I have just watched the first two seasons of Dexter.
I started to watch this with Cate but she did not like it – and it can indeed be a bit grisly. So I waited until she went away to have another look. It is fabulous – and decidedly one of the best TV series I have watched.
But it is an acquired taste and may not have universal appeal - although there have been 5 series so far so there must be a large audience.
Dexter is a blood spatter expert with the Miami Police Department Homicide Division. He is also a serial killer who kills serial killers who have escaped justice – or who have the potential to escape justice.
He renders them unconscious and then straps them to a table with Cling Wrap, murders them and then dismembers their bodies and dumps them in the ocean in black plastic bags. I think it is sponsored by GLAD.
It gets a bit grim in parts but is also wildly entertaining and makes me laugh out loud a lot with its black humor. I think it is brilliant and I just love it.
Dexter the serial killer is a bit strange (well..yeh), very complicated, and very dark. He has a whole bunch of demons rattling around inside his head and this could have been caused by him watching his mother be dismembered by a chain saw in a shipping container when he was three years old.
I mean that would do it – right? That or drinking too much Coca Cola too early in life.
There are parts of him that remind me of myself – dark, brooding, tormented, a real loner - although I don’t think I am a serial killer. But who can tell these days.
Sometimes I wake up with bloody feet and this could be a sign.
Until I saw Dexter I had thought it was just Sissi attacking my toes - but perhaps I stalk the streets of Vienna at night and kill people with my feet.
I scour the Austrian Independent now looking for clues about my possible my nocturnal behavior but most Austrians seem to die by falling off the roofs of barns or into machinery (or both) - and there is really very little incidence of people being murdered by feet and dismembered.
To guard against any possibility I now tie myself to my bed with a dressing gown cord so that I cannot stray in my sleep. This does mean that I cannot quite reach the bathroom if I wake in the middle of the night so it can cause problems – but hey – better than murdering people.
Incidentally white rabbit is a blood spatter expert so I would be a bit wary of him. Although if he is a serial killer he probably only does Republicans and who could complain about that.