Best audio quality (IPlayer)
The Diplomats of Solid SOund - Smash up -
Willi Mitchell - The Champion Pt.1 - Kent
The Valentines - That's it man - Vampi Soul
Frente Cumbiero - Pitchito - Names You Can Trust
Eugene Church - Mind your own business - Vampi Soul vampi
Blind Blake - Love, love alone - Megaphone
Los Orientales de Paramonga - Lobos al escape - Vampi Soul vampi
Abner Jay - The reason young people use drugs - Mississippi Records
The Sacred Four - Steal away - SPV
William Moore - Old country rock - JSP Records
Pan Sonic - Voltos Bolt - Blast First Petite ptyt
Bass Clef - Fix this broken love - Blank Tapes Records
Health - Before tigers (Gold Panda remix) City Slang slang
Holy Ghost - Static on the wire - DFA Records
Beat Circus - Petrified man - Cuneiform
Stornoway - Watching Birds - 4AD
Saravah Soul - Fire - Tru Thoughts
Indian Ocean - School Bell/Tree House - Sleeping Bag
Miles Davis - Miles runs the voodoo down - Sony Legacy
Lloyd Miller & The Heliocentrics - Electricone - Strut Records
Sun Ra & his Solar Myth Arkestra - Pyramids - Atom
Edward Larrry Gordon - All pervading - Soul Jazz Records
Philip Cohran & the Artistic Heritage Ensemble - The African Look -
Soul Jazz Records
John Coltrane - Spiritual - Impulse
I & I Djangdan - Livity - Bibim Records
Beam Up - Abeokula nights - Beaming Productions
Tape Loops - Curb the reverb - Jalapeno Records
I'll keep the lead up to this one short. Here it goes: Jacinda Hunter - Mother of 4, full time Nurse, sends 5.14b project. Enough said. Your excuse is no longer valid.
Alex Puccio: The Centaur from Prana Living on Vimeo.
[Image: Watership Down by Maier Yagod and Jon Reed at the Cleveland Public Library].
In a project for the Cleveland Public Library, designed by Toronto-based architects Maier Yagod and Jon Reed, "domestic fragments" have been embedded in the pavement, forming a surreal new kind of public bench:
- Watership Down creates a scenario where five houses are frozen for a moment in a process of complete submersion into the ground of the Eastman Garden. Placed throughout the Garden, the gables of these houses project out of the earth at various angles. These create focal points of interest within the garden and become follies to climb, sit and rest upon.
A fever of roofs pushing up from below, breaching ground level with the archaeological buoyancy of lost ships.
While the deliberate use of simulated building fragments can run the risk, mentioned earlier, of simply repeating the PoMo theatrics of things like "upside-down buildings," the evocation of underground architecture, like tombs, scratching through the earth, buried by an orderly landslide of the urban fabric around them, is an interesting direction to take.
I pride myself on being happy for others when good things happen for them. I am someone who is usually optimistic and positive.
But not this week.
This week I am ashamed to say I have been jealous and envious on many occasions. I'm not sure what bought this unaccustomed bout of ill feeling on. What I do know is that I'm over it now.
However this week:
If you had, or have possession of a nice kitchen, the chances are I have been filled with overwhelming envy of you. I am currently in the middle of a love/hate relationship with mine. Actually that's a lie. It's a loathe/hate relationship. I HATE it. It's shabby, it's dark and pokey, the stove is unpredictable, the oven burns things and overall, it's totally unsuited to the demands of a family.
Hopefully, in the coming months this situation will change, but right now I am coping with it with gritted teeth.
Before anyone tells me I should be grateful I have a kitchen in the first place, may I graciously direct you to this post? It's my kitchen and I'll hate it if I want to.
Moving on:
I got a phonecall from a girlfriend asking me what I store frozen meals in. "Freezer bags" was my answer. Not rocket science surely? No, the question was merely a pretext for them to call me so they could tell me, they needed to make lots of meals to freeze them because they were going away on holiday. By themselves. To Bali. I was an unattractive shade of green by the end of that particular conversation.
