It occurred to me as I was driving home from work for the second time today twice in one day, don't ask! to wonder what Mrs Spit had for lunch. I mean, what do Canadians eat for lunch? I apologise if this is a woefully ignorant question. Is there a national dish? Should I try it?
And then I wondered if The Unproductive One was having a good day, not an okay one, but a good one.
I thought of Stacy missing her precious Isaac.
And I thought of Bec and hoped she wasn't going through OHSS and I hoped that Mr Small hadn't yet found a way to unlatch the front gate and run outside.
I thought about my friend Liz and hoped she was having a lovely birthday and that the flowers I sent her arrived safely
I hoped that word of Rory's Garden was spreading and reflected on some of the beautiful emails we have recieved about it.
Such were the meanderings of my mind today during my drive home.
And this is what I want to know.
What did you do today? I just want a snapshot, a sense of what you did or didn't do. What you ate and how you felt about your day.
And by this I mean you who take the time to read my blog. Because maybe I didn't think specifically of you today, but I probably did yesterday, or I will tomorrow.
And so often I wonder.
Often at bedtime after story time has been completed my small ones will say: "Tell me about your day mummy."
And so my friends, tell me about your day.
I'm listening.