I hate making sandwiches. I don't mean that I merely dislike it. I have a pathological loathing for it. I suspect it is caused by years of making lunches for my brothers. I did a rough calculation and worked out I made roughly 45 sandwiches a week for many years. That's a whole lotta sandwiches believe me. And this was in the days before Tupperware lunchboxes, so it meant alot of gladwrap and cutting fingers on the serrator.
My scars are both physical and emotional ;)
As of today I'm calling for a boycott of sandwiches in my family.
I leapt on this post today with tearful gratitude. I mean THIRTY lunch ideas that AREN'T sandwiches. What a woman!
It made me very happy indeed.
So setting aside my important Saturday morning plans of following the election doing absolutely nothing and staying in my pajamas  and ably assisted my offspring we set to work.
We cut and poured
We measured and spilled
We made mini quiches (and do you notice the precious red shiny in the background?)
We made yummy cheese and ham, and apple and cinammon scrolls and  delicious cheesy scones.
We filled the freezer for several weeks worth of delicious and nutritious lunches. We used resealable freezer bags that they can bring home for me to recycle when we do our next big cookathon.
It took probably 2 hours all up, and now my mornings during term time will be much less stressful. In addition, I know I'm giving my kids a variety of food that tastes and looks terrific.

And the best part is, there isn't a sandwich in sight for me for months now.
Thank you so much Liss!
 Am I the only person who hates making sandwiches or is that officially my "weird thing?"