
Public Enemy-Your gonna get yours-De Jam
Ricky Calloway-Tell Me-Kay-De Records
Donna Hathaway-Sugar Lee-Rhino
Roy Budd-Carter-PYE
Mass Production-Shante-Cotillion
Stevie Wonder-Do Like You-Motown
Gary G Jenkins-Friday Night-Expansion
Choonz inc-Set You Free-Choonz Inc
Leela James-Rain-Warner Bros
Weldon Irvine-We Getting Down-Sony
The Devils-Exorcist-people
GIL SCOTT-HERON -The Liberation-Soul Brother
Doc and Prohibition-Nothing has changed-Laurie
Avani with Rashann Patterson and Carl McIntosh-Watching You-Dome
Jaguar Wright-Free-Artemis
Sunburst Band-Here is-Z Records
cLEAR-Taste the Music-ATLANTIC
Barbara Mason-Yeh I’m Ready-
Steppers-Step it up-PDP
Mickey and the Soul Generation-Iron Leg-Maxwell Records
Rapping Reverend-I ain’t into that-CDBGPD
Angela Johnson-Whatever it takes-Dome
Ts monk-Too much to soon-Mirage