Grand Finale:
reading a friend's facebook status that sounded like something out of Cinderella. Except that the clock didn't strike at midnight and Cinderella got to keep her fabulous gown. Instead of being excited for said friend, I was jealous. I didn't even comment on their status saying how amazing her night sounded. What an awesome friend I am. And then I caught up with her and blurted out how much I hated her and how jealous I was. And then she told me the fairystory, and I saw how thrilled and delighted she was. And I realised how shabby and dark I was being. Much like my kitchen. Which I hate. Have I mentioned that?
So after a long and tiring day I sat on the couch with a feverish
During our AGM this week, SawHole commented on the amount of letters she gets regarding woman's weight issues. We selected one that was extremely well written but I just think, with the onset of winter, we are all just bulking up a bit. But to be safe, we did reject an offer of a BOX OF TIM TAMS - not a packet but a box, from Arnotts as a giveaway as we prefer to promote alcohol and we did not want to send out mixed messages.
Also, despite rumours flying around the Internet, SawHole has not resigned as resident Agony Aunt on Woogsworld. Her pay however has been increased to 4 peanuts a week and a Happy Meal on completion of each dilemma. Got one? Email your ISSUE to
Dear Ms Sawhole,
I have a dilemma for you – I am pushing maximum density and am at a total loss about how to trim down from ‘morbidly obese’ to the far more palatable ‘obese’ or maybe even ‘overweight’ categories.
The reason I am at a total loss for this problem despite having attended a particular weight loss program four times in my life and trialled myriad diets and ‘lifestyle changes’ over the years is this. I love food. I love to eat it, I love to cook it. I wake up and instead of thinking about my children or my husband or whether or not to shower today I plan the day’s menu.
Furthermore I seem quite allergic to exercise. No really, every time I do it I turn really really red and all this clear liquid tries to escape my body. So there you have it, I love to shovel food in and sit on my ever-expanding arse watching as many reality tv programs peppered with some intellectual garbage to convince myself I haven’t totally given up on life. Any ideas?
Yours in bulbous adoration,
Dearest Kim,
SawHole may not know much about science, tap dancing or erotic art, but she does know a little bit about the battle of the bulge. I am Queen of the YoYo and I almost certainly own shares in Nancy Gantz, the naughty minx that she is.
First thing, Kim, is that I hear yah. It sounds to me as though you have been doing your BMI again. I used to do that until I convinced myself that BMI was shit. I even wrote an indignant letter to that nasty doctor at Cammeray Family Practice who gave me a bollocking for my BMI being 26 (oh how I wish). In no uncertain terms, I told the doctor that both she and the BMI were shit. Then she referred me to a psychiatrist. So my first message to you is don't do your BMI until you are in a place where you can accept it, not manipulate it or fixate upon it.
As we get older, Kim, there comes a choice between food and form. It happened to me when I was in Veronika Maine and the size 16 dress would not do up over the puppies. No word of a lie, the sales assistant handed me the card for a plastic surgeon (Dr John Newton, of Warners Bay, in case anyone is interested).This was a rallying cry to SawHole and I did what I swore I never would, I hired a bloody personal trainer.
Enter poor, long-suffering Rob. He has been there during the lunges, the bloody cross trainer and general joint articulation (his words, I have no idea what they mean). I know it is awful when you get red and sweaty but there was no way I was going to scoff a bag of M&Ms after killing myself on the bloody rower. Also because I had started the exercise program and went through hell there was no way I was ever going to give it up. I finally understood the phrase we have come too far to turn back.
So that is my advice to you, use exercise as a binge insurance policy because after you have done 45 single-leg squats, you don't want to undo all that hard work with some Twisties. In some sick, twisted way, it worked for me. I also think there is nothing to be ashamed of by watching trash tv. I suggest Sober House and Ruby
If Ruby can go from 700 pounds to 300 pounds, there is hope for us yet.
Also don't forget Millionaire Matchmaker,
Yours in Mutual Love of Foxtel,
“What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet”
Whatever people call this thing that we’ve all become obsessed with it’s still something delicious! Whether you say cupcakes, cup cakes, cup-cakes, fairy cakes, muffins, pastries, cake, cakes, American cupcakes, those silly things, or something unintelligible whilst your mouth is full.
I think us native English speakers and those of us from North America take for granted the understanding of cupcakes. What’s so hard to understand? It’s just natural for us. Our mothers made them for us for our birthdays. They’ve always been around for us. For those of us outside North America the cupcake is new and hopefully exciting. The whole concept of an American cake is different to what is normal and something that wouldn’t have been a typical dessert offered. I had someone from Switzerland visit and she had never seen a cupcake before. She called it a pastry.
