Hehehe I don't think anyone reads my blog anymore so I can put anything I want....But I won't.
I miss you guys. And when I say you guys I mean everyone, from school, from random people on the street, to people I don't know any more. I miss you all so much. Not having a phone is like....Not having...A....Phone.
I read blogs and it looked like everyone had a wonderful Christmas and I must rejoyce in the knowledge of this!!!
Meg your puppy is soooo kawaii, I am just twittering with awe and jealousy. Twittering!
Heidi, I thought what your Grandma said was very funny....I read it three times before I got it, but I laughed pretty good after that!
Zalina, I love you!
Katka, you're my new puppy and I'll shower you with rawhide....Just as soon as I can get sbomeone open...
Gerrad, Merry Christmas!
Megan, may your journey's in Ragnorok bring you much love and tomatoes.
Christine, you can't read this....so ha!
Sarah, I miss you!!!
Jamie, Nooooo idea how you are, hoping fantastically good and I just realized you still have a blog and I'm gonna read it once I'm done posting and I still adore you and miss you oodles and oodles.
Morgan Freeman, I love you more than Bob Dole.
Bobdole, I love you more than Morgan Freeman.
Matt, saving the best for last, Hi!
Ah, my Christmas was fantastico. There was presents, and it took us three hours to open up all the presents cause we opened them painstakingly slow!! Yey!!!
Since I never asked for anything this year, other than slippers, there was no way to be disapointed. The perfect crime. Or so I thought! However my parents went crazy and got me everything I ever could have dreamed about wanting. So let's just say Amy's a lil too happy than she should be. A little too happy..
Oooh! Brainwave last night. I'm not ready to grow up.
That is all.
Happy New Year if I don't get to blog again!!
Which CVFW8EV character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Song o' the Saturday: If you're happy and you know it....etc, etc.
Lilo and Stitch rock the casbar...Not in that way...but they're good. Yes. Very good.
Trying something new.
Songs that Remind me of People
Wind Beneath My Wings: Zalina
***Okay, so it's corny, but it's true.
There She Goes by Cher: Megan
***It just all makes sense in my head.
Walking in Memphis: Katarina
***Cause she's my only true X-Files friend.
Cruel to be Kind: Heidi
**I reckon cause I feel like I'm mean to her all the time, but I love her.
Your Winter: Meg
***Can't figure out why...but I will!
Spiderbait: Christine
***Cause it's all sweet, then all crazy. Like Christine!
Spectacular, Spectacular: Sarah
***It's so wild and crazy but still makes sense on some sense.
Bad Reputation: Dan
***Obvious reasons.
How Wonderful Life is, now that you're in the world: Some guy I know
*** Cause he's swell.
Duvet: Gerrad
***I dunno....It just does.
More to come of course...(And if anyone is offended by these songs, please come and talk to me directly. Even if it's to punch me in the shoulder.)
Full name: Amy Kathlene
Sex: Female
Siblings: Adam, Askem
Eye color: Blue with yellow around the pupil
Hair color: Brown, boring old brown.
R e l a t i o n s h i p s....
Favorite place to shop: I gotta go with Walmart.
What do you have if anything pierced?: Nuttin.
Do you do drugs?: Not that I can recall.
What kind of shampoo do you use?: Me mum works for this place that gives loads of shampoo bottles...so a wide assortment of shampoos.
What are you most scared of?: La
What are you listening to right now?: Everything-Lifehouse
Who was the last person that called you?: Speller =)
Where do you want to get married: A city bus.
How many Messenger buddies do you have online right now?: Only five.
F a v o r i t e s ..
Color: Oh goodness. It changes.
Number: 7, 27,42, HUT!
Food: Chicken burgers.
Boys name: Toby or Jack
Girls name: Gillian or Hana
Subjects in school: Gym.
Sport(s): Hockey, baseball,dodge ball and badminton. And foottball a little.
H a v e Y o u E v e r...
Given someone a bath?: Yes'm.
Made yourself throw-up: Not on purpose.
Gone skinny-dipping?: Does the bathtub count?
Been in love?: Wha?
Cried to get out of trouble?: Oh yeah...I'm going to hell.
F i r s t T h i n g T h a t C o m e s T o M i n d ...
Red: Rum
Cow: Milk
Zebra: Pony.
Herbal: Essesenses...Damn television
Conspiracy: X-Files
Muffins: Adam Jensen.
Hippo: Don't believe everything you hear on television
Macaroni: Barenaked ladies
F i n a l Q u e s t i o ns ...
Do you like filling these out?: Kinda...
What is the last film you saw at the theatre?: Signs
Favorite cartoon character?: Lisa Simpson
What do you have for breakfast in the morning?: Hamburger and chocolate milk.
Who would you hate being locked in a room with?: Britney Spears.
Who is your crush?: Sorry what?
W h i c h O n e o f Y o u r F r i e n d s....
Is the craziest?: Matt
Is the loudest?: Ashita
Is the smartest?: Fiona
Most likely to be a model?: Heidikins
Is the best artist?: Zalina
Would you want to be locked in a room with: Zalina.
Is the shyest?: Heidi
Would do anything for money? Heheh Megarina-chan
Who is the most athletic?: Heidi, Megan, Matt
Creeps you out?: None, but they all do scare me.
Makes fun of you the most?: Zalina and Megan, but that's why I love them.
Kiran I'd love too! You just gimme the time and date and I"ll make sure I'm not in hell(work) and I'll be there like this *attempts to snap fingers...attempts again...gives up and says snap*.
In other news this weekend is the last weekend of my stay at Wonderland. Half of me is rather dancing with joy and singing to the Heavens for this stupendous day to have finally occured...the other half is crying, curled up in the fetal position. I am gonna miss my cowpeople and my fellow staffers and most of the managers....and just that walking into your work with people screaming in the background. Good times, good times.
I'm also gonna miss the money.
you are gord downie
you are gord downie of the tragically hip. you front the tragically hip, arguably canada's biggest
musical export.. that's any good. you dance a lot. you have fun. you have no hair. you sing about pot, hockey, and various places in
which charismatic canadian musician are
Tis funny! See cause my Blog is "My Music at Work" and it's done by The Tragically Hip...And I'm the frontman...Do you see? Do you see the funnyness!
Oh dear, what a week.
First, last Friday I had this fellow hit on me for an hour or so. It was nice. Then on Sunday the fellow asked me out that night. I said sure and off we went. To Kelsey's we ate and I had a good time. After dinner we decided to go driving around. Well, the mixture of him talking to me and the loud music caused the fellow to hit another car. I got a little bit of whiplash but all was good. My date gave the other driver some money to fix the scrape and we carried on our merry. Twas about this time that my date said there was something he had to tell me that I wouldn't like very much. Turns out you see, this fellow already has a girlfriend. One he's been dating for a year no less. Well, I thought that this was highly amusing. Considering this was my first date ever, it really made it a memorable one I thought. Well then my date, so distraught at his new found guilt decided he needed to stop driving the car, and parked us in a nice dark deserted parking lot. Much wackiness ensused. Well, after I got him off me he dropped me off and I nicely informed him that since he has a girlfriend, I am nothing to him other than a girl who works at the same place he does. I am girl, hear me roar.
