I do not know how to spell the name of the tall guy with the blond hair and the really low voice. I think he was a former player for Coach and then became his assistant. This is an issue I touched on in the Golf post and I thought I should clear it up before I go any further with this blog. Coach and the others seem to be pronouncing his name: “dah-burr” but I’m not really sure how to spell that. Also, probably, this issue of how to spell his name probably wasn’t talked about a lot on the show.

Actually, there was probably like a running gag where UPS dudes would totally mispronounce his name when they were delivering him a football or some other type of thing. I bet it was all kinds of hilarious mispronunciations like “Rhubarb” or maybe “Doobie”. And I bet his real name was like, Clarence or something non-masculine that he was all ashamed of and that Coach made fun of him for because Coach thought it was a great joke to insult his friends’ masculinity. But not in a mean spirited, ignorant sort of way; more like a “that’s just how I was raised,” old-fashioned sort of way because he was a College football coach.

Anyway, I need to decide how to spell this name. I think I will go with “Dauber,” because “Dobber” seems a little philistine, and “Dawber” a little too affected.

So from now on, that tall guy that was Coach’s assistant, I will spell his name “Dauber”.