Trying something new.

Songs that Remind me of People

Wind Beneath My Wings: Zalina

***Okay, so it's corny, but it's true.

There She Goes by Cher: Megan

***It just all makes sense in my head.

Walking in Memphis: Katarina

***Cause she's my only true X-Files friend.

Cruel to be Kind: Heidi

**I reckon cause I feel like I'm mean to her all the time, but I love her.

Your Winter: Meg

***Can't figure out why...but I will!

Spiderbait: Christine

***Cause it's all sweet, then all crazy. Like Christine!

Spectacular, Spectacular: Sarah

***It's so wild and crazy but still makes sense on some sense.

Bad Reputation: Dan

***Obvious reasons.

How Wonderful Life is, now that you're in the world: Some guy I know

*** Cause he's swell.

Duvet: Gerrad

***I dunno....It just does.

More to come of course...(And if anyone is offended by these songs, please come and talk to me directly. Even if it's to punch me in the shoulder.)