Lists have been made and taped to the fridge. I am pretty sure they'll be ignored, but it's been a comforting exercise writing them anyway.
I've made the decision this trip will be a bit of work, A LOT of play, and very little rest. I figure I can sleep on the plane.
Before I leave, we celebrate my first born's birthday. I farewell my parents on their travels and at some point I have to turn the hypothetical: 'what will I pack in my travel bag?' into, you know, actually packing my bag. So there's a fair bit to do.
But I travel with my mind eased on one issue of GRAVE CONCERN.
Historically, high heeled shoes and I do not have a great friendship. It's more a one way love affair, with me the swooning admirer, and the shoe itself ready to wreak havoc at any opportunity.
And so even though I love wearing them, it's really just too painful.
Recently I had the fortune to attend a talk with a person I have long admired. I immediately spotted her all too fabulous shoes and wished longingly that I could wear said items, for any length of time without developing blisters and aching bunions.
Oh yes, my feet are devastatingly attractive.
I chatted with the object of my admiration afterwards and as we walked across the grass together she took a pair of flip flops out of her satchel and removed the shoes.
This, she told me with a knowing nod, meant she got the best of both worlds.
And really, that simple tip transformed my world.
So when you see me at the ABC I will be wearing some wondrous high heels.
But in fairness, you should also know that whenever the opportunity arrives for me to hide my feet, as in, we're sitting at a table or something.
The flip flops discreetly tucked away in my bag will be coming out.
I felt it only fair to be completely honest with you about this.
See (many) of you on Saturday.
Got any secrets to share?