I did these tests so long ago, but I forgot to post my results. So here's my results!
I thought so long about what I could actually blog about...then I realized I didn't. Stupid Amy.
Ah ha! Fer the Carebear one I had a tie! See what Care Bear you are.
Or I'm See what Care Bear you are.
*I* didn't cheat on this one.
I don't quite get it. I am smarter, fitter, and bolder
than my potbellied brother ever could hope to be, yet he gets all the fame, fortune, and glory, not to mention Peach's heart. If
only I was the first player in Super Mario Bros... things could have been different. Maybe I can make a comeback, now that I
finally have my own game.. but probably not. After all, I'm just Luigi.
What Super Mario Bros character are you?
You can take the
McDonalds Product Test by Matio64
You are Edward Wong Hau Pepelu Tivrusky the
A strange and fun loving kid. You are an expert computer hacker and have all the really important, meaningful
dialog in the series :).
Which Cowboy Bebop Character Are You?