This has got to be one of the coolest videos this year (let's hope it doesn't start a fad of ritual indie-kid sacrificing), and as it turns out, it's actually directed by the the band's bassist John Famiglietti. In a recent interview on Pitchfork he discusses the process of making the video. Among other things, such as the video having an impressive number of 1200-1500 cuts (which might fascinate movie geeks), he declares that: "All the dancers, and the girls standing behind Jake, are our girlfriends."
Now, does anyone else find that the guys have strangely homogenous taste in women? Or is it just that all the indie-kids are starting to look freakishly alike? Also, The Pillow Book (which is my most recent literary love affair) gets a mention (though, in the form of the Peter Greenaway film, not the book).
Moshpits and fake blood... Nice!