Missy Elliott -Pass that dutch version -(Elektra)
Soundmaster + SK1 -Bad sound -(Rewind)
The Bug w/Wayne Lonesome -Buckle up version -(Shockout)
Remarc -Drum n'bass wise -(Planet Mu)
Computer Paul & Weepow -Ganga Lee version -(Father Pow)
Djsos Krost & Cornstick -Thunderoll -(PanAmericana)
Kenny Knots -Ring my number -(PanAmericana)
Amen Andrews -Guilty -(Rephlex)
Yee-King -Goodnight Toby -(Rephlex)
Rude Bwoy Monty -Title unknown -(White Label)
Billy Boyo -Zim zim -(Silver Camel)
Joe Gibb & the Professionals -Colour TV -(Soul Jazz)
Paul Blackman -Earth, wind and fire -(Silver Camel)
Augustus Pablo -Ras Menelik -(Congo)
Augustus Pablo -Fat baby -(Earmark)
Count Ossie & the Mystic Revelation of Rastafari -Let freedom reign -(Rhino)
Jah Woosh -Lich him with a dustbin -(Original)
Twilight Circus Dub Sound System -Alpha skank -(M Records)
King Tubby & Thompson Sound -Trying dub -(Auralux)
Azul -Pipe piper -(Wackies)
Omar Perry -Rasta meditation -(Sound Boy)
Wailing Souls -Fire coal man -(Pressure Sounds)
Augustus Pablo -Upful living -(Message)
Prince Far I -Golden throne -(Trojan)
Cornell Campbell -I Heart is clean -(Silver Camel)
King Tubby -Zinc fence dub -(Silver Camel)
Tapper Zukie -Dread on the mountain top -
Wayne Jarrett -All I want to do -(Moll-Selekta)
Doctor Pablo & the Crytuff All Stars -Righteous melody -(Hitrun)
Grandmaster Melle Mel & the Furious Five -Freestyle -(Antidote)
Ty -Ha ha -(Big Dada)
LoTek HiFi -Percolator -(Big Dada)
The Nextmen -Firewalking -(Scenario Records)
Kid Koala -Sknaky panky -(Ninja Tune
Dub Syndicate -Kingston 14 -(On U Sound
Rica Amabis -Mulata assanhada -(Rough Guide
Monkeytribe -Delaware (phon.o remix) -(Meteosound)
Guido Mobius -Pick nick -(Klangkrieg)
T.O.K. -Unknown language -(Greensleeves)
Desmond Dekker & the Aces -Music like dirt -Trojan (tjddd112)
Lloyd Charmers -ishan cup -(Trojan)
Joe White -Ganja -(Trojan
Audio Active -Melty way -(Beat Records
Bob Log 111-Wag your tail like a dog in back of truck-(Fat Possum/Epitaph)
Captain Yaba-Yaba Funk-(Retro Africa)
Billy Pikkel-Engineering Days-(Eli Records)
Paul Blanty-Chai and a Chillum-(Cheap and Best Records)
Butterbeans and Susie-Papa ain't no Santa Claus, Mama ain't no christmas tree-(Viper Records)
Half Man Half Biscuit.-It's cliched to be cynical at christmas.-(Probe Plus)
Los Straitjackets-Let it snow-(Yep Rock)
Frank Zappa-Don't eat the yellow snow-(Ryko FZ)
Charles Brown-Merry Christmas Baby-(Viper Records)
Vinny Peculiar-Replica Shirt-(Shadrack and Duxbury)
Dinosaur L-Go Bang-(Soul Jazz)
Jimmy Edgar-Morris Nightengale Theme-(Warp)
Louis Sclavis-Divinazione moderna I-(ECM)
Astor Piazolla-Metier - Prelude-(Warner Jazz)
Mice Parade-Focus on the roller coaster-(Fat Cat)
Birthday! Birthday! Birthday!
Who has a Birthday? A lot of bloody people!
Happy Birthday to Emma! Who turned 18 on Sunday!
Happy Birthday to Kat! Who just turned 18 on Monday!
Happy Birthday to Heidi who just turned 18 on Tuesday!
Holy crap people! Y'all are catching up to me! In age! ...But not in coolness.
I love you three with all my heart.
Sorry everyone else. No room left for you.
Commadores-Girl I think the world about you-(Motown)
traamps-Can we come togethor-
Peven Everett-Testin me (Gutbucket mix)-(ABB)
Louie vega-A better day-(Elements of life)
Charlie Wilson-Beautiful-(White label)
Love and salt-Un tour de monde-(Damara)
Roy ayers-Baby doll-(rapster)
Frank popp ensemble-You've been gone to long-(Expasion)
Esther Phillips-I've never found-(Soul brother)
Graham central station-The jam-(Harmless)
Joe-Ride wit u-(Jive0
Amy winehouse-In my bed-(Island)
Cee Lo-I'll be around-(Arista)
Beenie Man-Dude-(Virgin)
Rosie Gaines-I cant get u of my mind-(Dome)
Stacey kidd-Where did it go-(Masters at work 12")
Amp fiddler-Possibillities ron trent rmx.-(genuine)
Quantic soul orchestra-Take yiour time-(Tru thoughts)
Al Green-I can't stop LP-(Blue Note)
A soldiers sad story -Various artists johhny and jin-(Kent cd)
Musiq-Give more love-(Def Jam)
The Lovely Heroine
Required: brunette hair, heart-shaped face, sweet
smile. Must have basic knowledge of White
Magic (on-the-job training will be provided).
Must also be willing to gradually fall in love
with the Hero Without A Past.
CAUTION: There is a guarantee of near-death
experiences inherent in this job, with a 1-in-4
chance of actually dying. You have been
Examples: Aeris Gainsborough, Rinoa Heartilly,
Princess Garnet Til Alexandros, Yuna
A Final Fantasy Casting Call
brought to you by Quizilla
Hee! So Katarina and Megan hacked into Sarah's blog and then she was all "waaaa?" and they were all "chahuhh" Oh man. That whole thing made me laugh sooo hard.
Then ya'll were talking about archives so I went to look at Megan's first couple of posts..and lookie!
"I'm checking out Amy-chans blog now so lets see what she has to say"
Amy-chan? Bahahahah! Loser! ...maybe I'll check out my old posts...but I won't! Haaaa!
Aw...sometimes I remember how much I loves you guys.
You really would not kill anyone because you find
human life to be valuable. It's just not in
you. If you slew someone, it would be by
accident or out of defense. That's good for
you. You know that people live their own lives,
and you live yours. Killing is bad. Very bad.
Unless of course, you're in a situation where
you must.
WHY Would You KILL Someone?
brought to you by Quizilla
This was found on Bash.org. It contains Spoilers of the third LOTR.
I dedicate it to Footey.
1. Stand up halfway through the movie and yell loudly, "Wait... where the hell is Harry Potter?"
2. Block the entrance to the theater while screaming: "YOU SHALL NOT PASS!" - After the movie, say "Lucas could have done it better."
3. At some point during the movie, stand up and shout: "I must go! Middle Earth needs me!" and run and try to jump into the screen. After bouncing off, return quietly to your seat.
4. Play a drinking game where you have to take a sip every time someone says: "The Ring."
5. Point and laugh whenever someone dies.
6. Ask the nearest ring-nut if he thinks Gandalf went to Hogwarts
7. Finish off every one of Elrond's lines with "Mr. Anderson."
8. When Aragorn is crowned king, stand up and at the top of your lungs sing, "And I did it.... MY way...!"
9. At the end, complain that Gollum was offensive to Ethiopians
10. Talk like Gollum all through the movie. At the end, bite off someone's finger and fall down the stairs.
11. When Shelob appears, pinch the guy in front of you on the back of the neck.
12. Dress up as old ladies and reenact "The Battle of Helms Deep" Monty Python style.
13. When Denethor lights the fire, shout "Barbecue!"
14. Ask people around you who they think is the next "Terminator" sent from the Middle Earth of the future to assassinate Frodo Baggins
15. In TTT when the Ents decide to march to war, stand up and shout "RUN FOREST, RUN!"
16. Every time someone kills an Orc, yell: "That's what I'm Tolkien about!" See how long it takes before you get kicked out of the theatre.
17. During a wide shot of a battle, inquire, "Where's Waldo?"
18. Talk loudly about how you heard that there is a single frame of a nude Elf hidden somewhere in the movie.
19. Start an Orc sing-a-long.
20. Come to the premiere dressed as Frankenfurter and wander around looking terribly confused.
My personal favourite is 16.
This is from an Email I sent my buddy Erin. It tells the story.
So I wake up at 10 O'clock Wednesday afternoon...Make my bed, get my books all together, have a nice shower and go downstairs into the kitchen.
