It had snowed a bit the night before, but I wasn't too concerned about that, and was just hoping there wasn't too much crusty accumulation from weeks prior as there was on Lookout last weekend. I think I finally learned my lesson today.
The first couple of miles up FR100 - pretty much jeep track - weren't too bad as I was able to get into the tracks of a hunter's ATV that had been through before me. However, once I hit the ridge it was fresh powder on top of really rutted, deep and crusty nastiness. I gave up on the run and hiked the last half mile to the summit (10,305'), which offered some nice glimpses of mountain-scape through the trees to the south and up the Poudre Canyon to the northwest.
Much like last week, I gave up on a planned longer loop and came straight back down for 6 miles and 2,000' on the morning. Not the greatest workout, but it's always good to be out in the woods.
Although I'm done with Buckhorn for the winter, I'll definitely be back in late spring to log some serious miles up here. Box Prairie begins at 8'300' and offers quick access to some solid 10,000'+ miles if you head South out to Lookout, Signal and beyond. The trail up West White Pine continues north up to Old Flowers Road, offering some short, long and longer loop opportunities.
Through the lower elevation stuff today, and on Lookout, there were some nice aspen groves, which would no doubt be stunning for an autumn run.