I've been out galavanting around the Southeastern US the past few days, averaging more than four hours in the car each day with gas at $3 a gallon, but let's not even talk about that.

On the other hand, let's talk about gas prices because we really, really don't need to be talking about my unabashed, off-the-rails three days of eating fast-food in the car.

I did have a real sit-down dinner one time, at an Italian joint--don't ask--and one sit-down lunch at one of those pizza-and-sandwich bistro type places, where I had an interesting conversation (held over a lunch whose contents I'd rather not discuss but let's just say there was white flour involved) about how weight-loss programs are so very difficult to maintain concurrently with a social life.

Yeah, an excuse, I know. But it does make it hard unless you're as focused as a terrier after a...well, after anything. Terriers are really focused.

So I'm still having trouble -- after two months of this -- getting my groove back and stringing more than a few good days together at a time.

On the positive side, I've been able to maintain my 65-lb loss. On the negative side, I've been maintaining it for about three months now.

(Knocking on skull)Must.get.out.of.this.funk.