Moving along. Yesterday I recieved my second PIN. I was very upset by this, especially considering that while I was working yesterday I had another variance. What does this mean for me? Well, because I am a good worker, other than my money problems, they have decided not to fire me. Nope. Instead I have a choice; I can transfer to another job-type, I can transfer to HB games, or I can keep working in Expo and if I have another variance my sorry butt is on the curb. I'm gonna work in HB games I reckon. And, though I have nothing against HB games or anything, I'm really heartbroken. I love Expo...having to leave is really like leaving my friends. Wait no, it is leaving a bunch of my friends.
What else...Hmmm Oh! Yes. That's right. My family and I have to move again. What? This is shocking? No, not it isn't. The people upstairs don't like us all that much and we've been asked to move out by the end of September. Round my birthday. Whoohoo! So now I get to pack and all that wonderness!
Well now you've all been updated in the life and times of Amy. Night all!
I love using my cousin's computer!
Your magical style is Psychic.
What type of Magic do you work?. Take the Magical Style Quiz by Paradox
You are a muse.
What legend are you?. Take the Legendary Being Quiz by Paradox
Legato Bluesummers
Find out what anime villan you are.
The deranged inner child in all of us
Find out what anime girl you are.
President of the Magic Users Club.
Find out what anime bad boy you are.
the thing in the Jetsons.
Find out what secondary animated character you are.
Yesterday was Family Day at the park. Heh. My parents got to watch me make a big fool of myself for five hours selling my game and they got to watch me be harassed and work really hard. It was so much fun. I seriously wish every day was Family day, or if Heidi worked nearer with me or something. Just any way that I could be with people I love.
Today was a big day! Today I signed up for my replacement SIN card, I opened a Bank Account and I had my eyes checked. Woo! As I suspected my eyes have gotten weaker. Especially my dang left eye. I'm thinking I'll keep the frames I have now and get new lenses, but I'm gonna put it to a vote. Bank Accounts rock! I got this nifty lil card and now money magically comes out of the ATM machine. I know, it's bloody brilliant.
My next two weeks of work are gonna suck. Why? I have no consecutive days off. Plus this week I'm gonna go stay at my Aunt's house because I have early shifts. I'm gonna miss this here lil city.
On a more James Bond note:
What's on your bedside table?
Broke cd player, angel and a tiny stretcher.
What is the geekiest part of your music collection?
...All of it? No seriously.
What do you eat when you raid the fridge late at night?
People keep food in the fridge? Over night?
What is your secret guaranteed weeping movie?
Use to be Lion King...Now probably...Shindler's List
If you could have plastic surgery, what would you have done?
Everything neck down. What? I have a very pretty head.
Do you have a completely irrational fear?
All my fears are rational. They are. Stop looking at me like that! Stop it! Stuttering Stanley!
What is the little physical habit that gives away your insecure moment?
When I trip and fall.
Do you ever have to beg?
Only for you baby..
Are you a pyromaniac?
I will once I get my new computer. Get it? Burning? CDs? heh, I kill me.
Do you have too many love interests?
That depends, what are you doin later? *wink wink*
Do you know anyone famous?
I know my friends. Give em five years. Trust me.
Describe your bed:
Bunk bed. Black. Futon on the bottom. Top is covered with all the winter clothes I can't wear cause it's hot and fifty thousand stuffed animals. Bottom has my black sheets, black pillow case and black blanket. Oh and I sometimes put my laundry on there. Like now.
Spontaneous or plan?
Little bit of column A, little bit of column B
Who should play you in a movie about your life?
Zalina. Definatly Zalina.
Do you know how to play poker?
I know how to watch people play poker. Strip that is.
What do you carry with you at all times?
Oh I lose things far to easily to constantly carry one thing around...My glasses...
How do you drive?
Not as well as someone with their license I'm thinkin.
What do you miss most about being little?
Being allowed to mess up once and a while.
Are you happy with your given name?
Yeah..most of the time. Startin to wish my name was spelt Amely though.
How much money would it take to get you to give up the internet for one year?
However much it costs to give me all the Sim games and a pony.
What color is your bedroom?
White underneith my pictures.
What was the last song you were listening to?
The song where the words are "Should I stay or should I go?"
Have you ever been in a play?
I've been in many audiences of plays.
Who are your best friends?
People who see how stupid I act sometimes, but love me anyways. Or at least they pretend real good. And YOU!
Have you ever been in love?
Depends on your definition.
Do you talk a lot?
So much that I am reading out what I type right now...
Do you like yourself and believe in yourself?
I'm beginning to.
Have you ever done any illegal drugs?
Not that I'm totally aware of.
Do you think you're cute?
In the sense that the little baby alien from Men In Black 1 was cute.
Do poor, homeless, or starving people sometimes annoy you?
Only if they move onto my turf.
Do you consider yourself to be a nice person?
Yes. Why? What have you heard! Baka!
Do you spend more time with your girlfriend, boyfriend, or your friends?
None. Just my work people.
I'm gonna get my new computer soon! Soon as in before I die! I'm very much excited about this. If only for the Sim abilities I'll soon have. Yes I'm sad. I don't care.
Oh, and I'm having the worse time selling my game effectively. It's cause like...When I see a little kid, I know that if I smile at them or show them a prize they will want to play the game. They will beg their parents to let them play. They will scream and plead their parents to let them play. I should be like "Whoo! Money for the park!" But instead I don't want them to play, because I know they won't win for sure. I hate getting a kid to play, and then them not winning. Like today I made this whole little story up with this 9 year old boy about how the giant panda bears feel really lonely because no one chooses them. He was so nice and imaginative and then he played the game...And he lost. I seriously wanted to give him his money back. Or give him a prize. I didn't, of course, but I really wanted to. I love my job, and I know this may make it look like I hate it or something..but I don't. Grrr I'm sorry to ya'll for complaining so much...Oh but hey! I got new shorts and sandals...They're snazzy ~_~
You think work can't get any worse...and then...
Okay there are these things called Pins at work. Pins aren't totally bad things, they are like little warnings that go in your file that say stuff like; "You made a mistake here, don't do it again mmkay?". So overall they don't say;"You suck! Why do you work here? Fire you!" But I don't care. It was my goal to never, ever, ever get a pin. Why? Cause sometimes I want to be a perfectionist. Sometimes...Like at work.