It's about 10:50 when I get downstairs. I see there's dishes int the sink, so I take my watch off to do them. My Aunt comes into the kitchen and sits down at the table and asks if I have my house key. I'm like "yeah! I haven't lost it" and she's like
"No your key to your house with your parents."
"Oh yeah, I think so. Why?"
"I think you should go home tonight."
"Why? Did something happen to my brother?"
"No. It's just not working."
"What isn't?"
"You're just not working out here."
*tears up* "Aunt Karen I'm going to get you your money, today! I was just going to put my chequie in the bank..."
"It's not about the money Amy...it was never about the money. You're just not ready to move out."
"You're irresponsible. You left the iron on, and the stove on last night."
"I didn't know the stove was on!"
"Why do you think your food was hot then?"
"Because you had just eaten?"
"Be realistic about this Amy. You're immature. Every time we leave I'm so afraid you're going to do something wrong."
"But I always lock the door and feed Sadie!" (the dog).
"Your whole attitude has changed...."
"I've been so busy with school."
"Then maybe you'll concentrate better at home."
"I concentrate better here..."
"We're tired of babysitting you Amy."
This is where I suddenly saw my Aunt for what she is. And While I'm pretty much sobbing, I started to laugh, this really unnatural laugh. Not because it was funny, but because it just didn't make any sense.
"See, you're not even taking this serious. You're laughing."
"So you're kicking me out."
"I'm not kicking you out...." I think she wanted to say I was kicking myself out. But she just trailed off as I looked at her with shock.
"You upset your cousin and your don't do your responsibilities!" ...I wish I could convey how harsh her voice had now become.
"I love Arlene!"
"Well Kim told her that you thought she didn't like you."
"When we were kids!"
"Well, whatever. How do you think it made her feel that you wouldn't talk to her about that?"
"I never meant to hurt Arlene...."
"And you talk back to your Uncle."
*shock* "I talked back to Uncle Mike? When?!"
"Last night when he was asking you what would you do if we were gone and not working the same schedule as Arlene. You said you had a lot of friends."
"I was trying to reassure him that you guys didn't have to worry!"
"Well that's not how it sounded. And plus you said "What would Arlene do" if she didn't have a car."
"That's because I didn't know what she would do! Maybe she knew a bus route or something!"
"Well that's not how it sounded."
"Okay...Okay...Okay" Trying to calm self down. "Things are getting miscontrued. And there's misunderstandings...How, how am I going to get home?"
"I already spoke to your parents"
"So they know you're kicking me out?"
"Did you even look for that key you lost?"
"Of course!"
"Did you ever find it?"
"No.....You've never lost a key?"
"Not one I've never found"
"I have to catch my bus."
"Take as much as you can with you."
Runs upstairs and in the hysteria takes ..dental floss. This is pretty much what I was saying as I tried to get things together.
"Okay...Okay...shh....Amy it's ok. Everything's okay...Shhhshhh don't cry. Stop crying. You're going to miss your bus...shhhh" But it came through in broken sobs. For some reason I took Arlene's old watch off and put it on the bathroom sink saying "This isn't even my watch! I'll put it here...Arlene'll find it..."
Then I went back dowstairs, STILL sobbing, as my Aunt sits at the kitchen table, not getting up.
I'm carrying my over stuffed back pack, few notebooks when I open up the closet. My coat isn't even...my coat. My Aunt and Uncle bought it for me. The amount of anguish that filled my heart is indesribable. I called to my Aunt
"Can..can..can I take my jacket?" (FYI I use to have a stuttering problem when I was really little, and I lapse).
"Of course you can take your jacket. Do you have your house key?"
"To this house? Yes."
"Leave it here."
"I'm not going to try to break in or anything!"
"I need it, leave it here."
So I rummage through my bag and fling it onto the hall table and pretty much run out the door.
I walked to my bus stop sobbing and I called my best friend Speller, my friend in Nevada, and Niloo. Leaving very hysterical messages. I also called Arlene apologizing for ever upsetting her ever.
I get to the bus stop and get on the bus, still sobbing uncontrollably.
Get to school, beginning to clean myself up.
Find Niloo in the hall...Start crying hysterically again...Niloo is so great Erin. Seriously. If she hadn't been there, I probably would have thrown myself infront of a mob of freshmen or something. Niloo went to class, found my friends. Much comforting, still more crying. Went to get something to eat (she kicked me out before I could eat food).
Am walking outside when I hear a voice behind me. Kim! By this point I know it was Kim that told Arlene something I told Kim in confidence. I start on Kim...I'm like..."Hi *bursts into tears*". Chatty chatty.
Somehow Rasia and Geoff (two new friends who I adore) find us, so I'm explaining it all to more people....*phew* It's all with the crazy.
Then I had to study for a huge test that I had that day....and I tried to be strong...But sometimes my little head would start reflecting back the mean things my Aunt said..and the..tears...
I went home to Bramptonia that night where I told the story, again.
Seems the plan is I live here at home and on Monday's I crash at my pal Rasia's to make it for my early Tuesday class. You know how I can't work at the Outback no more....*sigh* I'm really gonna miss you guys.
Oh, and when Arlene got my message she called her mom and was like "Why would Amy call me crying?" and my Aunt was like "cause I kicked her out" and now they're kinda fighting because Arlene can understand why they kicked me out (*shrugs*) but she thinks they should havegiven me more time to like, give two weeks notice to work, maybe go through midterms...Instead of like, throwing me out. So I'm not mad with Alrene...and she aid she was never, ever mad at me. And she liked me. She does agree that I'm immature though.
Now, I'm not the type of person who really thinks that highly of themselves...but I know I'm not immature. I act like a little kid sometimes because it makes me happy, and it makes people around me happy. I'm not immature, I just know what a loss it is to act all "mature" all the time. But that's okay.
Hmm what else...
Oh oh! Niloo is like..the nicest ever. Dude, she remembered how I put my watch off at the house and so she got me one of her old watches to wear....Like..dude. So nice. Everyone has been so nice to me...It's crazy. In like the nicest way possible.
So yeah, that was my adventure.
[my name is]: Amy!
[in the morning i am]: A new place every day it seems.
[love is]: a reason for staying...around.
[i dream about]: waking up.
-W I T H .T H E. O P P O S I T E. S E X-
[what do you notice first?]: Hair..usually. I like hair. It's nice.
[last person u slow danced with]: Slow danced? Uhmm...I don't know...
-W H O-
[do you have a crush on?]: Crush is such a funny word.
[is easiest to talk to]: no one really.
-H A V E .Y O U .E V E R-
[fallen for your best friend]: *sigh* Most usually.
-W H O .W A S .T H E .L A S T. P E R S O N-
[you talked to on the phone]: Erin, telling her my cousin would drive me home to Bramptonia and she didn't have to come pick me up. .
[hugged]: Arlene
[you instant messaged]: Rasia
[you laughed with]: Niloo
-D O .Y O U / / A R E .Y O U-
[could you live without the computer?]: Well yeah..It doesn't give me food and such. ..Oh, but if only it did. Ah...Sheep.
[what's your favorite food?]: Do you/ are you what's your favourite food? This makes no sense. Okay...Um...I like pizza a lot. And mashed potatoes.
[whats ur favorite fruit?]: Gilbert! Cause he's gay..Ohhoho I'm so funnay. Umm...I like apples.
[what hurts the most? physical pain o emotional pain?]: I wanted to be different say physical pain, but that's not really true..So how about the pain of when you're really sad so you hit the desk and then there's a splinter on the desk and then your hand hurts and then you hand and your heart both hurts a lot? That's not cool.
[trust others way too easily?]: And how.
-N U M B E R-
[of times i have had my heart broken? ]: Ooh boy. Um. My heart breaks for other people so ...easily...so...A lot.
[of hearts i have broken?]: ...Questions like this makes me feel...so..bad...bad.
[of boys i have kissed?] : I kissed..Umm 3.
[of girls i have kissed?] : None. God dammit. I mean..... ... God dammit.
[of drugs taken illegally?] : Zippo! ...Less that's a drug. Cause I mean none.
[of tight friends?] : Heh, I liked Meg's answer to this question. But I'll look at it as "close" friends...wait..then it's still kinda dirty...hehehehehe No. I think I have 5 really close friends.
[of cd's that i own?] : Umm.. 4? Maybe? Yeah, burning cd's is funner. Oh unless burned cd's count! Then I have 7. Ooh yeah that's right babe. 7.
[of scars on my body?] : Scars eh. Umm. Probably under 10. .. I get a lot on my hands...
[of things in my past that i regret?] : There isn't a day that goes by that I don't regret something. So...let's say that started from the age of 5...multiply the number of days in the year by 14 and there you have it. Oh, I could do the math. But I'm not gonna. Ha.
[i know]: lot about people, nothing about fruit.
[i want]: a hug. I like them. If I could be in a state of huggingness for most of the time, I would.
[i have]: very bad impulse control.
