We were meant to be working on our Mothers Day Rory's Garden project yesterday but we had to postpone till today. Yesterday it was cloudy, and the weather was patchy at best.
My head ached from where I had slammed the car door on it. yes I am an idiot
today it is a beautiful clear, crisp day.
Today we have everything we need to create something unique and special.
Today Richard and I will be working together for you.
Today in a week saturated with the saccharine, the commercial, the superficial, we will remember a very special group of mothers.
Mothers who love their children beyond time and space.
Mothers who love their children every day even though they are not here to care for.
Mothers whose hearts will ache on a day that celebrates them, whilst they continue to mourn.
My heart is with you.
And today we will begin to honour you and your precious, unique role.
Keeping you in my heart this week