Okay, so today I was working and this cute employee guy comes over to Milk Can and is like "Can I throw one?" Seeing as how employees can play but can't win I say "Sure cute guy here you go." and I hand him 1 ball. One. Uno. He misses, o'course. It's a hard game. Well anyways Jessie, my meanest boss lady sees this and comes over. She's all "Where do you work? What's your name?" To cute guy. He's like all telling her. And she says something like "I'm calling your manager about this." And then she turns to me with this wicked little smile and was like "And this means you're getting a pin." I was musta turned twenty shades of pale then as I gasped and sputtered. She walks away all huffy. Me, feeling really really embarrassed turn to Josh and apologized. He was all like "Do you want me to beat her up or something?" Tempting...*cough* Anyways, later on that day CTV come by, bratty kids, the cutest kids ever, time passes. Jessie comes back to do a change run. I sorta thrust my money at her and not look right at her. Then I realize..Hm, not the best thing to do to my manager who already doesn't like me to much, so I look at her. All sad like. Jessie's like "You know why I did that before right?" and I'm like "Honestly Jessie I had no idea we weren't allowed to let employees play. I swear. You know me Jessie, I only follow the rules. I don't even let people step on the scale at Age N'Weight." She kinda glares at me for a moment and says "We'll talk about this later." Later on that day I see her going home. Uh..kay.
At the end of my shift (finally) I'm cashing out. Somehow I'm 20 dollar short. I have absolutely no idea how this happened. I can only guess that I made a whole bunch of little mistakes that added into one big variance. I think. So now Amy the best Worker EVER has to go tell her boss. Whose back there? Only the nicest boss in the joint.
"Umm Jeff.." I say.
"Yeah?" He says.
"I had a variance.."
"How much?"
"It's pretty big..."
"How much Amy?"
At this point I can't fight the tears that are building up.
"20 dollars..."
"*sighs* Do you have any idea how this happened?"
"I honestly don't know..you should just fire me now." Tears, Tears. Oh come, you all knew i was over dramatic when you met me. Cept for you, silly you. My friend Chris came and hugged me then. I like Chris, he's nice.
Then I had to go down and sit next to him, my boss.. I kept pulling the brim of my hat over my eyes to try to hide the stupid tears but he knew I was crying. He explained to me that I did have a Pin being issued by Jessie and now I would have another Pin for the variance. He told me that overall I'm an excellent worker but I have to be retrained with my money skills. Then my big boss Harry comes in. Jeff goes to talk to him and I try to clean myself up. Harry wants to speak to me outside.
Basically he says all the same things Jeff tells me, except Harry looked really upset that I was crying. If I wasn't, y'know, crying, I would have thought it was really cute. He was like "How can I tell you this if your'e crying?" and he kept looking so sad when my lip trembled. Anyways, basically he said that everyone makes mistakes and pins aren't like being in trouble, they're just things to remind you to be careful. Then I went home and cried leaving the park.
I'm not upset about the whole being talked to by the boss thing, nooo. I'm upset with myself for making mistakes. I really, really wanted to have no Pins and be like the perfect employee. I think it's funny that I made Employee of the Week, and got 2 pins all in the same week. *sigh* Good times.
I do like my job, I really do. I think it's all so much right now though, because it's my first real job and I'm not use to not being able to hang out with my friends whenever I want to.
Oh and if you wanna see something funny, just come watch me on the last hour of my shift. I'm a crying baby. Seriously. Every day when I have maybe an hour or two left on my shift, so I've already worked maybe 7 or so hours, everything gets to me. Like today Gean just told me that I should put more prizes up on my display and I had to look away cause my eyes filled with tears. It's just so frustrating sometimes, because I keep making these little mistakes that I'll never make again, but it's always Gean who catches them. The poor guy is a toughie and I think he might have seen a tear or two because he was the nicest I've ever seen him. He was like "It's okay Amy. You're doing a good job, there's nothing to be worried about or anything." I reckon I either really really really like Gean, or I really don't. Oh well, another shift tomorrow, another adventure! Or horrible, painful death. Either way 6.40 an hour baby!
Hehehe my test results didn't post right...But I dunno how to fix em and I reckon a gazillion people have my password and could prolly fix it for me...hehe This is why I ranked a high on dependent. *nodnod*
Work was loooooooong today. Bad kids. I've decided all boys between the ages 10-16 should not be allowed out of their cages.
My house has air conditioning...Frosty...And and I keep having these dreams where I'm still at work working....I cannot express how crappy that is! Work all day...then I have to dream about serving greedy, angry people? Thanks a lot mind...On the upside, I had this one dream where I saw all you guys and I was so happy...Really, really happy. Twas scary!
Disorder | Rating |
Paranoid: | Low |
Schizoid: | Low |
Schizotypal: | Moderate |
Antisocial: | Low |
Borderline: | Low |
Histrionic: | High |
Narcissistic: | Low |
Avoidant: | Low |
Dependent: | High |
Obsessive-Compulsive: | Moderate |
-- Click Here To Take The Test -- |
You are a DUMBLEDORE to Harry! You are kind, nice and a bit crazy. Everyone looks up to you and respects you. You're basically the nice old guy in the bunch ;D
Which adult in Harrys life are YOU?
It's my dad's birthday! Now he is 41! Hehehehe I like calling him old. Cause that's what I do best. Mock.
So what are we going to do on this occasion? We've rented 7 movies. Yes, 7 movies. And we will return them on time you foo's.
What 7? Well off the top of my head these are the ones I can remember: To Kill a Mockingbird, Schindler's List, Stir of Echoes, 10 things I hate about you, The Blair Witch project, A Thin Red Line, and Homecoming.
I'm working all this week. Blah.
The eternally lost boy.
Find out what anime bad boy you are.
Hee! My brother is graduating so he's all dazzled up all pretty-like! His shoes are shiny and he's wearing a tie. He's come a long way from the kid who use to train pet ants....I think.
Wee! Yesterday I went to Wonderland with Heidi for Employee Game night! It was soo fun! I met all of Heidi's people from her work and they were so super nice! I think they're all a little afraid of me, but that's just apart of my charm. I won a magic hat cause I controlled water verra good...Never won at Wac-a-mole though...And I've worked there a lot. Grrrr. What else what else...Oh yes! SCHOOL IS DONE! I had my last exam yesterday! No more school! Mahahahah! Ha!
I'm gonna get a new computer soon! So that I can play the sim--Do my homework much more efficiently..Yes...What else, what else....I love you all! Except you! Yes that's right you.
Oh! The Mole 2 is a very cool show...It reminds me a little of 'Murder in Small Town X', except totally different. Ah! Harvest Moon is coming soon! I'm so bloody excited!
Song of the moment...Whatever the song is called from Moulin Rouge where Christien sings with Satina ontop of the elephant. Tis so nice.
Oh and one more important thing to say, always finish what you
Episode II character are you?
Probably the greatest Jedi Knight of all. Like Obi Wan, you are wise and keep your feet on the ground at all times. You will not be outsmarted by anyone. You are always faithful to your friends. Be careful though, danger lurks around every corner - you could even be betrayed by those closest to you.
I blogged!!
I love Sarah.
That is all.
You're Arisugawa Sorata!
You're the type who depends on humor to get you through all difficult situations, even when it seems as if the world will end (ha ha). People may roll their eyes at your antics, but deep inside, they cannot help but love you. You may be a joker, but you aren't flippant when it comes to the things you hold important in life. When you set your mind on something (or someone), no obstacle will hold you back from obtaining your goal.
Which Dragon of Heaven are you?
Quiz by Kerianne
size="1">Which HP Kid Are You?
I get an omnious one...mahahaha
find your element at
href="http://www.mutedfaith.com" target="new">mutedfaith.com. <º>
I always get the manipulating ones....