[i wish]: people weren't so stupid.
[i hate]: how stupid people are and have been.
[i miss]: most everyone, all the time.
[i fear]: that one day I'll really hurt someone, I'm really close to..again.
[i hear]: Wish you were here by Rasputina...the live version apparently.
[i search]: for the right thing to say.
[i love]: Maygan.
[i care]: at times too much.
[i always]: Want to run away from my troubles.
[i dance]: horribly. Seriously people...Are there classes? Tapes? I'm really bad.
[i cry]: quite often...
[I'm not always]: immature. I just like to be happy.
[i write]: poorly...in that my pen is cheap! Hahahahahhaah.
[i confuse]: Many.
[i can usually be found]: Dude, I don't even know.
[i need]: a whole week to go by where nothing bad happens. Won't be this week, or next...but one week. Rather soon would be nice.
[wuss]: Roller coasters are scary people...Shut upppp..
[druggie]: Really no.
[gang member]: I'm the treasurer.
[daydreamer]: I try not to be.
[alcoholic]: It's too expensive.
[freak]: More silly than freakish.
[brat]: Naw, I was a pretty good kid.
[sarcastic]: A lot of people put me as there most sarcastic person. I would say they need to spend more time with Erin...or meet Erin.
[goody-goody]: And how!
[angel]: I'm no Angel. Maybe Willow.
[devil]: I do like red...
[friend]: I hope so.
[shy]: Hmm no.
[talkative]: I don't shut up. Ever. I'm reading what I type, right now. Yeah, that's right.
[adventurous]: Yeah man!
[intelligent]: Not in the most common defnition of the word.
-Concerning.The.Friends.(You.Claim.To.Have)-[Why did the title get all offensive now?]
[wish you saw more often]: I really miss ---The people I miss know who they are.
[wish you could meet]: In person? Cause like Maygan and Emma. Like, meet at all? Ellen DeGeneres.
[most sarcastic]: Amy...I'm kidding! Erin or Rasia.
[wish you knew better]: Niloo
[knows you best]: Speller and Maygan and Emma
[best outlook on life]: Hmmm. Everyone's so bitter at times...I'll say....Niloo.
[your best feature (personality)]: I really mean my smiles.
[your biggest flaw]: Personality? I lie, a lot. Lookwise? My legs. Blargh.
[most annoying thing you do]: I tend to follow people around like a puppy.
[biggest mistake you've made this far]: I dunno. Every mistake feels like the biggest.
[describe your personality in one word]: Hmmhmm.
[the physical feature for which you are most often complimented]: My smile
[height]: Yeah..I dunno..5.6.5?
[a smell that makes you smile]: My clothes after stayin in Rasia's room. It's got a nice smell in there.
[a city you'd like to visit]: Fallon, though, it's probably just a town. And London, just to visit...Not London Ontario.
[a drink you order most often]:Pepsi
[a delicious dessert]: Your face, suckah! I mean...Chocolate chip cookies.
[a book you highly recommend]: Harry Potter and Hitchhikers...It's been awhile since I've read for fun.
[the music you prefer while alone]: Really sappy songs that make me cry.
[your favorite band]: At the moment I gotsta say Belle and Sebastian...Yay
[a film you could watch over and over]: Hedwig and the Angry Inch
[a TV show you watch regularly]: Ooh man...It's been awhile since I watched tv...The Ellen show?
[you live in the]: Heh. I'm just laughin at how if I had done this quiz only three days ago I'd have to answer differently. I live in Bramptonia.
[your transportation]: Bus. So..much..the bus.
[under your bed or in your closet you hide]: Bed: Boxes of old presents Closet: Sexuality..Wait no! hahahahahahhah...*cough*
Lessons Amy Learns
1) Sometimes one's family can be compared to a sizzling vortex of undescribable pain and anguish, gushing with just a bit of heartbreaking stabs.
2) I have the best friends...in the world...Seriously.
3) Sleep is good.
4) So...very...good.
5) Though, other things that aren't sleep are fun too. Like sheep...I mean, not like sheep. I learnt nothing, silly girl.
You are Form 0, Phoenix: The Eternal.
"And The Phoenix's cycle had reached
zenith, so he consumed himself in fire. He
emerged from his own ashes, to be forever
Some examples of the Phoenix Form are Quetzalcoatl
(Aztec), Shiva (Indian), and Ra-Atum
The Phoenix is associated with the concept of life,
the number 0, and the element of fire.
His sign is the eclipsed sun.
As a member of Form 0, you are a determined
individual. You tend to keep your sense of
optomism, even through tough times and have a
positive outlook on most situations. You have
a way of looking at going through life as a
journey that you can constantly learn from.
Phoenixes are the best friends to have because
they cheer people up easily.
Which Mythological Form Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Your element is Water. You are a deep person and a
good communicator. Incredibably loving and
loyal when your trust is gained and you are
fairly mature.Myterious to the utmost water is
in everything. One can be an Ocean or a river
but nobody truly knows you.
What's your element
brought to you by Quizilla
The Big Five Personality Test |
Extroverted | |||||||||||||||| | 66% |
Introverted | |||||||||| | 34% |
Friendly | |||||||||||||| | 58% |
Aggressive | |||||||||||| | 42% |
Orderly | |||||||||| | 40% |
Disorderly | |||||||||||||| | 60% |
Relaxed | |||||||||| | 36% |
Emotional | |||||||||||||||| | 64% |
Intellectual | |||||||||||||||||| | 80% |
Practical | |||| | 20% |
Conscious self | Overall self |
ENFP - "Journalist". Uncanny sense of the motivations of others. Life is an exciting drama. 8.1% of total population. |
The Oracle Advises... |
Go to bed |
Ah, wanna hear about my day so far? Of course you do.
So last night Maygan nearly chokes to death as she checked out airline ticket prices to see if they had jumped at all. They had. So I decided to go travelcuts at York to check it out. No airline flights are available for under $670. I don't have $670. I have $420. The prices are only going to get higher, and the seats less and less available.
So now I don't know what to do...I mean, I want to go to Nevada. I have to go. But I don't have that much money and even if I work and get it there's no guarantee the tickets will be available anymore anyways. Fanfriggintastic.
So now I'm way not happy. And I have to go to class. And then work. And then I think I'm gonna allow myself a good cry. God dammit. My parents don't want me to go to pay for school, my friends all worry about it...The only two people who really want me to go are myself and Maygan. God, I'm tired.
God...I did so many quizzes. Look.
You're the loving smile,the one that is entirely
devoted to others,especially that one
person.You really can't get them out of your
head,but then,you don't really want to.
What Kind of Smile are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
What Gundam Wing Character Are You?
What Anime Stereotype Are You?
What Anime Type Are You?
What Anime Legend Are You?
What Anime Vampire Are You?
Who's Your Anime Girlfriend?
Who's Your Anime Boyfriend?
All stolen from Meg's lj
What's Your Outlook on Life?
brought to you by Quizilla
Type 11: Tsuzuki/Hisoka. It's obvious, but they
won't admit it. It's a frustratingly sweet
What Type Of Yaoi Couples Are You Drawn To?
brought to you by Quizilla
Which deadly sin do you represent? (Angel Sanctuary Pics)
brought to you by Quizilla
Duran Duran - Someone Else Not Me
Tis a great song. Get it now...Nooooow.
Ooh I had the worst yesterday ever. I shall report...later. Not tonight...or tomorrow...But one day.
If I survive this week...I'll be so happay.
Tis a Happy Happy day!!!
I slept in! Ooh goodness it feels...so...good...
I got an A on my first test evah...Had a midterm yesterday. Nooo idea. *shrugs* Shall wait and see!
I'm talking to Sarah and Gerrad and that's it. And they're cool.
I know that the article was way annoying Gerrad! That's why I put it up. Cause it's funny how mad it made me. Yay!
Heidi, I didn't put it up to be like "ewwwie, sex". I was just trying to show the stupidness. But sure yeah we'll make up something new and call it ....um...Possibly strongbad. And Heidi you should blog all the time. It makes me so happy! Like this ^___^. My eyes even become little triangles.
Zalina is coooooool. I'm gonna try to see Kill Bill today! Cause you said it was good. ANd since we agree on everything...it must be good! Right?...Right??
I like Matt's blog for many, many reasons. But! The most recent reason is just the other day I was telling my friend how I didn't even win the chance to play again. Pepsi's all in my face like...Whaaaat, and I'm all like pssssh whatevah. Hehe I was talking like that at york the other day...you should have seen the looks these two chicas gave me. Soooo funny.
Today Rasia and Geoff (her friend) are coming to get me and we're going out. Tis my first Saturday off in a while and I"m sooo excited! ohmygosh how cool is that. And heeey...I'm off on next Friday so I may come home to Bramptonia ...uh...so..if anyone wanted to...do anything...with..me included...ness...yeahuh?