I received an email from a friend in Denmark. She likes to make “muffins” and would like to know what the difference between a muffin and an American Cupcake is. It got me thinking we’re maybe talking about the same thing in theory but using different words. What comes to mind when you think of a cupcake?
As an American I say cupcake, a British person would call it a Fairy Cake (setting aside the fact that recently things have changed), but as I found out at the Starlight Charity party an older woman called my cupcakes “muffins”, and what about a person who’s first language isn’t English? What if they were taught English from an English person as opposed to an American? So many variables!
I think it’s best to show pictures as we’re all confused about what word means what now.

Who would have thought that describing cupcakes would be so complicated? I hope that this clears up some of the ambiguity around cupcakes. Whatever you want to call them they are still sweet and amazing creations!
I am way behind on posting photos from the trips I have done lately on my blog, so hopefully I will have a bunch of posts both here on the AAI blog as well as on my own in the next week or so. I will start with my latest trip since it has the fewest photos to sort through.
A Mt. Rainier greeting agent. Much more friendly than the Rangers. Actually the rangers were great!
Here is a panorama from our camp. Mt. St. Helens in the distance.Crossing the Nisqualy Glacier.
Justin, Kate, and Liz.
Another guide services camp below us.
Scott near the summit.
Scott at the summit.
Liz with about ten steps to go.
Fist Bump!
The rappel down the Kautz Ice Chute.
Kate back at camp.
Heading out in less than perfect weather.
A panorama of the entire Muir Snowfield.
Drunk injured in bridge fall fleeing from sister
Ok so here we are again, my favourite day of the week. Child-free Friday. Kids are gone to their various places of educational advancement. The house looks like a tornado has hit a Chinese laundry and I DON'T BLOODY CARE.
Friday is the day I do things exclusively for me.... trust me, the kids are lucky to get breakfast.
The day started at some ungodly hour with some sex-nagging (denied) and the kids bouncing off the walls until I sent them to their room to play "Whoever cleans up the best gets a Cookie".
I figure the day can only go up from there
So I am going to hit the shops with and Belinda, lunch somewhere gooooood that does not involve Happy Meals and visit Ms Finlayson and her new puppy Tilly. Top it all off with a few Vodka O's and perhaps a cheeky pizza.

In the best case I have seen in a long time, A good example of politician's taking their ball and going home.
Concerns about iminent weight gain once chocoalte cafe opens for business
I finally had to wash all the Brad Ngata Hot Blow Dry out if my hair when it got so greasy the Barack Obama delayed a visit to Australia in an attempt to get BP to plug it. PS I still have a few gift cards, if you are keen email your name and address to
The demand for Saturdays with Sawhole t-shirts outstripping supply.
Target Toy Sale - I would rather pay full price then face that shit.
Limping along till payday - paying for my coffee this morning with 5 cent peices I found while scrounging around the Mazda.
Favourite reads this week include one from my Sister from A Nudda Mudda in the States. Pampers and Pinot...go click read... wee a bit. Also while you are there, shoot across to Bad Words, only if you do not mind really good writing and a lot of profanities.
Finally, tomorrow's Saturdays with SawHole has turned up, and let's just say Saw Hole has a few ideas in mind to turn that Flab.... to Fab. Come back tomorrow and have a read.
Hittade nedanstående inne hos Lina och insåg att det var precis vad jag behövde nu!
Wow it's been a long time! This month has been crazy, not only did i accidently eat sea urchin (I'm allergic to shellfish...yikes!) on my 24th birthday but I also moved to Williamsburg to a super cute apartment with a lot more room and a waaayyyyy cuter kitchen. In addition to this, some of my best friends came into the city to help me cope celebrate. Along with them they brought me some super special grilled cheese ingredients which will be featured in this lovely sammie.
These ingredients were picked out by my besties Whitney and Sarah from thier local farmers market in the Hamptons.
