Oooh God! The dog. With the licking. The paw.


I almost feel like letting the dog eat and eat and eat (which is all it WANTS to do anyway) just to see if it would explode. But it would probably get sick. Then I'd have to clean it up. And I'm opposed to that.

I hate the dog. *shakes head*


I had a good/bad Day!

well I went to sleep verra verra happay. Dude really really happy. I love Maygan. Which is good! Slept in though, which is bad. Caught the bus, which is good! Fell asleep though, which is bad (since I shoulda studied). Went to Rasia's, which is good! She was in the shower though, which is bad. I left her a note, which is good! But left the wrong phone number, which is bad. Met the funniest girl, which is good! Forgot when my class was though, which is bad. Got to class on time, which is good! Realized the assignemnt I thought was due Friday was due today, which is really bad. Left the lecture and did it, which is good! Couldn't find my damn TA, which is bad. Got to my Science lecture, which is good! Missed the first half...which is good! Cause they're really quite boring. In a good way. Cause I do get to see Jaspreet/Zalina/ Kiran. And /. Good ole /.

I think I'm gonna do something wacky..Called showering/studying. Yup, slash is gonna be there too. Cause ya gotta have the slash.

Ah but I have to mention. I sorta freaked out when I realized the assignment wasn't done and was due and again Rasia was there for me. I sent my assignment to her, she printed it out for me, edited it too...Like...Dude. How cool is she? I'm beginning to think she's a friggin Angel...And I don't even know if I believe in like whoa.

Oh! And if you wanna read something and get really super pissed off for fun! Here ya go /!