And Sarah! Coming Thursday! WOOOOOOOOOooooOOOoooOOoooOoooOoooo!
The End.
Oooh God! The dog. With the licking. The paw.
I almost feel like letting the dog eat and eat and eat (which is all it WANTS to do anyway) just to see if it would explode. But it would probably get sick. Then I'd have to clean it up. And I'm opposed to that.
I hate the dog. *shakes head*
I had a good/bad Day!
well I went to sleep verra verra happay. Dude really really happy. I love Maygan. Which is good! Slept in though, which is bad. Caught the bus, which is good! Fell asleep though, which is bad (since I shoulda studied). Went to Rasia's, which is good! She was in the shower though, which is bad. I left her a note, which is good! But left the wrong phone number, which is bad. Met the funniest girl, which is good! Forgot when my class was though, which is bad. Got to class on time, which is good! Realized the assignemnt I thought was due Friday was due today, which is really bad. Left the lecture and did it, which is good! Couldn't find my damn TA, which is bad. Got to my Science lecture, which is good! Missed the first half...which is good! Cause they're really quite boring. In a good way. Cause I do get to see Jaspreet/Zalina/ Kiran. And /. Good ole /.
I think I'm gonna do something wacky..Called showering/studying. Yup, slash is gonna be there too. Cause ya gotta have the slash.
Ah but I have to mention. I sorta freaked out when I realized the assignment wasn't done and was due and again Rasia was there for me. I sent my assignment to her, she printed it out for me, edited it too...Like...Dude. How cool is she? I'm beginning to think she's a friggin Angel...And I don't even know if I believe in Angels...so like whoa.
Oh! And if you wanna read something and get really super pissed off for fun! Here ya go /http://www.frc.org/get.cfm?i=IF03H01!
You know you're bored when....You blog. *nodnodnodnodnod*
Ooh I'm not feeling good at all. I think it was something I ate. Which means it coulda been something from Taco Villa, Pizza pockets, or a spiked Martini. The paaaaaaain. But it's okay, cause my Aunt wants me to clean the bathroom anyways, so if I'm in there already....It all works out. What with the throwing up. You needed to know. Shuddup.
Twas a sucky week chillrun. Cept when I was with Zalina or Rasia. On Tuesday I went partaying wit some pals o'mine from school. Not one of my smartest of moves. It was fun and all till we got to the bar where I was given a Martini. But! Not just any Martini! But a super duper hard Martini. If anyone knows what a bounty is...that's what it was. *shrugs* Anyways, seeing as how I hadn't eaten and had been on my feet since 6:30 that morning it had quite the hit on me. I don't know if I was drunk, cause I never got drunked before. But I didn't feel all that well. Then this chicka Monica was there and she's cool but has decided she don't wanna be my friend which made me sad. Then I went back to the dorm room with my friend Lizzie where I slept on the floor. With a towel as a pillow. I shouldn't complain...but I am. Dorm floors are hard!
Then seeing as how Lizzie had an 8:30 class I was kicked out at 6ish. Twas chilly. So I stumbled over (lil hungover perhaps) to Rasia's residence. Chilled in the lobby until 8:30ish cause I knew she'd be getting up at 9 for her class. Called her, Rasia came and got me. Rasia's nice. Slept there until 1. Rasia decided class is highly overrated. Then I decided not to see Erin Brockovich and we went and got lunch at Taco Villa.
Then eventually I got home had fights with many a people and sulked. And that really just brought my week down. But Rasia did make it happier in some bits. I know I'm going on and on about her, but she's like the essence of University right now.
Now I'm not feeling all that good and in kinda a sad mood. I can't seem to lift the saddness away. I cleaned my room though, which was fun...But I lost a phone card. Which is not cool. So Speller, if you read this luv, could you get me one more? I'll give ya the money for em Tuesday. ...Okay not Tuesday cause you're not there...Wednesday!
Special by Garbage is a good song. I think it may have been on an episode of Daria...Maybe. I dunno. It reminds me of Daria though.
I have to do my Sociology project...tonight...Maybe. I want to get it done way ahead so I don't croak. But I can't visualize myself doing it. Which ain't good lemme tellsya. As an English major, you'd think I'd use proper..y'know, English...But nooo. It seems to be declining even moreso. *shakes fist...at...self*
Any second now my Aunt's gonna ask me to go to help get groceries...so I try to hide by not going downstairs. I don't wanna stop talking to Maygan dag nabbit. Eeeeevah. Blarg. No more blogging pour moi.
What a craptacular day.
You represent... naivete.
So innocent and trusting... you can be very shy at
times, but it's only because you're not sure
how to act. You give off that "I need to
be protected vibe." Remember that not all
people are good. Being too trusting will get
you easily hurt.
What feeling do you represent?
brought to you by Quizilla
Oh yeah, that's me.
Go there, watch videos. Fun.
Sound of dog licking self...hate...so....much...*cries*
Movie of...Such...greatness....Hedwig and the Angry Inch. Meg's already raved about it, and such. I recently saw it (Tuesday) and it's beautiful. Everyone should watch it. And if you don't like it...then you suck. The end.
Wig in a Box is stuck in my head...all the time. And I'm happy about it.
My new friend Rasia rocks the party. She was a huge fan of Hedwig and the Angry Inch before we went to watch it, and so she was worried I wasn't going to like it, and then she'd have to destroy me. But! I adored the movie, which she could tell whenever I frantically started clawing at my face in pure joyness. She's a way cool chica. Like, imagine the coolest person you ever met in your life, times that by 5. That's Rasia. Why she's hanging out with me, I do not know. But I do not question! For! Greatness.
Ooooooh guess what? Will Ferguson, the author of "Happiness TM" the funniest book ever, emailed me. I mean, there was a whole process, but dude. He's emailed me...and knows my name. The...excitement...I can't even express. Will Ferguson! Friggin....Dude.
I'm going home tomorrow night (Friday) Goooooo Friday. Then coming back Saturday for working. Gooooo work.
Oh! I got a job at the Outback if I forgot to mention. Yayness! I'm a hostess, which is good. I also roll cutlery, which is not good. I work with my cousin though,which is good! Though she doesn't look like me that much, which is bad...But I also work with Kim,my cousins' friend and she's so sweet. So..Yay!
I'm 19. I also drank an assortment of liqours. Not drunk, but tried tested and true. Just for the novelty, and my cousin was buying. Mahahahah
I also got a CD player from my aunt and uncle...Dude. Music is good. Very good.
Speller got me the Tatu Cd, which is something I dearly wanted but never would have bought for myself, so I love Speller. Also she got me phone cards, which I promptly used up talking to Maygan. Speller rocks man.
Ooh and Rasia got me an Ivy plant. My second plant ever. So happy me be.
Wanna know the hardest part of University so far? The amount of readage. That's it really. So...far....Must go read!
Y'know Katka's blog no work on Aunt's Computer? Sadness, much sadness.
But! It works at school and that's how I checked it and now I'm responding! Yes, Nevada is cool! It's no problem going in Winter...because in America their winters are like our falls and their falls are like our summers, and our summers are like their wint--No..That's not right at all. No worries though mate, I'll buy a hat. I like hats.
Dude. I'm 19 tomorrow...
(Yes and many other people have birthdays' like my brother who will be 15, and Skippy who will be ...older than 19 and Lauran O'Donnal...Cant' spell, who will be 18. But...Darnit! It's my blog! )
Carry on.
Speller is making Ashshita a blog. Stay tuned!!!
Heidi hasn't blogged. This saddens me. Yeah, I realize you can go with Falkun since I can go to Nevada...tis just I worry about you cause you're not me. I mean, I'll be fine going to Nevada but if anything happened to you I'd be way more upset than if it happened to me. Cause I love you more than I love me.
Megan blogs crazay!
Sarah! SLEEP! Or come this weekend you'll be soooo tired. Then no fun. And when I say fun, I mean chess.
Speller: It's like a journal that you tell your friends.
Ashshita: Um Orange.
Speller: This one.
Ashshita: Keep going up.
Speller: Ooh
Ashshita: Ususally the first one I see.
Ashshita: Are you writing about me? Are you writing everything...I...What the hell? Stop...I didn't say that! Are you writing everything I...Hey! You could be one of those law people who type everything that's said with the little typewriters, but then you'd steal it.
Speller: It's not publishing.
Ashshita: Do you guys know how to conference?
Amy: Yes.
Ashshita: You didn't say yes. Show me the conference?
Speller: It's not publishing. Booger. I'm stupid. I wear funny pants. I like boys heehee
Rambling is good. Heidi I meant to email me about how cause I'm going to Nevada this means you can go to disneyland. Cause, cause it doesn't. So there. :P
...If Speller has questions in the Science and the Environment class...and I"m in that class....that can't bode well for me.
