So another week has gone by in my countdown to the end of the school holidays, and I can honestly say they have not been that bad(as she puts down the wine glass). We enjoyed several Pyjama Days, my old laptop shat it's pants and has been replaced with a sexy new version, and apart from one incident yesterday morning, it has been relatively fight-free, which has been quite the treat.

My old pal Random.Org has assisted me in drawing the winners of my How A Pressure Cooker Saved My Life Giveaway. The lucky winners are Nerdycomputergirl, who cannot live with reading blogs, and Sarah, who cannot live without technology. My favourite entry though came from JustJen who cannot live without taking her next breath. Thanks for entering and a MEGA thanks to the hot chicks in the Promotional Department at Harper Collins. Please email your details to

My Villain of the Week...

is none other than the former Sexiest Man Alive circa 1985 and current racist, sexist homophobe. Yes it is you Mr Gibson. What the hell happened to you! You have anger management issues and I feel a weekend workshop might not be enough for you. But if you do go, can you please take our cat Wilson with you?

A Strong argument for Dry July no?

Hero of the Week

Taking out the title for a record second time is none other than my fabulous cleaner Lilly!

Now Lilly had been giving me the irrits lately. She also cleans the house of several very good mates of mine and is always saying things like "Monique is very beautiful and Belinda look so young...... but you are very nice." Ummmm thanks Lilly.... I think. But she is back to Hero status.

I was taking out the garbage and walking back across the yard, something came over me and I started skipping (note exercise is evil). I leapt like a baby hippo up onto the back verandah when the toe of my slipper caught the edge. I came down like a sack of shit and lay there howling. I mean there was tears. Lilly and her crew of cleaners came rushing out all yelling at each other in Chinese. One produced a bag of frozen peas (that I did not know I had) while Lilly pulled up my jeans leg and exclaimed that it was not that bad, then proceeded to show my every scar on her body. I asked to be left alone after a while, but she refused to leave me until she had administered a special Chinese burn to the area. Still limping but I am sure it would be worse if it were not for the quick cold pack application. Thank You Dr Lilly.

One of may favourite reads this week comes courtesy of Good Golly Miss Holly. Read it and nod.

Finally, coming up tomorrow, we have Saturdays with Saw Hole, who is busy today pondering the problem of sibling couch crashers. Come back and read it, in between you trip to the day spa and your lunch at Catalina.