Work was so stressful today. This one guy musta played 30 times and he never won a Spiderman prize...and he got mad and I had to call my manager and it was all a big mess...BUT! When things were just going downhill, guess who came striding up to my game? Linda, Kathy and Karl! I was soooo happy they have no idea! Just to see people who are happy and don't want to kill me rocked! And Kathy won! I was super happy! Least I think she won...It's kinda blurry....Kinda really blurry. That's what happens when you work an 8 hour shift, everything runs together in your head.
Ooooh I feel so sick...I think I got something from all the money I handled today.
You are striving to make favourable impressions all of the time and you are going out of your way to make the impression that you are something special. You are constantly on the watch to see how your friends and neighbours are reacting to your various ploys. But this is so unnecessary because most of the time you are in control of the situation - and you are, in the nicest sense of the word, a 'manipulator' because you use various strategies very cleverly in order to influence and obtain the necessary recognition.
You are full of stress at this time. It would seem that you are having more than your fair share of trials and tribulations and you are looking for a way out. You are not quite sure which way to go but the advice is - 'Stop trying so hard'.
The way things are at this time it is necessary to 'go slow'. All the pleasures that you have anticipated should be left in abeyance until some future date, but all is not lost, you are able to derive and achieve considerable gratification from someone quite close to you.
There is a suppressed anxiety which may be the result of an unsatisfactory or discordant personal relationship. This has led or is leading to unwarranted excess stress and tension. You are angry, uptight and feeling the physical effects of this anxiety. It is essential that you calm down, your physical well-being could be in jeopardy. It would seem that most of your stress is a result of an unsatisfactory relationship. You have tried, or are considering the possibility of trying to restore the love and trust situation - but so far - perhaps to no avail. So the situation is regarded as depressing and this unhappy state continues to aggravate the situation to a point of complete helplessness.
Overwork - be it mental stress or physical strain, you are completely worn out and this depleted vitality has created an intolerance for any further stimulation. You feel disappointed with your obvious lack of energy and powerless to do anything about it. You are angry with yourself and this frustration shows. You are contradictory and argumentative and feel helpless to change the situation at this time. Take a break - even if it is only for a few days - allow yourself to breathe to unwind - you'll feel much better for it. Then trust and let go.
Dude...That is so scary..
I'm such a doof!
I couldn't lift my arms too much today so of course I tried to set up the Badminton courts. I was carrying one of the poles over to a slot when suddenly I lost my grip on my right hand and the pole came smashing down on my left arm.
Then I was cranking up the basketball net thingy and I somehow unhooked the pole part and it fell on my arm again.
Anyone who tells you badminton isn't a violent sport, obviously never tried to set up for it.
PS It is pretty violent regardless, cause there is smashing. Smashing good fun...Oh I crack myself up!
I have had the weirdest dreams the last three nights, but I cannot for the life of me remember them all...I'll try extra hard to remember it tonight! Hopefully it will involve a certain Knight and a lot of jello.
What? I like jello. To eat! Tut tut, really you people have such gutter minds.
In other news, I can't lift my arms because my backpack was so heavy.
But like I always say, who needs arms? Not me...
Oh, on another note: I miss Kiran. I was just reading her blog and was like "Dude! I miss her like a 12 Inch Ron..." Well, not exactly the same, but I still miss her. *waves at Kiran* I miss you! And it's just odd cause I haven't even known you that long. I reckon it's cause you're cool. Joy Rides bring people together yo.
Also known widely as the Fire Bird,
the phoenix is a profound symbol of the circle of life. It has a life cycle of 500 to 600 ears and after that amount of time, it sets itself on
fire and dies in the flames. Then after three days, it rises again from the ashes. It is a completely benign creature who lives in dew. It is
said that the phoenix has a beautiful melidous song which grows ever more mournful as its life comes to an end. It is a symbol of the
sun and immortality. The phoenix is a very worthwhile beast.
What mythical beast best represents you?
href="http://www.yayajon.com/watercircle/beastquiz.html">Take the quiz!
src="http://www.wiredreflection.com/tests/kuroneko.jpg" border=0 frameborder=0 alt="You are Kuroneko!">
Take the
"Which Anime pet are you?" test!
I love my blog!! And I can say that cause I didn't make it or nuttin. I love my blog! Neener neener!
Today in the writing club I volunteered to type up everyone's work. That's 14 or so pages. It took me thirty minutes! Hehehe I'm just so darn proud.
ISU is so far not happening...I just can't commit myself to sit and read and take notes. I just want to read and find out what happens that I can't seem to focus on any key information. I blame television for my lack of patience, and my ability to...uh...
Dang Counsellor. She said that I can drop programming, but it is up to me. Me. Dang it. Last week she was saying I could drop it because it was too stressful, this week she's telling me I should keep going just to say I did. Part of me really wants to finish that course and be like "HA! In your face programming!" Then the other half remembers how every test makes me cry....I think I'm going to drop it.
I can't find any shorts! All our summer clothes are in storage so my lack of shorts is all with the suckyness.
Oh! I finished my mix tape today. That excites me, and a dog somewhere in Norway. Those Norweigens, so weird...
What else, what else....Biology was fun today! We didn't do a lot of work, which means now I have homework, but those moments in class, when I wasn't doing work? Totally worth the homework I have now. Or at least that's what I'm telling myself.
I love the show Even Stevens. It's on Family Channel and it is so cool. I think I may be it's only fan. But I don't care! It'll be like the x-files, all over again...only without goo and and unresolved sexual tension.
Speaking of which, I'm going to finish my homework!
Kudos to all my Meece friends out there!
Assistant Director Walter Sergel Skinner
An assistant director of the FBI, Skinner finds himself in the uncomfortable position of guiding and protecting a pair of agest who seem hell-bent on following their own course-regardless of the consequences.
Though his actions often seem callous and contradictory to Mulder and Scully, a strong moral streak seems to run through everything he does. Whatever his personal beliefs, he won't sacrifice the system, cut judicial corners, or condone actions that clearly violate his own sense of honour-something that has apparently gotten him into hot water with at least one of the power players. If he has, from time to time, slipped Mulder addresses or information, stepped beyond the bounds of his office, or covered their backs, it seems likely that he was more willing to sacrficie Skinner the man than the office he filled. The demanding nature of his position apparently strained the seams of his personal life as well, to the point where he and wife Sharon, were on the verge of divorcing.
Special Agent Dana Scully
For a woman who joined the FBI with plans to "distinguish" herself, assignment to the basement offices of the X-Files, and to a partner generally regarded as a bit of a nut, probably wasn't high on her list of priorites.
Since then, however, and in spite of Mulder's tendency to patronize her, she's been an active member of a difficult partnership. While she'll never abandon her insistence on working from a sound scientific premise, Scully's no straitlaced, close-minded dovotee of the 'book'. In fact quite the contrary...
While still a student at Quantico, and surrounded by the Old Boys Club, she was secure enough with herself to engage in an open relationship with an instructor-despite the comments such actions might raise.