Dude I just made 10 bucks for doing this cell phone jazz as an experiment at school. I hate cell phones now and my eyes hurt...but 10 bucks! 10 bucks closer to Nevada. Score!
Song o'the Moment: Here Without you by 3 Doors Down
Tis a great song. Get it now. Nooow!
I told you I'd blog my week. And I am! Go team Amy!
Monday: First. Day. Ever. So I wake up at 8 and bum around until my Aunt calls and tells me she'll call me before she leaves to get me. So I finish packing, watching the Ellen Degeneres show (which is like....sooooooo funny), shower...Get nervous....Pack again...Repack....Look around...Run to Zellers to get last minute things. My Aunt awaits me infront of my building. Grab bags. Hit the road. Arrive at her place. Throw stuff in room. She makes me a fried egg sandwich....I'm liking it here already. Eat sandwich. Chit chat. At 4 o'clock we decide to drop me off at school. My Aunt drops me off, I start walking to the building...and I"m like just grinning like a fool. Seriously. I'm looking at the other students, giggling, smiling. Cause it was all just so cool. I find my class and then call Speller. She mocks me for my tardiness and I meet her and Kiran outside. We share the snacks my Aunt gave me and eventually go to my first lecture ever. Twas big. Twas really, really big. The lecture dragged on and then I got sleepy...but! It was still very exciting. There was some mishap about text books but we won't dwell. After we hung out a bit then Speller and Kiran headed off as I waited for my cousin. Now, I love my cousin Arlene. I do. So far though, every time she's ever had to pick me up ever...she's slept through it. So I was the University, in the dark, cold, for about 2 hours before her and her boyfriend came and got me. It's okay. We stopped by her place and I met all of her roommates. One of which is kick-ass Mandy, which is her official name, who is like so cool. Arlene and Kim(other roommate) drove me back to my Aunt's house, and Kim amused me with crazy stories. Kim is also way cool. Arrive, dinner, computer. Phone call. Pain. Eventually sleep.
Tuesday: A fun day! Get to school at 8 AM and head to my lecture room. Sit against wall, still grinning at all the people. A nice looking girl a little ways a bit takes out a bottle of water and takes a sip. I smile at her, take out my bottle of water and sip my water.
Her: Ah, good thinking.
Me: I like water.
And the rest, kiddies, is history. We sat next to each other through the lecture (which was very interesting) and chatted a bit. Then after the lecture, since I have no where to be for 6 hours we chummed arouned a lot. She's way cool. At 4:30 I had my tutorial which was torture just cause by this point I'm like, way tired. So the beginning of the tutorial I'm so like in and out of sleep but when we do the "introduce yourself" bit I woke up a fair amount. So..yey! Then I think I went home. It's still hazy.
Wednesday: Speller's Birthday! Woot! So I get to school at 10 for some unGodly reason and just chilled in the computer building. Which is when I blogged. Yes I'm remembering. Cause member? I need money? Yup ok. Then I had Sociology lecture. Which was a lot like school. Notable point: Sign Language Translators...>ooh love. Then I had science with Speller and Kiran. Woot! Didn't stay to watch the bands but that's okay. I move on.
Thursday: Thursday I met a wicked ass girl named Linn. She was wayyyyy to cool to be hanging out with me, but that's okay. I also had my first English class with Speller. Yay! Then we had a break. Then we did library stuff. Then I had a tutorial with Speller. Well...See I followed Speller to her tutorial cause I'm a sheep. Turns out I'm not in that one. My plan was just to sit quietly in the back and wait till it was over...but another girl was also in the wrong tutorial so I went with her. She was way nice. No idea her name. Nice girl though. Tutorial, made a few lame jokes then carried on my way. Lost Speller...The end of Thursday.
Friday!: BEST. DAY. EVER. No, seriously. I got to school at 12 o'clock, a girl I met off the internet met me at the bus stop (we met from a club online message board York thingy) and walked me too my class. She laughed at all my wicked lame ass jokes. So then I go to Writer's Intro to Literary Genres...with the best....prof....in the world. Seriously he is sooooooo funny. I love his mannerisms and he's funny ooh he's so great. I laughed so hard..there were tears. It's my favourite class now, I've decided. We got homework but it was fun homework. Then after class I met an English girl who I had also met on the board thingy. She was soooo cool. We hung out for an hour then agreed to meet up later and I went to my Sociology tutorial. So boring. Then to my Writing tutorial which was boring...but okay. Then back to British chica. She is sooo funny. And with the accent it's tres great. We hung out for a bit. Then Speller called and cancelled Hypnotist plans. A tear. Then I hung out with British chica, named Lizzie btw, and waited for my bus. Came home. Slept.
And that ladies and gentlemen was my whole adventure!
University rocks! Yo!
Still missing everyone loads though.
**A special note is that also through-out my week I spoke to Maygan online and on the phone and it made ....life o'so much the better. A special mad props to Maygan who was there when I needed her...which is all the time.
My inner child is ten years old!
The adult world is pretty irrelevant to me. Whether
I'm off on my bicycle (or pony) exploring, lost
in a good book, or giggling with my best
friend, I live in a world apart, one full of
adventure and wonder and other stuff adults
don't understand.
How Old is Your Inner Child?
brought to you by Quizilla
I woulda said about 12...so that's close.
University is tres fun. I promise there shall be a full scale report at the end of the week....which it feels like it is. But it's not! It's only Wednesday. Bloody Wednesdays....Anyways...
Guess what boys and girls? You know my friend? From Nevada? The one I adore? Yeahuh? Well she was going to visit me this Christmas. Now she's not. So! So ensues the "Get Amy to Nevada" adventure!
I'm saving, I'm working, I'm not even buying orange juice. I'm really serious about this. I have 3 months (kinda less) to get the money together to get Nevada. "But Amy? What about school?" I'm splitting everything I get paid into School/Nevada. I'm not forgetting about the costs and money etc, etc. But guys....I really, really, really need to get to Nevada. Seriously. So what do I want for ...anything? Any money for me to save up. I know that sounds cold but seriously, anyone who can help me out here will be paid thrice fold later. I promise.
I have a Birthday, anyone who was planning on getting me something can now forget the woes of shopping and just fork out cash! Yey! I hope this doesn't sound mean or...like bad of me to be doing this but...I have to go. My whole life I've never wanted anything more. I can't really blog how much I have/want/need to go to Nevada this Christmas. But I do. I so do. So if you love me/hate me/just want me out of the country...here's your chance!
Also, I'm willing to on any weekend I'm home, I will clean/walk dogs/anything you want, for a few extra bucks. Please?
I know it sounds like I'm begging. I'm begging. I don't want hand-outs persay, but just yeah. No presents for me.
I love you guys and I miss everyone in school terribly. Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah Nevada.
duuuuuuuuude eeeeeee4r5t677u89o=-0o9iuytrjkthis is jaspreet taking over....mwahahahahahahahahahahajnytyjtik6 death to smoochy,,,,,york lanes has free internet and this is proof it exsists whatever ....karins honda is being threatened we must protect it
Yeah..ok that was Jaspreet. Here's Kiran now. See? correct spelling.
Kiran here. Word up homies. Whee! Free internet rules. And now over to Zalina. [/endspam]
I'm surrounded by crazy people.
Help me.
There's not much time
Save me.
I thought no song could beat Jann Arden but...but! This song makes me cry...every single time I listen to it. Gosh. I can't even put into words how much I love this song. Get it. If you hate it, don't tell me or I'll rob and loot your village. Damn straight.
I'll Stand By You - The Pretenders
Why you look so sad
tears are in your eyes
Come on and come to me, now
Be ashamed to cry
Let me see you through
Cause I've seen the dark side, too
When the night falls on you
You don't know what to do
Nothing you confess
Could make me love you less
I'll stand by you
I'll stand by you
Won't let nobody hurt you
I'll stand by you
If you're mad, get mad
don't hold it all inside
come on and talk to me now
what you got to hide
I get angry too,
Well I'm a lot like you
When you're standing at the crossroads
And don't know which path to choose
Let me come along
Cause even if you're wrong
I'll stand by you
I'll stand by you
Won't let nobody hurt you
I'll stand by you
Take me in into your darkest hour
And I'll never desert you
I'll stand by you.
And when
When the night falls on you baby
You're feelin' all alone
You won't be on your own
I'll stand by you
I'll stand by you
Won't let nobody hurt you
I'll stand by you
Take me in into your darkest hour
and I'll never desert you
I'll stand by you
I'll stand by you
Won't let nobody hurt you
I'll stand by you.
Ah, electricity.
On a regular day at 4 PM I would be coming home from work on the bus, probably reading, waiting to go home and sleep. Nothing to do with electricity.
