One sure fire invite that sends me running as if I am being chased by a brown snake, is that of The Baby Shower. For me, it is a swift and automatic NO as an RSVP. I do not know why I detest them so much. Maybe because they are horrendous. I suspect I am not the only one? And as I am quite vocal about my dislike for Baby Showers, when one of my friends has one, they aways tell me "I am having a baby shower but I am not inviting you because I know you will not come and the invites cost $7.50 each so..... you know..." And I thank them profusely. There is a mutual understanding and no offence is ever taken.
But I got an invite emailed to me (cost $0) from the sister of a friend who is expecting shortly. This sister does not know me very well, but does know I played a large part in the setting up of her sister and Mr Woog's best friend. So she assumed I would be thrilled to attend. My pal Annie followed up the invite with a call "Please do not come, I know how much you hate them." which goes to show how beautiful she is. And she is. Amazing.
But Mr Woog had already RSVP ed for me so I got together my usual Baby Shower Present. Nappies and Booze.

Straight up, the thing I liked about this baby shower was it was held at a fancy ass waterfront restaurant instead of some random aunt's flat in Parramatta. And there was champagne. And the menu was sublime.

Beautiful view from our table, which was occasionally interrupted.

Table Arrangements.

Guests were mainly lawyers, with a few relatives and Annie's sister and her sister's best friend, who did not look dis-similar to Nicky and Paris Hilton. But I was mainly there for the food. NOM.

Gifts were unwrapped. Mainly little white organic blankets.

And it was disturbing to discover that Seed and Country Road believed in branding from birth.

But the Star of the Show is still a few weeks away. I am betting it is a boy and suggest the name Godwin. Annie is a designer bump girl as opposed to me and my own version of a minke whale with 6 chins.

So, out of the 4 Baby Showers I have attended in the past, this was not the worst one I have been to. Because there were no ridiculous games and some lovely champagne. And that is high praise indeed, or at least as good as it gets.
Baby Showers. Love Them or Loathe Them?