- 2 tbs extra virgin hot pepper infused olive oil
- 2 slices sourdough
- 3/4 cup of sag harbor's finest mecox cheddar
- 1/2 cup of roasted artichokes hearts
(to do this i got a bag of frozen artichoke hearts, sprinkled them with the hot pepper olive oil, some salt, pepper and garlic powder then tossed them all together and put them in the oven for 40 minutes on 400 degrees)
I began by grating the cheddar and then sprinkled half of the cheese onto one side of the bread.
Then I evenly lined up the roasted artichokes hearts on top of the cheese.
Next I sprinkled the remaining cheddar on top of the artichoke hearts.
After all the ingredients were stacked upon each other, I put the last piece of bread on top and heated up my skillet to medium high.
Now that the sammie was complete and the burner's hot, i drizzled 1 tbs of the olive oil into the pan and put the GC in. Then I drizzled the other tbs of olive oil on top of the GC.
I let it cook for about 2 minutes on each side until it was that nice golden beautiful brown that makes these sammie's oh so delicious.
Once the color was even on both sides I took it off the skillet and served it immediately!
Thanks Whit and Sarah for coming to the city and bringing me these super sweet ingredients. Oh, and don't forget to have some water on hand because this GC has a kick from that hot pepper oil. Enjoy!

Lưu trữ Blog
tháng 7
- Marine Blues
- Playlist - 31st July 2010
- Weekend Warrior - Videos to get you stoked!
- Buried buildings, like icebergs in the ground
- Green eyed monster
- Saturdays with SawHole # 6
- The Language of Cake
- Mt. Rainier Kautz Glacier Climb
- Miscellaneous Tomfoolery
- Woog's Weal Weekly Wap Up
- Det tar tid att bli en vinnare
- Hampton's Heat
- Climbing and Outdoor News from Here and Abroad - 7...
- Känslan är det viktiga nu
- Why are these men afraid of me?
- FMCC 5k
- Mrs Woog Loves...... Vodka O
- Truth, Strangely
- Delights of Fortnum & Mason
- Tungt
- Search now available on PS3
- Conditions Report - July 28, 2010
- Team All Choc
- Quick Links 14
- Why does gay marriage frighten some people?
- Ingenious Invention Alert # 2
- Longs Peak Revisited
- Bilder från Norge
- Army Training
- Remove thumb - lose weight!
- Jetboil vs. Whisperlite
- Sista stoppet
- Stormy problem
- Live and direct
- Woog in Profile # 2
- Not quite the Giro d'Italia
- The Worst Climbing Movies Ever
- Cupcake Club: London Bloggers Meetup
- Long time no see
- Limitations. Really?
- Mrs Woog's Pick-Me-Up Sunday Routine
- Week Ending July 25
- Song of the day
- July and August Climbing Events
- Chocolate Peanut Butter Whoopie Pies
- Wish box
- More praying
- Finding God in a caterpillar?
- A pinkish katydid
- Dusty blue-green katydid
- Read it and Weep
- Playlist - 24th July 2010
- Sundae on The Common 2010
- Weekend Warrior - Videos to get you stoked!
- Lunch in The City: July 19-23
- Saturdays with Saw Hole #5
- Reflection on my first major expedition
- A cat door is not an Alessi kettle
- Note to Saw Hole
- Tumwater Bridge Repairs to Begin in North Cascades...
- Indefinite in number, but of certain fixed shapes
- Lite mindre gnäll
- Climbing and Outdoor News from Here and Abroad - 7...
- Voodoo Economics Republican Style
- Dropped
- Min kropp fungerar inte på sommaren
- Mike LaCoss, Unleashed
- Ingenious Invention Alert!
- London Food Bloggers Meet Up at Bob Bob Ricard
- August Closures on Washington's Mountain Loop Highway
- Your child made my ears bleed
- Conditions Report - July 21 2010
- Sometimes
- Longs Peak
- Week Ending July 18
- Gunnery Pagodas / Manhattan Niagara / The Universi...
- What I am yet to get......
- The Design Future of the Sacred Grove
- It's time for prayerful intervention
- Foodprint Toronto
- The Mount Baker Marathon
- Färden går vidare
- Tony and Saw Hole
- Slow City
- Book Review: Climbing Self Rescue
- More monarch cat shots
- Monarch caterpillar video
- Get more than just a blow dry......
- Barr Trail Mountain Race
- July and August Climbing Events
- Lite men inte tomt
tháng 7