So tonight we did what we usually do on a Friday. I loaded up the offspring in the car and we met my husband at the beach. Usually we all have a paddle in the waves and cool off. We head to the beach at least twice a week, once on Fridays and then on Sundays for Nippers where the two older ones learn about water safety.
But tonight was little bit different.
Tonight it was a S.P.E.C.I.A.L occasion.
Tonight we had a surfboard in tow for the very first time, and we had what the offspring refer to as "The Magic Strap."
The wonderful people at Surfbabysurf sent me The Magic Strap, though I hasten to add, that's not actually its name. It's official name is Learn2Surf strap. You'll see why the offspring ended up calling it that though!

They had also generously sent us this adorable towel.

So cute that my son took it in for his news segment at school. We used it during the week so the offspring could learn where to stand on a board.
The magic strap can be used by children aged between 2 and 6. It's designed to help adults (even those with limited surfing skills) to teach their children to surf.
Tonight Mr Small was having a diva moment and declined.

However Mr Large who has NEVER been on a board before went from this

to this

in moments.
Nuff said.
The generous people at SurfBabySurf sent an extra "Magic Strap" which I am giving away this weekend. I'll happily ship it worldwide so please feel free to enter my overseas friends.
a) make sure you are a follower of my blog
b) leave a comment saying who you would like to win this for. I'm working on the theory that most of you are a wee bit too adult to use it for yourself!
I'll draw the winner by random integer on Sunday night.
And apparently we're headed back to the beach tomorrow. Miss Medium says it's "her turn!"
Have a great weekend everyone!