When even Mulder scoffed at some of the cases she brought in, like the 'rape' of a convalescent home nurse, she pursued them with the tenacityh he would have shown.
In some ways, she may even be more open to extreme possibility than her partner-she's not so quick to assume that God, or miracles, can be written off as no more than folklore.
Special Agent Dana Scully, even without Mulder's greater experience, is a force to be reckoned with.
School is so wack yo.
My law teacher is off recooping from her gang fight, where she took a stab wound to the stomach and had to have an operation (that's my theory), so I have a supply. Supplies aren't all together bad when you have them for a day or so, but I've had this guy for like, months! And he's not leaving until June! And he has no idea what he's doing in that class. The whole class cheated on a test we had. I didn't. So I could either have a 60% in that class or an 80%. I have no frickin idea. Mostly I go there now, listen to my walkman and do the day's homework.
Ah English. The only thing I'm ok at. Not much to say really about English...My teacher is really, really great and I'm doing okay. Only class I look forward too. And we started our ISU's today. I give it a week before I start failing in english.
Lunch is good. I like eating with Katka, Christine and Sarah of course. The windows breaking kinda sucks though.
Biology isn't all that bad. I like the people in it the work is hard. For me. I don't know why I took a science. I'm not a science person.
Finally I have programming. I love Katarina.
And that's a day in the life of Amy. You may all wake up now and proceed on to your many drug related doings.
Speller, I thought you were just being funny with the egg on the Humpty Dumpty trying to seduce you and I laughed. Saying "Oh that wacky Speller."
Then I looked down at the chip bag on the floor.
If I were on tv, the music would have gone doo doo doo and zoomed in on the picture of the little egg on the bag.
It's soo trying to seduce..someone.
On the back of the bag it's all smug saying "Guaranteed to Satisfy" and on the cover of the bag it's giving it's smug little smile and his eyes are open lazily.
New Blog Layout! Last night was the shows 7th last episode. That's right, seven.
The X-Files was one damn fine show back in the day. The pictures show all of the moments from past to recent. The lifetime of a show that I loved and had a big impact on my life.
Thanks goes out to Megan of course, because without her it would be nothing but...my old blog...
...and which lesser Harry Potter character are you?
You know you're weird when you keep capitalizing some Letters for no apparent reason...
test by Leanne
which CCS character are you?
I was just looking at my referrers and I swear people are always looking for naked people. Yeah, yeah, I realize that's not new, but I mean very specific people...Like Hermione. That's just wrong people.
Hehe, but I did get one for "yawning and tingling"..That's..interesting.
Ooh and Heidi's blog remains the website that gives me the most referrers. Yay Heidi! You rock, with 234 hits to my blog from yours. Meg comes in third with a whopping 127.
I need a new blog lay-out. I'm thinking I'm going to back to the x-files theme..since the it's going to be over soon. Forever. My favourite show in the whole world is going off the air. Well. I'm so slow. Things always hit me, like, two years after they do for other people. Like, I was talking to a bunch of my friends from out of Canada today and suddenly I realized, without the internet, I wouldn't be able to talk to them. I know, profound. This is why I'm as deep as a puddle, and twice as shallow.
Aww Speller was sappy, that's so kawaii kuso. Wait...Okay, minus the kuso part.
Happy Easter to you Katarina-chan!
Oy Megarina! Telling off Veronica...You're like, my weird clothes wearing hero!
Heidi-kins, I miss you.
Christine and Sarah don't read my blog. And they are short and blonde. Connection.
Gerrad and Dan are boys. That's all I have to say about that.
I'm just gonna randomly shout out Hi! to Kiran. Cause she's cool.
Jamie-chan, I dunno if you still read this or not, but I just found a picture of you from Darian Lake and I got all scared. Cause you're on the Ferris Wheel and it's high up.
Hmm what else, what else...Why isn't anyone online at 4:30 in the morning anymore? Oh yeah...Sleep.
My mom just came in my room and told me to close my eyes. Then I heard her walking around and I said "Mom, it sounds like you're putting 'egg-shaped-type-things' around my room. Like you were some sort of 'Easter-Bunny-type-person'" Then I got hit in the head with an egg...I don't remember a lot more after that..
Oh goodness..I thought that the kid in the movie Panic Room was a boy..But I found out last night (this morning) that it's a girl! I know! It's shocking. Unless you all already knew she was a she...Then I'm just dumb.
On that note, Happy Easter to All! And to all a good Egg!
My friend Trust is cool. I just discovered today that she is my long lost twin sister who was frozen for a couple years to give the illusion that she's younger, just so that we would not be able to figure it out. *breathes in* AND she is one of the only people I know who loves the x-files and is the coolest British person in the whole...Britain and I think one day that she will own the world.
I had this dream where me and Christine went and saw "The Panic Room".
The movie started out really cool, and I can remember exactly how it all went...Then it got kinda off track cause I guess I started thinking about the movie I had seen on tv (Brainscan) and they got mixed up.
This is how much I want to see that movie. I'm dreaming about it!
The Oscars blew. Cirq'd'solei(anyone corrects me on the spelling dies) was sooo coool! I went on, and on and on about how cool it was after they were done. But they were so cool! They flew and it was like Crouching Monkey, Hidden Hamster! So wicked. But hardly anyone good won. Eh, live and let Emmy.
I got Watcom Basic work on my computer btw, so now I can practice programming and suck a little less! GO ME!! Whooo!
I get bored on Yahoo Messenger so I often change my status...
I get bored on Blogger, so i will show some of my recent status'
"Water is the ice of life...you know, when it's melted"
"When I'm feeling down and blue, I just stop and say "Screw you!"
"Clowns aren't evil. It's the people who like clowns."
"That's funny, I get my medicine off the side of a truck."<--A friend status was "I get my medicine from the National Health department"
"And Moses said down to the people "Let there be a Keg"
"And the people said up to Moses "Party! Take it off!"
"And Moses took of his sandals and got jiggy wit it."
"And God said down to Moses "More Disco!"
"And Moses said up to God "Can we get some more Eve's down here?"
"Happy Easter! Shall your eggs be fertile and merry!"
"Easter Egg Hunting is always more fun with a gun."
"Easter Bunny+Traps=More Eggs for you."
"Feeling down and low? Get a mallet."
"Violence is not the answer. If you lose."
"Hitting is always funner in the dark. Funner."
"Kicking won't stop the angry bird."
"Love is but a swarm of bees. Some honey, mostly stings."
"Never trust the heart. It's mostly there for...being alive.."
"If you never know, then I never lied." <--From me poem. I share with the world.
"I hate love. But I sure do love hate."
"Love doesn't get easier if you run into the wall."
"Love is like a brick wall. It stops you."
"Love is better if you stop breathing and just pass out."
"Growing up is realizing you want cookies, then nookie."
"That's why you're the genius, and I've got a hat."
"Friends come and go. But wallpaper, stays forever."
"Wallpaper comes and goes. Friends stay until it's ugly."
"Friends are always there when you need a shoe."
"..unless it's a nice shoe. Then they're all gone."
"Sam loves Frodo. As a friend? We'll never know."
