Assistant Director Walter Sergel Skinner

An assistant director of the FBI, Skinner finds himself in the uncomfortable position of guiding and protecting a pair of agest who seem hell-bent on following their own course-regardless of the consequences.

Though his actions often seem callous and contradictory to Mulder and Scully, a strong moral streak seems to run through everything he does. Whatever his personal beliefs, he won't sacrifice the system, cut judicial corners, or condone actions that clearly violate his own sense of honour-something that has apparently gotten him into hot water with at least one of the power players. If he has, from time to time, slipped Mulder addresses or information, stepped beyond the bounds of his office, or covered their backs, it seems likely that he was more willing to sacrficie Skinner the man than the office he filled. The demanding nature of his position apparently strained the seams of his personal life as well, to the point where he and wife Sharon, were on the verge of divorcing.