But! Yesterday at 4:11 Heidi, Megan, Gerrad, Mike J. and I are instead sitting in 5 race cars completing our first lap. I was totally kicking ass too. When. Phrohmmmmmm. Power out. We had just gotten to Playdium five minutes earlier and were playing our first game. As soon as the power went out I look at Heidi, she looks at me. We burst out laughing. Ah, so great. ^___^
So we're ushered out of Playdium trying to take a few drags of air conditioned air before being plunged into the world of heat. Or as the locals were calling it "outside". We waited around for awhile Playdium, waiting for the power to go back on. When somehow (I'm a little shaky on the specifics) we came to realize that it wasn't just Playdium and Square 1 but like Southern Ontario...and then Heidi found out it was New York too...and then it started to get a little "wowish".
We went to the mall about then to try to soak up some air conditioning and go looting (Gerrad was to hit Radio Shack and HMV, I was going for the Disney store meself). We lingered in the halls, documented the event, contemplated throwing Gerrad's cast through the glass doors and eventually decided (much to the urging of the man on the PA) to leave. We sat on the curb for awhile, marveling at the technology of convertibles and the beauty that is Scorpion Shards. Mike J bought us all pepsi (and I for one will love him forever for it) and we played with cell phones. Eventually we got the ingenius idea to leave and take the bus out. We bussed it and Heidi's mom came and saved us and then we were home in Brampton. Yey! Adventure? Yes. Fun? Tres yes. Memory? Always.
Good times, good times.
I know Megan already said that "My Immortal" is a wicked ass song but....I'm here saying it too. It's so pretty.
I accidently made the best winamp list ever.
Hmmm I'm kinda sleepy....Kinda...really sleepy....
Ooh! Wonderwall! I know it's old, but it's so pretty. Get's stuck in my head really easily though...
After copying most of them to show Speller and Jaspreet, I realized the beauty that is BlogThis. Ah ha.
1. Why do we say something is out of whack? What is a whack?
2. If a pig loses its voice, is it disgruntled?
3. Why do women wear evening gowns to go out at night? Shouldn't they be wearing night gowns?
4. Why is the man who invests all your money called a broker?
5. Why do croutons come in airtight packages? It's just stale bread.
6. When cheese gets it's picture taken, what does it say?
7. Why is a person who plays the piano called a pianist, but a person who drives a race car not called a racist?
8. Why are a wise man and a wise guy opposites?
9. Why do overlook and oversee mean opposite things?
10. If horrific is akin to horrible, why isn't terrific akin to terrible?
11. Why isn't 11 pronounced onety one?
12. Do Roman paramedics refer to IV's as "4's"?
13. Why is it that if someone tells you that there are 1 billion stars in the universe you will believe them, but if they tell you a wall has wet paint you will have to touch it to be sure?
14. Why do you park in a driveway and drive in a parkway?
15. Why are there locks on the door of stores that are open 24/7 365 days a year?
16. Why are there braille dots on a drive-through ATM keypad?
17. Why does a ship carry cargo, and a car carry shipments?
18. Why do doctors call what they do practice? Shouldn't they be good at it by now?
19. Why does cleave mean both to adhere and separate?
20. If you got in a cab and the driver drove backwards would he end up owing you money?
21. Why do we buy hot dogs in packages of ten and buns in packages of eight?
22. When someone says "You know what they say..." Who are they?
23. What happens if you drive at the speed of light and turn your head lights on?
24. If you throw a cat out your car window does it become kitty litter?
25. Sean Fitzpatrick, but does Patrick fit Sean?
26. streetsign: "To the Braille Institute". Who's it for?
27. If corn oil comes from corn and olive oil comes from olives, where the heck does baby oil come from?
28. If you spin an oriental man, does he become disoriented?
29. Why do we call it a hamburger when it is made from beef?
30. Why do people in Alaska buy white cars?
31. Do illiterate people get the full effect of alphabet soup?
32. If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn?
33. If you're in France and you order toast, do you get toast or French toast?
34. Why are there interstate highways in Hawaii?
35. Why is the alphabet in that order? Is it because of that song?
36. Why is there an expiration date on sour cream?
37. If the #2 pencil is the most popular, why is it still #2?
38. Is there another word for synonym?
39. If a cow laughs, does milk come out it's nose?
40. Why do Kamikaze pilots wear helmets?
41. If nothing sticks to teflon, then how do they make it stick to the pan?
42. If a turtle loses its shell is it naked or homeless?
43. Why don't psychics predict the winning lottery numbers and retire?
44. If you hate all prejudice people, are you a hypoocrite?
45. Why do they call them apartments, when they're all together?
46. Who was the idiot that decided to put an "s" in the word lisp?
47. Why is the word for "a fear of long words" so long? (Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia)
48. Where does your lap go when you stand up?
49. If instant oatmeal is instant, then why does it take 1 to 2 minutes to cook in the microwave?
50. You can be overwhelmed and underwhelmed, but why can't you be simply whelmed?
51. Why is it that when the batteries in your remote control wear out you just push the buttons harder?
52. Can fat people go skinny dipping?
53. Why do they use artificial lemon juice in bottled lemon juice and use real lemon juice in dish soap?
54. Why don't they make the entire airplane out of the same material that the indestructible black box is made of?
55. If vegetarians eat vegetables, what do humanitarians eat?
56. If a cannibal ate a clown, would it taste funny?
57. If you try to fail, and you fail, have you succeeded or failed?
58. Why are boxing rings square?
59. If quizzes are quizzical then what are tests?
60. Shouldn't the opposite of shut up be shut down?
61. Why do you always find things in the last place you looked?
62. Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
63. Why is phoenetically not pronounced phoenetically?
64. If I dreamed of being chased by a giant squirrel would that make me a nut?
65. Why do people order a super-sized Big Mac™ meal with a Diet Coke?
66. Why do people have worthless junk in the garage and leave their expensive car in the driveway?
67. Why do they sterilize the needles for lethal injections?
68. When it rains, why don't sheep shrink?
69. Why isn't phonetic spelled the way it sounds?
70. Why is abbreviation such a long word?
71. Why do they call it a building? It looks like they are finished Why isn't it a built?
72. If pro is the opposite of con, is progress the opposite of congress?
73. Did you ever wonder why kamikaze pilots wore helmets?
74. Do cemetery workers prefer the graveyard shift?
75. Can I yell "movie" in a crowded firehouse?
76. Can you be a closet claustrophobic?
77. How do a fool and his money get together in the first place?
78. How do you know when its time to tune your bagpipes?
79. How is it that a building burns up as it burns down?
80. If the pen is mightier than the sword, and a picture is worth a thousand words, how dangerous is a fax?
81. What was the best thing before sliced bread?
82. Why do banks charge you a "insufficient funds" fee on money they already know you don't have?
83. If you get cheated by the Better Business Bureau, who do you complain to?
84. What happens if you get scared half to death twice?
85. If one synchronized swimmer drowns, do the rest have to drown too?
86. What are Preparation A through Preparation G?
87. In a country of free speech, why are there phone bills?
88. How come there aren't B batteries?
89. How do "Do not walk on the grass" signs get there?
90. Is a metaphor like a simile?
91. Before they invented drawing boards, what did they go back to?
92. How is it possible to have a civil war?
93. If all the world is a stage, where is the audience sitting?
94. If I melt dry ice, can I take a bath without getting wet?
95. Could crop circles be the work of a cereal killer?
96. If crime doesn't pay does that mean that my job is a crime?
97. Did Noah keep his bees in archives?
98. How can there be self-help "groups"?
99. How do they get the deer to cross at that yellow road sign?
100. How do you throw away a garbage can?
101. How does a thermos know if the drink should be hot or cold?
102. How does the guy who drives the snowplow get to work in the mornings?
103. If a word in the dictionary were misspelled, how would we know?
104. Why do tourists go to the tops of tall buildings and then put money into telescopes so they can see things on the ground close-up?
105. Why is it that night falls but day breaks?
106. Why is it that you must wait until night to call it a day?
107. How do you remove a club soda stain?
108. What if the Hokey Pokey IS what its all about?
109. When your pet bird sees you reading the newspaper, does he wonder why you're just sitting there, staring at carpeting?
110. What happened to the first 6 "ups"?
111. How do blind people know when they are done wiping their behinds?
112. If practice makes perfect, and no one is perfect, why bother practice?
113. If hunting season means you can kill animals, and fishing season means you can catch fish, what is the tourist season?
114. Why do people sing "Take me out to the ball game" when they are already
115. there?
116. How do hearing aid companies expect potential customers to hear their commercials?
117. When a fly lands on the ceiling, does it do a half roll or a half loop?
118. Why is there neither pine nor apple in pineapple?
119. Why does the arcade game "Donkey Kong" have a monkey? Why isn't it called Monkey Kong?
120. Why do lumberjacks cut trees down and then chop them up?
121. What's the deal with Grapenuts? They're neither grape nor nuts.
122. How do people get discombobulated? Have you ever seen someone who was combobulated?
123. If we call people from Poland poles why don't we call people from Holand holes?
124. If a rabbit's foot was actually lucky, wouldn't it still be attached to the rabbit's leg?
125. Why does Goofy talk and wear clothes while Pluto barks naked?
126. If you wanted to mummify a fly, would you use dental floss?
127. If the husband dies, the wife is called a widow, if a child's parents die, it is called an orphan. Why isn't there a word for a parent that loses a child?
