Henry Cotto, have you been crying because the 1990 - 1994 Countdown has finally drawn to a close? Well, I say save your tears and consider this: how will people remember you? For your on-field glories, or because your 1994 Topps card makes it look like you're ready for your closeup? My money's on the latter. For all the many thousands of words we write exulting the sports card as an artistic, historical and cultural triumph, its one true legacy is that it's funny. Very funny, to be exact. Whether it's a sight gag or the subject has an outlandish, Dickensian name, there's fun to be had in the representation of sports so often devoid of that very quality.

Here are a few examples.

The best part of it is that you can say his name a couple ways, but my favorite is the stoic, historical observation: "Man. 'E Leaks."

The joke here is on Rudy. Who wants their contribution to one of the best Topps sets of the Seventies to be shown popping up? This is also funny because if this photo had been used three years earlier in the 1972 set, it would've been under the heading Rudy Meoli In Action.

Nothing about this Ray Fosse card is obviously funny (besides his facial hair). I find it funny because I've realized he looks like Honus Honus, lead singer and pianist for the crazy band Man Man. You can see the resemblance for yourself by clicking here.