James Woodford for The Sydney Morning Herald reports on a high-tech egg hunt that is a race against time to save the rhino, whether that be the southern black rhinoceros, or the Northern White featured in Last Chance To See.

Dr. Thomas Hildebrandt is at it again with his $100,000 ultrasound-guided "needle". Who said romance was dead?

Trying to get a one-tonne beast up the duff is a tricky business.

The scene was a blend of a formula one pit stop, an army field hospital, Old Macdonald's farm and a construction site. And that was before one took a good look at the one-tonne beast on the operating table.

Nearly 2¼ hours into surgery at Western Plains Zoo at Dubbo, Dr Thomas Hildebrandt knew he had only a few minutes before his giant, dangerous patient, a 20-year-old, critically endangered southern black rhinoceros, would have to be roused.
"For the northern white rhinoceros, this technology is the only way to save the species. It's a race against time."