In an interview for the Manchester Evening News, Stephen Fry says that his apparent knowledge about practically everything (readily on display during every episode of QI), is as much down to simple curiosity as it is to his colourful formal education. Fry's autobiography "Moab Is My Washpot
" covers his school days in hilarious detail, and is highly recommended.
For some reason, I am greedy for knowledge about all things. It's not in order to show off, although it often looks as if it must be. It is a genuine excitement, a thirst for knowledge.The interview took place in Miami, where Stephen is currently filming a documentary covering all 50 States in America.
So I tend to stop and pick things up more than others will. But as far as intellect and wisdom and other such things are concerned, I'm not sure I can compete with many others.
As well as finishing his US film, Stephen, 50, is travelling to South America, Africa and China for a documentary on endangered species, inspired by Douglas Adams' book Last Chance To See.