"I'd always be slowing down. Waitng for you to catch up."<--Something a friend said in regards to me stalking her. uh..stalking in a nice way.
Yes I realize I have no life...I don't care! Take that back! I don't care if she paid you a dime! What did you say?
Grrrrr Programming is hard.
But you know what's sad? I can't even hate programming.
Because really, I like programming. The teacher is really nice, and Katarina is in that class. And you know? When I get the stuff to work, it's the best thing in the world ever. So when I can't get it to work, and I have to bug poor Katarina to figure it out, it hurts so badly. I just wish I could do it.
You guys HAVE, I repeat, HAVE to go here Bad Teen Novel and read the novel thus far. Then go and read some of the comments. Oh I can't put it into words. Just go and frolic!
In honour of this being the last day of March Break, I have decided to blog. Save the apple sauce till the end of the post folks.
I had a really awsome March Break!!!
I saw a movie that didn't suck, other very wonderful things happened, I got a sweater....Well it's all good in my world!
Oooh speaking of my world, I must discuss the dreams I've had lately! They're bizzare!
The first odd dream was on Thursday night. I dreamt that I was having a big fight with Speller when the cute guy who sits behind me in english class(tcgwsbmie) came up and asked me to eat lunch with him. I complied and we sat across from each other at a table in a cafeteria that isn't from our school. I think maybe it was Buffy's old caf...Anyhoo, tcgwsbmie started telling me how much he liked me and how he wanted me to be his girlfriend. I was all blushing like a foo'. Then the phone rang and that dream was shattered. I think it's odd I keep having dreams like that when I really don't have a crush on the guy, I just think he's a cute drug dealer is all. I fell back asleep after the phone rang and had another dream. In this one, me and Heidi were on the verge of making this big invention. Or we were in charge of bringing McDonalds to like, France or something. It was odd. I was Heidi's assistant and it was great fun. About halfway through this dream, me and Heidi went to visit some friends and met up with friends. They were all very impressed with our smartness and we were all proud. Then I woke up. It was special.
Then last night I had two really odd dreams again. In the first one, I was at school and sitting in the stairwell. Megan came in and was talking to everyone all happy like. I said something like "Hi Megan!" and she got all scowly and then walked off. I followed and was like "Hey? What's up?" And she started yelling at me. It was quite awful. I woke up feeling all horrible, but then I fell back asleep. In this dream, Paige, from trading spaces, was my gym teacher. She told us she was getting married on Monday and we all clapped. Later, after school I'm assuming, I was walking by Paige's bunny farm (don't ask...) when her family pulled up in their big blue truck. Kelso(from that 70s show) was Paige's older brother, and Ron was her younger brother. They asked me if I was going to Paige's wedding and I told them I thought it was monday. "No no," said her father. "That's just to throw the media off, her real wedding is today. At 5! You must come!" I said "Paige would never forgive me if I came in jeans though, could you drive me ot my house and I'll get a dress?" They said sure and I got in the truck. Everything got very strange however, because we couldn't figure out where I lived. First we went to Ottawa, then Heidi's house, and then my Aunt's. Finally I rememebered where I lived and we drove there and I put my dress on.
Then I woke up. Which made me upset, because I really wanted to see the wedding.
I should clean my room....Heheheheh, yeah, I crack myself up too.
*sigh* I swear to Bishnou, I will never be done LofR. Ever. I'm still on the first book...in a 7 book series. I have five pages left....Must..keep...reading...
Hehe, I have to do my English homework. Why? Because Amy's lazy and doesn't do her homework until the last second. I also have to write a short story for the Writing club....Which is not working out because I'm drawing a blank. While driving in the car today I tried to think up an idea for a story and came up with the following "There once was a girl named Diane Stiles. She was seemed an ordinary girl, with ordinary looks and ordinary parents. But, as looks have often been in the past, they were deceiving. For Diane was no ordinary girl, but....The one girl to rule them all. the One girl to find them. the one girl to bring them all in the darkness bind them. With the help of her undead lovin friend Fluffy, the two must overcome all sorts of disasters. Like really big dogs, and rapid rocks...."
Alas, my mind has departed.
What to report...
The new house is wicked cool! I have to clean my room but other then that I really like it. It's big, it's airy and I like it bunches. Oh man, moving out was an adventure though. We had to get everything out of the garage of our last place. The guy who kicked us into the street stood there and watched us. Top it off he was drunk and kept mumbling. My mom and I had great fun insulting him however...We reckon he was to drunk to figure out what we were saying. It took us an hour and a half to get it all done.
We moved into our new place at 9:30ish and finished at 12. It was a harder move cause there are 12 steps to come down to get to the apartment. Then there was sorting of boxes and such. The next day I unpacked my WHOOOOOLE room and it's beautiful...in my opinion. All in all, pretty fun. I'll have to have you all over to see my cool room....cept I have no vcr that works...and a crappy computer....and no cable in my room...So maybe not. It would be so boring you would all die. Except you, cause you're already dead.
*sigh* I don't have my sin number so I'm scared that I won't be able to do my training again this Saturday. I'm verra worried because I'm kinda easy to replace and they may not want me if I'm gonna be a hassle.
Anyhoo, Badminton is verra fun! Today someone said they could never be my partner in badminton cause they'd laugh too much. I'm so proud...which is sad....screw you!
Hmmm what else....my vcr is all busted so I can't watch Buffy or Angel. Which pisses me off.
I'm gonna go do homework! I've decided that I'm gonna stop sucking in school now.
I love you all! Cept you. You can crawl into a hole and die.
I tied!
take the which one of
the trading spaces cast are you? quiz!
take the which
one of the trading spaces cast are you? quiz!
I'm moving into my new house on Thursday. Half of me is really excited, what with the adventure of moving and the happiness at seeing my family again and all. The other half is really quite sad. I've lived at Heidi's house for a month or so and I'm really going to miss it. I love everyone in the house. They welcomed me with open arms and smiles on their faces. They didn't make a big deal out of my situation, but they didn't ignore it. I had chores, responsibilities, a little sister, three whole new parents, another little brother, and the best sister who is also younger but only by a year or so, we'll call her my equal sister. I'm sure I got away with some things, like having showers after ten o'clock, but I was also told what was expected of me. For this I am greatful. I love this family, this house, this atmosphere. I never got too horribly homesick because I felt like I was home. Not to say I love my family any less, no, I just love a whole new family.
I came to Heidi's house with my backpack and a gerbil.
I'm leaving with a family.
Okay! No more serious blogginess! Here's a quiz result!
What Ayumi Hamasaki song are you?
Quiz by Mika Tsukino
Man I tried to post these since Friday!
Which Buffy Girl Are You? Find out @ She's Crafty
Oy! Katarina I like helping you with programming and absolutely don't mind at ALL! Infact, helping you makes me review my programming stuff and therefore helps me do better in the class. So thank you Katarina!
Stupid Eve. No seriously, I woke up at 7 in the morning with the worst kinda stomach ache. I had some advil though, and it went away in a little bit. Thank goodness for Advil is all I can say.
Oy, for the Anime convention I can't decide between Lain or Yuki....