128. Why do they call it baby-sitting when all you do is run after them?
129. Why is it called American football when they rarely use their feet to play?
130. Why do you put suits in a garment bag and garments in a suitcase?
131. What if there were no hypothetical situations?
132. Why does an alarm clock said to go "off" when it actually turns on?
133. Why are they stairs inside but steps outside?
134. Why does pizza come in a square box?
135. How does a fish sleep?
136. Why are feet smelly and noses runny?
137. Why does Mickey Mouse wear pants and no shirt while Donald Duck wears a shirt and no pants?
138. If you sued a parsley farmer could you garnish his wages?
Ooh! Blog this! The power!
I wanted to tell everyone about this song that I like! But by the time I figured out the whole blogthis feature the song passed on winamp so now I'm listening to "I want to know what love" which is a good song, but not the great one I love....hmmm so no song for you.
No no! Don't cry! Here you go!
"Letting Go" by Sozzi
Sozzi...Hehe...That's just silly. But yeah. It's a super good song. Enjoy! And if you think it's the worst song ever in the world ever...Don't tell me. Please. It'll crush me.
[Party Time]
[Party Time]
Giulia oh mia cara
ti prego salvami tu
tu che sei l'unica mio amore
non lasciarmi da solo in questa notte gelida
per favore
non vedi dentro miei occhi la tristezza che mi fulmina
non scherzare
se in mare aperto e mi perdo e tu sei la mia ancora
ti prego sali in macchina come faccio a respirare
cosa faccio di me senza te
Giulia oh mia cara
non riesco a mangiare
non dormo ormai da un secolo
non mi credi
senti la mia voce e con questa che ti supplico
tu che sei il mio angelo non lasciarmi in mano agli avvoltoi
fai quel che vuoi ma dammi il tuo amore
dammi il tuo amore
dammi il tuo amore
dammi il tuo amore......
[Party Time]
[Party Time]
Giulia oh mia cara
ti prego salvami tu
tu che sei l'unica mio amore
non lasciarmi da solo in questa notte gelida
per favore
non vedi dentro miei occhi la tristezza che mi fulmina
non scherzare
se in mare aperto e mi perdo e tu sei la mia ancora
ti prego sali in macchina come faccio a respirare
cosa faccio di me senza te
Giulia ohoh Giulia...
dammi il tuo amore dammi il tuo amore
Giulia ohoh Giulia...
dammi il tuo amore dammi il tuo amore
LOVE is your chinese symbol!
What Chinese Symbol Are You? -- Updated (7/21/03)
brought to you by Quizilla
So I'm telling this story to everyone when I realize...what are blogs for other than to tell stories? Mwah.
Thursday: I finish my Gage Park job at 4 o'clock, have a meeting for Vector at 7. Hmm, I say to myself. What shall I do? So, being the good employee that I pretend to be I clean up the Snack Bar. We're talking fullfledged cleaning. Counters washed, floor mopped, fridge restocked, everything perfect.
Friday: Me and my bestest pal Lindsay went to Toronto! Why have ya'll never heard of Lindsay before? Well I met her last year at Wonderland and thought she was just hilarious. Cept she lives kinda far from here and so we don't see each other ever. Well a few weeks ago she calls me out of the blue and we decide to chillout. And that's what Friday was. First I trekked to Wonderland as a designated meeting place. It was so grand! I couldn't see Lindsay so I called her cell phone and she could see me (probably because my hair is blindingly red) and started to direct me towards her. Apparently I can't see when I'm on the phone because I totally didn't see her till I noticed a girl a few yards ahead of me talking into a cell phone. Then I was like "Lindsay! AHHH!" and she was like "Amy! AHHH!" and there was running and hugging and it was much enjoyed by all. Now, there has to be said about Lindsay. She has the exact same sense of humour as me. That means 99.9% of the day was spent laughing....at everything. The other .01% was spent trying to eat food...which often led to choking do to the laughing n'such. It was such a great day. First we bussed for a very long time then there was the subway and then bright and sunny Toronto! Wow. There are a lot of crazy people in Toronto. A lot a lot. Lil scared, but s'all ok. We rose a ruckus wherever we went and Rick the Temp smiled and waved at me (er us). He is so cute. Bradford also waved but in a much more offhanded way so not as much love is shared to him. Lindsay and I saw a shiny metal man, mohawk kids pleading for money (though they can afford the mohawk), nice t-shirts, great books (ooh I got a booook), KFC, Pidgeons! Lots and lots. It was such a fantastico day. Wish you all had been there...A bit. Lindsay's off to Costa Rico today...I'm gonna miss that wacky chicken. It's odd when you see someone only once a year and yet you fall into a rhythm as soon as you talk. Tis great.
Saturdsay: Morning starts out beautifully. Daddy buys me a bagel, I'm all bagel full. Go to work, lil late, but it's all good. Open door to snack bar....a multicoloured fluid all over the floor greets me. Yes. The girl who worked the day before me (lovely girl I had always thought) had left....I'll give you a rundown of what she did a) left the refridgerator open, coffee machine on, no stock, dishes dirty, window not even locked. Ten boxes of popcicles live in that fridge. Ten boxes of about thirty popcicles are completely ruined. I mean completely. They've dripped all over the fridge, onto the floor...a sea of sticky goodness. Wearing my new shoes and white work shirt I get to work. Turn off coffee machine, seeing as how fire's bad and all that, empty contents of fridge, scrub fridge, refill fridge, throw out all the popcicles, call boss. Cannot sell hotdogs left out...poison and all that. Wash, scrub, clean floor. Wash dishes. Restock fridge. Scrub. Covered in muck. Open snackbar. 2 people in park. Make $11.24. Fun fun. Upside is that it was kinda cool cleaning n'such. I mean not in a cool "Wow! This is so cool" way, but in a "This is different" cool way. Twas a good day overall.
After work I came home and watched the end of a movie called "Frailty"...pretty freaky movie.
Sunday: Go to Gage park early. Set up. Open. Work till 1:45 run to Vector meet up with Heather. Go to Toronto for Field Training. Heather is so cool. Watch how to do a demo. Realize I've been doing demo's right all along (yey!). Get home at 5:30ish. Ponder what to do. Go on computer. Maygan online. Much rejoycing. And now I've been here ever since, doing laundry and cleaning my room as I talk to a few o'my favourite people.
There! Look at that, I posted lots. Now don't say I never do anything fer ye.
You're Ireland!
Mystical and rain-soaked, you remain mysterious to many people, and this
makes you intriguing. You also like a good night at the pub, though many are just as
worried that you will blow up the pub as drink your beverage of choice. You're good
with words, remarkably lucky, and know and enjoy at least fifteen ways of eating a potato.
You really don't like snakes.
Take the Country Quiz at
the Blue Pyramid
Today is the birthday of someone more important to me than I can really ever express. Someone more important than the x-files, harry potter, harvest moon and the sims combined. That's right. My friend from Nevada. Maygan's been with me through good times, bad times, horrible times, sweet times, friggin craptacular times, superb times and perfect times. She's been my friend when I needed her...Everything really. And it's her birthday.
I met her four years ago when I was a wee pup and I've not been rid of her since. Thank God. I honestly can't say there's anyone I've spent more time with than her, or spent contemplating about...if only because she's so damn smart.
Well yeah, I'm super bad at being all poetic and crap sooooo
Happy Birthday Maygan!! May your year be full of the one thing you want the most and the one thing you most the want.
Oooh man. Can't wait for tomorrow. Shall be my first day off in seven days. Wooo woooo! And it's the first day of vacation!
Okay so I started my job at Gage Park. Dude it really is a good job but they have these wacked out tongs that for some reason I always slice my fingers on. And always very deeply. So not fun....I don't like blood very much. Especially since I bleed a lot. I'm sure I have leukemia and it's only a few days before I croak. Or months....I should probably look into leukemia a bit more.
My job with Cutco....Best. Job. Ever. Seriously. I adore it so much. Not only is the pay great but most importantly I really am selling the absolute best product in the world. Ever. There's so much confidence that it scares me. Scares me in a happy great way. Oooh I love my job.
*yawn* I swear I was gonna blog more than this....but...I'm...soo....sleepy! Byeee
You are Remus Lupin,the kind werewolf and possibly
the sweetest person in the world^^ You like to
read and love hanging around with your best
Which of the marauders are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Allo ladies and...Uh Gerrad and Dan I suppose if they read this.
