't freeze. Which I think is really nifty. It tasted really great and with a few minor tweaks will be ready for the final product.

Cross section of the strawberry cupcake the pastry chef had made. I made the chocolate peanut butter one at the very top.

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I got to make a few of my own gelato cupcakes! I started with a layer of cake on the bottom

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A scoop of peanut butter ice cream next. Carlo took all the ice cream out of the freezer as we were making them. It was a bit hard so we didn't want to press it in and break the shell. 

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Decorated with chocolate frosting on top!

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Cupcake with vanilla cake, biscotti gelato and chocolate frosting

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With a blue marshmallow frosting. It's also interesting that marshmallow frosting doesn't freeze so it's great on these cupcakes.

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The mess afterward...

I had such a great time during this part of the workshop! I think the idea of a gelato cupcake is really clever as the amount of combinations and decoration possibilities are endless.

I would say that Carlo and his team are nearly there with these cupcakes. A few tweaks here and there and I'll be the first person in line to get one when they're released! I can't wait to see what final decisions they make.

I hope our advice helps them make a great final product for their customers. I think he's put in a lot of effort to make a genuine cupcake. I find that some places offer inferior cupcakes and get away with it since people in the UK aren't as familiar with them.

Click here for all the gelato photos.