FREE RANGE TURKEY_dispatch #7 from camp4 collective on Vimeo.

This weekend, I'm going back to my roots. Yep, I'm going sport climbing.

Sure, I know this is the American ALPINE Institute, but sometimes you just get tired of dillydallying with nuts, cams, crampons, and ice axes and you want to clip and go, clip and go. This weekend, I want to train hard. I'm in the mood for pumped arms, tiny crimps, and Type -2 fun (suffering). I won't look as graceful, calm, or strong as Mr. Yuji Hiriyama, but I can still try until I yell "TAAAAKE, TAAAAKE!".

His self-awareness is inspiring and that video really does get my STOKED. I've going to find my inner ninja. Much like this guy below.