Cupcake Camp Bournemouth

I attended Cupcake Camp Bournemouth recently. The event successfully raised over £1,800 pounds for Macmillan Cancer Support. I took a lot of photos on the day, click here to see them all. A lot of hard work into organizing the event.

Cupcake Camp Bournemouth

I donated Chocolate Pretzel Man Cakes. There aren't any cupcake shops in Bournemouth (as far as I know) but there are plenty of home businesses in the area. Nearly all of the cakes donated were from professional bakers. I really wanted to take a picture of each kind donated but it was too busy and the cupcakes dissapeared really quickly!

Here are some of my favorites from the day (if anyone knows who made these let me know and I'll update each photo).

Cupcake Camp Bournemouth
Bournemouth Beach Hut by Lucy's Sugar Shack

Cupcake Camp Bournemouth
Fish n' Chips also by Lucy's Sugar Shack
Cupcake Camp Bournemouth
Mother's Day Cupcakes

This was the best tasting cupcake of the day I think! It was a nut and spice combination.

Cupcake Camp Bournemouth
On the whole I left the event feeling a little disappointed. When I left the last cupcake camp I attended, I left on such a high (not just a sugar high). This event had a different vibe.

I felt it was over before it even started. The event was advertised to start at 2pm and run until 5pm. When I arrived at 1:40pm to set up my stand people were already taking cupcakes. I wasn't pleased when people kept trying to take them before I'd finished getting my display ready! The judging competition was also finished before the start and by 3pm all the cupcakes were gone and it was over. The good news is that people seemed to enjoy themselves and there were lots of kids having fun.

As a baker, in my opinion, I was disappointed that the businesses gave themselves a big profile and I thought the charity seemed to take second place. The event was organized with good intentions however.

I am excited for the next cupcake camp and I'm already thinking about some mind blowing creations!