I finished my biology last night! 3 in the morning! Then I finished my book "The Client" at 4 in the morning.
I thought I'd have more to say...And yet...
Stairway To Heaven |
You're probably really satisfied at this result. Why? Because it's the only Led Zeppelin song you've ever heard. You are a Top 40 junkie, although you probably think you're hip because you listen to "underground", "cool" bands like Dave Matthews and Radiohead. Frankly, my dear, you are a fad.
You wear Old Navy. You follow all the trends. You answered all the quiz questions with the most boring, uninspired choices. You are probably really popular. People who know nothing will always consider you really cool, but the people who really matter will not care much about you because there are way more people out there who are more interesting than you are.
Take the Which Led Zeppelin Song Are You? Quiz
That is just depressing.
I was meant to be a member of L'arc~En~Ciel! I'm not too crazy when it comes to how I dress or how I make my music, but I'm still cute.
Take the "Which J-Rock Band Should You Be a Member Of?" quiz by
Which Action Star Are You? Find out @ She's Crafty
What is YOUR Highschool label?
I am the nature-loving Jesus. There seems to be nothing that will stop me from protecting the earth and my furry friends. I may also have a hidden passion for sweater knitting.
Take the What Jesus Would You Be? Quiz
I LOVE MEG!!!!!!
I love Meg! *waves at Meg* She got me a perty carnation on valentines day! I love Meg! And not just cause the flower is all pretty and nice! No sireebob! IT coulda been a shiney rock and I still would have loved it. Cause it came from my best friend. You're da best Meg! I LOVE MEG!
On another note, it hurts to chew. It's not a teeth issue I don't think but every time I eat something lately it takes forever for me to finish chewing. I think it might be because I'm exhausted but then I also think it's because I'm not feeling good. Which may have been caused by my exhaustion. I'm not sure. I'm not a DR! I'm a lawyer! Wait...Am I Lional Hutz? Is that the write spelling? Moving right along.
Otay this is totally silly and blame it on my lack of sleep and stomach ache. Lately, everyone's being really nice to me and I greatly appreciate it all. Everyone is really helping me out right now and so I desperately want to help someone, anyone, back. I just want to help someone back y'know? So today Megan forgot her pencil case in her english room. I volunteered to run and get it. I ran to the English room and saw that it was locked. So I went to the music room and asked the music teacher guy (who seems scary to me) to unlock the door. He complied and followed me into the English room. Flaw in my plan, if it was my pencil case lost (cause I reckon most teachers wouldn't like the idea of getting someone elses pencil case...it made sense at the time), why wouldn't I know where I sat? I desperately tried to look under all the desks but I was running late and I didn't see it. So I ran across the school and back to my classroom. A failure. And I know it's stupid cause it is JUST a pencil case but I still felt super bad about it. I just wanted to help someone. And that's it...So I'm sorry if anyone was worried about me or anything like that...It was not my intention, I just felt badly. Which is silly.
My commentary on Buffy, do not read if you didn't watch and plan too in the future. And and and...Uh...Yeah I get bored easily.
Look! Buffy ain't boinkin anyone! This is like..a Buffy miracle!
That guidence councillor is so evil.
Poor Dawnie.
I like Buffy's hair...
Hehe, that guy is cute.
Aww Willow looks sad about her present.
Awwwww No Buffy! DAWN! Pay attention to the shop lifter! Shop lifter!!
I like Sophie. She's swell!
Run Dawn! Make an escape for it!
Oooh I knew the councellor was evil! Look! It says right there!
Who are you? MOM!!!! *wipes tear* I love me some rubbermaid commercials.
I wonder what Dawn wished for...To be the center of attention...OR a spin off sitcom.
I really like everyone's eyes in this episode. Especially Dawn's, they're so perty.
Dance Anya Dance! Get jiggy wit it!
He moves his arms like Keanu Reeves!
Spike all evil looking, while this guy...What's his name? Brad? Has cute eyes and hair.
Hehe oooooh Tara! You're the swellest! Watch Spike kill her. Then that would suck.
Willow's dead.
"Doing fine" See, that's the sign of lust and desire.
Hehehe Tara is my hero!!! And she's playing poker with the fellas!! This is like..so wicked awsome!
Spike's gonna burst into flames any second.
Ritchie! That's it!
Buffy's eyes are nice too. Blue eyes rock!
"We do not joke about eating people in this house!"
Aww Willow is back to being a good character, I like her again.
Tara's my favourite though.
No one can leave the house!!!
Oh Dawnie, so silly.
Tara's eyes are closed she looks funny.
Awww poooor Dawn. No one likes her.
Oooh she has a twitch in her eyebrow. Nice acting.
*music of confused and angry teen*
They all look pretty judging there.
Cornfield? Oh Xander, so insane.
"Do you want me to ask my other self?" Nice.
Heheh Oh Xander. Music was cool!
Dawn's got an EVIL voice!
Teens are all possessed.
IF they had Giles none of this would happen. He'd just put on some leather and everyone would have to do whatever he said.
Other freaky work girl?
Guy with the skin problem?
Where are they?
"That's great! In a very bad way."
Tara is so my fav character. I'm all about the adoring of her and her goodness.
Yummy Rice!
Pretty Ritchie eyes and hair.
It's a skin condition and he's very sensitive about it.
Ooooooh evil silver goo!
Buffy Rule "If a guy has a sword, it means a commercial is coming."
Noo!!!! Cute guy!!
Upstairs? That makes no sense at all. They really shouldn't move a stabbed guy.
Why haven't they taken his shirt off? I mean...helloo..The guy was stabbed, maybe they would like to see the wound.
Oh my god! If Xander and Anya do the wild thing I'm so gonna hit Zalina..Cause she's the closest to Joss Whedon I can get.
*seperating* Phew...cept...If Anya dies....Or Xander...That would serve Dawn right.
I say they go and kill Dawn. Answer to all the problems.
Stupid Anya!!! Willow is not allowed to do magic!! Nooo! Maybe if she refuses...Tara will love her.
YEAH! I knew it! I am sooo good!
Anya's gonna make Bunnies come.
Evil guidance councellor! BTW I don't care that I'm spelling that wrong. I don't. No one tell me the right spelling, I'm happier this way.
YAY!!! Stolen good are always fun!
NOoo!! Stupid Mr. Stabby! Maybe we'll find out that Dawn didn't need the vengence demon, and she just has the power on her own, since she's the key and all.
Yay! Glad commercial!
Heheh People lick cars.
*closes eyes* No one get killed....no one get killed..no one get killed...no one get killed....no one get killed....no one get killed....no one get killed..
YEAH!! Not even the evil councellor!
Willow....Tara....The love that is so cute.
"Use the force wisely young Willow....Don't go to the dark side.."
Garbage bags! Darn Llama's!
Good episode *I* think!
I'm doing my law homework....Therefore I have a fresh batch of quiz results. Go me!
I'm the tie dye Doc Marten...
play me some Grateful Dead,
alter my consciousness a little
and I'm a happy camper!
Which Doc Marten are you?
(by *coffeebean*)
Take The Scooby-Doo Test!
