Stairway To Heaven |
You're probably really satisfied at this result. Why? Because it's the only Led Zeppelin song you've ever heard. You are a Top 40 junkie, although you probably think you're hip because you listen to "underground", "cool" bands like Dave Matthews and Radiohead. Frankly, my dear, you are a fad.
You wear Old Navy. You follow all the trends. You answered all the quiz questions with the most boring, uninspired choices. You are probably really popular. People who know nothing will always consider you really cool, but the people who really matter will not care much about you because there are way more people out there who are more interesting than you are.
Take the Which Led Zeppelin Song Are You? Quiz
That is just depressing.
I was meant to be a member of L'arc~En~Ciel! I'm not too crazy when it comes to how I dress or how I make my music, but I'm still cute.
Take the "Which J-Rock Band Should You Be a Member Of?" quiz by
Which Action Star Are You? Find out @ She's Crafty
What is YOUR Highschool label?
I am the nature-loving Jesus. There seems to be nothing that will stop me from protecting the earth and my furry friends. I may also have a hidden passion for sweater knitting.
Take the What Jesus Would You Be? Quiz