The topic for news this week is 'When I grow up I'd like to be....'
Not unnaturally this has prompted much angst for Miss Medium who has flitted between wanting to be a dress up fairy for children's parties, through to a famous artist who draws flowers.
Warms the heart doesn't it?
So yesterday we sat together working out which career path to choose as my other son navigated the perils of his times tables.
In desperation I asked her what the other children had talked about. All fairly standard career paths.
Then she mentioned *Freddy.*
Freddy apparently wants to be a robber when he grows up and to steal stuff and do graffiti.
While I calmly made a mental note that to suggest to her teacher she might want to check these talks first, I then had to answer some very awkward questions.
You know, what 'tagging' is, why do robbers steal stuff? will they steal our stuff?  and the pearler 'Mum I'm scared of robbers.'
Having experienced various burglaries as a child, I'm not wild about them either.
Thanks Freddy.
And then Miss Medium announced she'd changed her mind.
Inwardly I prayed it wasn't to be a hooker or something else equally wondrous.
Ballerina apparently.
Judging from what I've read about 'Black Swan' I think I'd prefer her to be a robber.

Image courtesy here