It's one of my favourite times of the week where inspired by Maxabella I think about what I am grateful for.
I'm not going to sugarcoat it for you dear reader. It hasn't been a great week. 1)husband away 2) sick children 2) feeling a bit left out socially 4) deadlines etc etc.
The renovations are coming along dustily and this weekend I am going to the local fair. I love a good fair.
I baked this as well. And my brother photographed it. He's awesome.
Now here is my grateful focus.
One of my "crutches" is Kikki-k. I adore it. I have my diary for next year safely stored away and the wall calendar is filling up nicely.
But one of my most recent ideas was that to get the most benefit from my new kitchen (still a disaster area btw, nothing to see here yet I'm afraid) I wanted to streamline my recipes and get new ones. So I've been raiding my mother's cookbooks and leafing through my old ones.
And I bought this superb folder from them where I can store my new favourite recipes in one place instead of operating from several different cookbooks.
It's chic and gorgeous. Just like my kitchen will be eventually. At least, that's what I keep telling myself.
I was given a voucher for Kikki-K shortly after buying this and instead of using it myself, I thought it would make a lovely giveaway to one of my lovely readers. My way of showing how grateful I am.
It's worth $60 which should buy you something(s) rather lovely I hope.
To enter:
please follow or subscribe to my blog, or leave me your carrier pigeon details so I can contact you if you win.
And leave a comment saying what you're grateful for this week.
I'll pick a winner on Friday.
Have a lovely weekend everyone.