*Take This Test!*
*Take This Test!*
I am 55% British, just like
Hugh Grant
Thought you drive a British sports car you are most likely to have a blowout in LA.
Take the Brit Quiz at
Quiz written by Daz
Take the Monopoly Piece Quiz!
Take the Which Breakfast Food Are You? Quiz.
the cute dork test. just click it.
Ah, life is a grand little experience.
I'm currently staying at Heidi's house (which is the best place....ever!) for the next little while. The rest of my family is(was) staying at my Aunt Karen's house. In Richmond Hill. So everyday my Aunt Karen drives my mom and dad to work, and my brother to school. She's a sweetheart. So anyhoo, on the weekends I will come to my Aunt Karen's hosue to see my family and let Heidi's family be rid of me. This was the plan. Now, however, my Aunt Karen's husband has decided that no, my family cannot stay at their *HUGE* house. So my family has been kicked out again. Great. Happily however, my Aunt Diane, who is reallly, really, nice, has said everyone can stay at her little place. Now, no one must think my Aunt Karen is to blame, cause she is superly wonderful and I love her dearly.
Oh hey, on an upside my cold is gone and I learned a really addictive card game.
Update on me life!
Thursday night I went to Heidi's house!
Friday morning my pet gerbil died.
Friday night my brother came to Heidi's house!
We still don't have a place to live!
Saturday still at Heidi's house!
Sunday went to a really cool hockey game! Karl won!! He's the bestest.
Sunday night me parents went to a hotel with my brother and I'm still at Heidi's house.
Currently? I'm fixing up this blog cause it didn't post yesterday at Megan's house.
Oh, Julie's really, really cool. And and and she likes stuff. And and she didn't tell me to blog anything. And she's a gorrilla in love.
You will marry CHRISTIAN (played by Ewan McGregor) from Moulin Rouge, live in a sparkling elephant at the Moulin Rouge, and spend your days righting wrongs and singing songs because all you need is love (and it helps that it's Ewan McGregregor you're living with ^_^).
What's YOUR M * A * S * H future?
Take the 100 Acre Personality Quiz!
You are Squall , you're silent and you have pretty hair =)
Who In Final Fantasy VIII Are you? x_o
I love the new blog layouts!!!
Good job Speller, Katka, Heidi and Megan!
It makes me want to do my blog layout...Almost makes me want too..
I won't have the internet for the next couple days ya'll, so no yelling if I don't blog.
What FIGHT CLUB character are you?
One day I shall rule the planet. And on my planet only geographers and scientists will be allowed to eat Pork. And all people will be treated differently. Every individual will be treated the way they want to be treated. Cept for the bad people, they'll be sent to Utah. On my planet Utah will be the place where bad people go and will only be allowed to sing the Amy Anthem and no other songs. And cats will be expected to bring slippers, dogs will be expected to go to the bathroom in boxes and squirrels will not be allowed to live in trees! No! They will live in hutches and dining room tables! In my planet your parents will have to listen to you when you want them too! And will shut up when they're being mean! On my planet you can like anyone you like, who cares if they have thirteen fingers! On my planet cheese will not be banned, but distributed to all. On my planet I will watch music videos between televison shows! On my planet, wars will be fought with pool noodles and stern looks! On my planet everyone will have to say what they're thinking, when they're thinking it! On my planet I won't have to move anymore! On my planet I will be able to not finish sentences, even if they're
I did these tests so long ago, but I forgot to post my results. So here's my results!
I thought so long about what I could actually blog about...then I realized I didn't. Stupid Amy.
Ah ha! Fer the Carebear one I had a tie! See what Care Bear you are.
Or I'm See what Care Bear you are.
*I* didn't cheat on this one.
I don't quite get it. I am smarter, fitter, and bolder
than my potbellied brother ever could hope to be, yet he gets all the fame, fortune, and glory, not to mention Peach's heart. If
only I was the first player in Super Mario Bros... things could have been different. Maybe I can make a comeback, now that I
finally have my own game.. but probably not. After all, I'm just Luigi.
What Super Mario Bros character are you?
You can take the
McDonalds Product Test by Matio64
You are Edward Wong Hau Pepelu Tivrusky the
A strange and fun loving kid. You are an expert computer hacker and have all the really important, meaningful
dialog in the series :).
Which Cowboy Bebop Character Are You?
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- Hi!
- Oh and if you wanna see something funny, just come...
- Hehehe my test results didn't post right...But I d...
- DisorderRatingParanoid:LowSchizoid:LowSchizotypal...
- You are a DUMBLEDORE to Harry! You are kind, nice ...
- It's my dad's birthday! Now he is 41! Hehehehe I l...
- The eternally lost boy. Find out what anim...
- whichEpisode II character are you? Probably the g...
tháng 4
- I love work!!!!I love babysitting!!!More later.
- Oh dear lord...My book just suddenly took a turn f...
- You are striving to make favourable impressions al...
- I'm such a doof!I couldn't lift my arms too much t...
- In other news, I can't lift my arms because my bac...
- Also known widely as the Fire Bird,the phoenix is ...
- Hehehe
- I love my blog!! And I can say that cause I didn't...
- Assistant Director Walter Sergel SkinnerAn assista...
- Kiran's cool! Thanks I love my layout, all thanks ...
- Special Agent Dana ScullyFor a woman who joined th...
- Song of the milisecond: John Jacob Jinglehymansmit...
- Arugh! I was at the bus stop today and this car s...
- Sarah just came on msn. Sarah's cool! And and a go...
- School is so wack yo.My law teacher is off recoopi...
- *sniff* Speller wasn't here today. My one reason ...
- Kawaii blogs Katarina and Heidi!! The kitty dude ...
- Speller, I thought you were just being funny with ...
- New Blog Layout! Last night was the shows 7th las...
- ...and which lesser Harry Potter character are you...
- Take the Pokémon character selection testhere!Test...
tháng 3
- test by Leannewhich CCS character are you? I was ...
- My friend Trust is cool. I just discovered today t...
- I had this dream where me and Christine went and s...
- Happy Birthday Kiran!!!!See, I said Happy Birthday...
- Grrrrr Programming is hard.But you know what's sad...
- Note to self: Never dye your hair anything that...
- Hi.
- OMG!You guys HAVE, I repeat, HAVE to go here Bad T...
- Finally Legolas is there. I'm not a slow reader, ...
- In honour of this being the last day of March Brea...
- What to report...The new house is wicked cool! I ...
tháng 2
- I'm moving into my new house on Thursday. Half of...
- Man I tried to post these since Friday! Which Buf...
- Oy! Katarina I like helping you with programming a...
- You AreStairway To HeavenYou're probably really sa...
- Ahhhh!! How could I forget!!! Thank you SOOOOOOOOO...
- I LOVE MEG!!!!!!I love Meg! *waves at Meg* She g...
- BUFFYMy commentary on Buffy, do not read if you di...
- I'm doing my law homework....Therefore I have a fr...
- Ah, life is a grand little experience.I'm currentl...
- Update on me life!Thursday night I went to Heidi's...
tháng 6