Ah so much to post, so tired are my fingers. Lemme see...Harry Potter good. Not done though, gonna slow down the reading because once it's over...I'll have to wait until the next book...which could be in forever. And I can't wait that long.
I'm going to York University. That's right ladies and Gerrad and Dan...I'm going to York to major in English and then one day become an English teacher. In theory.
I started one of my two jobs on Saturday. Holy hell. Easiest job ever. No serously. I sit and I read while occasionally helping guests...Yey! Ahhh Wonderland has caused me to call them guests..I mean customers...Anyways.
It was a super interesting day sports fans. Hormones kicked me in the head for some reason and made me feel very...alone as it were. Didn't help that I was actually alone as well. However! My dear friend Emma helped me realize that I'm not a freak and everyone feels like that and that I'm not a lousy person after all. Emma rocks.
Hmm what else...Oooh I can't believe high school is over. I mean..like whoa. I'm going to reflect on high school years from now...and it's all very surreal. My exams went verra good though so woo.
I started writing again. I hadn't written anything in so long...It's nothing any of you will ever see, but it's writing none the less. Mrs Crawford told me the best way to become a good writer is to write. Every day. Regardless of what it is, just to write.....Or was that Gabe from Penny Arcade? Bah, either way it's still good advice. So I shall.
I'm cleaning my room! It was in much need of a good cleaning...so as soon as an excuse to clean emerged! Watch me go! Though I must say I'm slightly slacking off by posting here. However priorities are priorities.
I'm in dire need of a new blog layout. As soon as I think of a good one I shall make it.. And when I say "I", I of course mean I'll get one of my computer savvy friends to. Cause they love me.
Oooh the funnest thing happened twice in the last two days. So once every day. Anyways, I was talking to two different people and they both made an offhand comment about someone they liked once without saying the name. Both times I wrote down a name of an individual and it was the right one! Both times! I know...It's like "wow" but seriously it was all about the reading peopleness. I love reading people. It's fun. Well most of the time.
Hmmm what else...what else....Prom was fun....Uhhh....I didn't win Valedictorian but running was sooo worth it. So fun!
Eeep I'm off to play pool with Sunny!
Love you all! Miss Maygan...but love you all!
Iraq -
Although a developed and powerful nation, it is a
nation full of strife, battle, totalitarianism
and international resentment. Very cultural
and historically interesting, but overshadowed
by its modern-day self.
World Power.
Target of International Criticism.
Located in Area of Constant Struggle.
Americans Attack For No Reason.
Which Country of the World are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
John Ashcroft is visiting an Elementary School. After 15 minutes of
speaking he says; "I will now answer any questions you have."
Bobby stands up and says: "Mr. Ashcroft I have 4 questions:
1. How did Bush win the election with fewer votes than Gore?
2. Why are you using the American Patriot Act to limit civil liberties?
3. Why haven't you caught Osama Bin Laden?
4. Where are the weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq?"
Just then the bell rang and the kids rushed out to play. Upon returning
Mr. Ashcroft said: "I'm sorry we were interrupted. I will answer
any questions you have."
A little girl named Julie stands up and says: "I have 6 questions:
1. How did Bush win the election with fewer votes than Gore?
2. Why are you invoking the American Patriot Act to limit civil
3. Why haven't you caught Osama Bin laden?
4. Where are the weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq?
5. Why did the bell ring 20 minutes early? and
6. Where is Bobby?"
Ooh the con was so fun! I saw all the cool people dressed up all cool-like! I spent 8 dollars on merchandise! Oooh aaahhh. I saw the begining of like the best Anime ever...Can't spell the name so I won't attempt..but soo cooooool. Megan or Kat know the name of it! So they'll say.
Oooh I saw the beginning of Spirited Away...It was really cool! Honest. I saw 10 minutes...then I was sleeping..but it did look really awesome! I've had like...the best weekend ever. Blah. Now it's all homework time though. *crycry*
I missed you Speller! I think you're really smrt too. Honest. Oooh Kat's online! I get name of show pour vous! Yami no Matsuei-Sooo good. Me will see all of it. Mark my words. *markmarkmark*
Speaking of which!
Dude! I saw Jamie on the weekend!!! AHHH! Best moment ever. Weeee! I so happy!
I hope feel better you all do. Yahuh.
Oooh! Such a good day.
Ooh last Buffy on tomorrow...Mesa sad....Mesa ate an apple! Mesa happy!! Mesa super hyper. Mesa need low glucose..Me gonna start flying around!
I love you all!!
Hi Maygan! Maygan, what's 3+5? See if you still read my blog you little liar.
Duuuuuuuuuude. Whoa.
It wouldn't let me into blogger at all. Stupid blogger.
I'm way to happy right now. I walked to the mall to get some change for laundry and my mind trailed off and dude...I just started smiling and couldn't stop. Imagine this grudgy girl walking with a huge yellow raincoat on with pants that are just a little too short for her legs, pockets filled with loonies and quarters, grinning like an idiot and that's pretty much me. Why am I so happy? I know why....You don't! Screw you! Well some of you do...but ah look! A distraction. I don't care. Don't ask.
I watched "Chasing Amy" last night. Holy crap! Kevin Smith movies are so...so....they're so good. I can't believe I never watched them before. I mean like wow. If you look past the swearing and the sick jokes, the movies have so much heart to them. *sigh* Such a good movie. Silent Bob....he's my hero.
Oh dude Penny Arcade is good. My brother has this habit of liking everything I like...I mean I know, yeah flattering blah blah...But mostly it's annoying. And! He has this annoying habit of listening to my phone conversations and then asking me questions about it later! Like dude. No. Just no.
I dunno why I'm blogging, I never blog. *shrugs* I dunno. Easter was great! I like me some chocolate! Wooohooo.
Dude like no one is online. And like Maygan is fixing up a house...losah. I think I"ll do my homework, do the laundry and clean my room. Tis fun!
Ohhh! And on another note! How excited am I that Jamie is gonna be in the country pretty dang soon?! VERY!! YAY!!! *does dances and flips and jigs* Now alls I need to make myself even happier would be some good ole University acceptance letters! Booya.
Huh. I dunno if anyone reads my blog anymore. So like....I dare you to! Neener! Neener!
Okay...no more chocolate pour moi.
Your first name of Amy has made you a friendly, approachable, and generous person. Generally you are good-natured, though at times you can be blunt and sarcastic. As you are naturally talkative, you find it easy to meet and make friends with many people. This name inclines you to be sympathetic and generous to those in difficult or unfortunate circumstances. You can be firm, positive, and independent in your own ideas and in reaching your own decisions, yet when it comes to taking action or following things through to completion, you often need encouragement. You respond quickly to kind words or any appreciation shown you. There are artistic, creative abilities in this name that you could express through music or singing, or, in a practical way, through sewing or interior decorating. You enjoy freedom from monotony and are stimulated by unexpected opportunities for meeting people, entertaining, or pursuing activities of a carefree nature. In your work, you find it difficult to be neat and orderly. You rarely plan things ahead of time, or follow a routine. Emotion and feeling, the desire to be carefree, friendly, and happy, are the driving forces in your being, rather than shrewdness, ambition, and material success. You could experience headaches, or problems with your teeth, ears, eyes, or sinuses. Health weaknesses relative to the functioning of the liver could appear.
Okay so I'm watching Buffy, and I'm all Whoaa Buffy and then like, two of the most scary commercials are on ever.
First there's a commercial about drunk driving where the police officer is killed. This commercial scared the crap out of me because it seems to be like pretty heavy material for a commercial....
Then I'm waiting for Angel to come on and there's another scary commercial. There's this lil doggy and it's owner is watching tv. The doggy is so sad and cold....And then it gets really sick and *sniffs*...Okay that commercial wasn't so much scary as it was really sad and made me upset.
I miss commercials where people get hit in the head with golf balls.
-Perfect- You're the perfect girlfriend. Which
means you're rare or that you cheated :P You're
the kind of chick that can hang out with your
boyfriend's friends and be silly. You don't
care about presents or about going to fancy
placed. Hell, just hang out. You're just happy
being around your boyfriend.
What Kind of Girlfriend Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Lưu trữ Blog
tháng 12
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- Birthday! Birthday! Birthday!Who has a Birthday? A...
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tháng 10
- Just having one of those days....From hell.....
- <!-- 2.95 / 4.98 --> Conscious self Overall self ...
- Ah, wanna hear about my day so far? Of course you ...
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tháng 8
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- Hi Sunny!
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- I am everything bad and horrible people say I am. ...
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tháng 7
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- Không có tiêu đề
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- Oooh man. Can't wait for tomorrow. Shall be my fir...
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tháng 4
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tháng 3
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- I'm soooooooo sorry!!
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- ohmygod!My friends are so beyond beautiful....
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tháng 12