I love work!!!!

I love babysitting!!!

More later.

Oh dear lord...My book just suddenly took a turn for the..uh..

This is a song as written in my book "Brave New World"

Orgy-porgy, Ford and Fun

Kiss the girls and make them One.

Boys at one with girls at peace;

Orgy-porgy gives relase.

You are striving to make favourable impressions all of the time and you are going out of your way to make the impression that you are something special. You are constantly on the watch to see how your friends and neighbours are reacting to your various ploys. But this is so unnecessary because most of the time you are in control of the situation - and you are, in the nicest sense of the word, a 'manipulator' because you use various strategies very cleverly in order to influence and obtain the necessary recognition.

You are full of stress at this time. It would seem that you are having more than your fair share of trials and tribulations and you are looking for a way out. You are not quite sure which way to go but the advice is - 'Stop trying so hard'.

The way things are at this time it is necessary to 'go slow'. All the pleasures that you have anticipated should be left in abeyance until some future date, but all is not lost, you are able to derive and achieve considerable gratification from someone quite close to you.

There is a suppressed anxiety which may be the result of an unsatisfactory or discordant personal relationship. This has led or is leading to unwarranted excess stress and tension. You are angry, uptight and feeling the physical effects of this anxiety. It is essential that you calm down, your physical well-being could be in jeopardy. It would seem that most of your stress is a result of an unsatisfactory relationship. You have tried, or are considering the possibility of trying to restore the love and trust situation - but so far - perhaps to no avail. So the situation is regarded as depressing and this unhappy state continues to aggravate the situation to a point of complete helplessness.

Overwork - be it mental stress or physical strain, you are completely worn out and this depleted vitality has created an intolerance for any further stimulation. You feel disappointed with your obvious lack of energy and powerless to do anything about it. You are angry with yourself and this frustration shows. You are contradictory and argumentative and feel helpless to change the situation at this time. Take a break - even if it is only for a few days - allow yourself to breathe to unwind - you'll feel much better for it. Then trust and let go.

Dude...That is so scary..

I'm such a doof!

I couldn't lift my arms too much today so of course I tried to set up the Badminton courts. I was carrying one of the poles over to a slot when suddenly I lost my grip on my right hand and the pole came smashing down on my left arm.

Then I was cranking up the basketball net thingy and I somehow unhooked the pole part and it fell on my arm again.

Anyone who tells you badminton isn't a violent sport, obviously never tried to set up for it.

PS It is pretty violent regardless, cause there is smashing. Smashing good fun...Oh I crack myself up!

I have had the weirdest dreams the last three nights, but I cannot for the life of me remember them all...I'll try extra hard to remember it tonight! Hopefully it will involve a certain Knight and a lot of jello.

What? I like jello. To eat! Tut tut, really you people have such gutter minds.

In other news, I can't lift my arms because my backpack was so heavy.

But like I always say, who needs arms? Not me...

Oh, on another note: I miss Kiran. I was just reading her blog and was like "Dude! I miss her like a 12 Inch Ron..." Well, not exactly the same, but I still miss her. *waves at Kiran* I miss you! And it's just odd cause I haven't even known you that long. I reckon it's cause you're cool. Joy Rides bring people together yo.

Also known widely as the Fire Bird,

the phoenix is a profound symbol of the circle of life. It has a life cycle of 500 to 600 ears and after that amount of time, it sets itself on

fire and dies in the flames. Then after three days, it rises again from the ashes. It is a completely benign creature who lives in dew. It is

said that the phoenix has a beautiful melidous song which grows ever more mournful as its life comes to an end. It is a symbol of the

sun and immortality. The phoenix is a very worthwhile beast.
What mythical beast best represents you?
href="http://www.yayajon.com/watercircle/beastquiz.html">Take the quiz!

src="http://www.wiredreflection.com/tests/kuroneko.jpg" border=0 frameborder=0 alt="You are Kuroneko!">

Take the

"Which Anime pet are you?" test!

[harry + ron]


I love my blog!! And I can say that cause I didn't make it or nuttin. I love my blog! Neener neener!

Today in the writing club I volunteered to type up everyone's work. That's 14 or so pages. It took me thirty minutes! Hehehe I'm just so darn proud.

ISU is so far not happening...I just can't commit myself to sit and read and take notes. I just want to read and find out what happens that I can't seem to focus on any key information. I blame television for my lack of patience, and my ability to...uh...

Dang Counsellor. She said that I can drop programming, but it is up to me. Me. Dang it. Last week she was saying I could drop it because it was too stressful, this week she's telling me I should keep going just to say I did. Part of me really wants to finish that course and be like "HA! In your face programming!" Then the other half remembers how every test makes me cry....I think I'm going to drop it.

I can't find any shorts! All our summer clothes are in storage so my lack of shorts is all with the suckyness.

Oh! I finished my mix tape today. That excites me, and a dog somewhere in Norway. Those Norweigens, so weird...

What else, what else....Biology was fun today! We didn't do a lot of work, which means now I have homework, but those moments in class, when I wasn't doing work? Totally worth the homework I have now. Or at least that's what I'm telling myself.

I love the show Even Stevens. It's on Family Channel and it is so cool. I think I may be it's only fan. But I don't care! It'll be like the x-files, all over again...only without goo and and unresolved sexual tension.

Speaking of which, I'm going to finish my homework!

Kudos to all my Meece friends out there!


Assistant Director Walter Sergel Skinner

An assistant director of the FBI, Skinner finds himself in the uncomfortable position of guiding and protecting a pair of agest who seem hell-bent on following their own course-regardless of the consequences.

Though his actions often seem callous and contradictory to Mulder and Scully, a strong moral streak seems to run through everything he does. Whatever his personal beliefs, he won't sacrifice the system, cut judicial corners, or condone actions that clearly violate his own sense of honour-something that has apparently gotten him into hot water with at least one of the power players. If he has, from time to time, slipped Mulder addresses or information, stepped beyond the bounds of his office, or covered their backs, it seems likely that he was more willing to sacrficie Skinner the man than the office he filled. The demanding nature of his position apparently strained the seams of his personal life as well, to the point where he and wife Sharon, were on the verge of divorcing.

Kiran's cool! Thanks I love my layout, all thanks to Megan-chan!

Yeah the x-files isn't as good as it use to be, and not just because of the lack of Mulder. But I shall watch, because if I'm one thing, it's loyal.

And a pastry.

Loyal and a pastry. That's me.

Special Agent Dana Scully

For a woman who joined the FBI with plans to "distinguish" herself, assignment to the basement offices of the X-Files, and to a partner generally regarded as a bit of a nut, probably wasn't high on her list of priorites.

Since then, however, and in spite of Mulder's tendency to patronize her, she's been an active member of a difficult partnership. While she'll never abandon her insistence on working from a sound scientific premise, Scully's no straitlaced, close-minded dovotee of the 'book'. In fact quite the contrary...

While still a student at Quantico, and surrounded by the Old Boys Club, she was secure enough with herself to engage in an open relationship with an instructor-despite the comments such actions might raise.

When even Mulder scoffed at some of the cases she brought in, like the 'rape' of a convalescent home nurse, she pursued them with the tenacityh he would have shown.

In some ways, she may even be more open to extreme possibility than her partner-she's not so quick to assume that God, or miracles, can be written off as no more than folklore.

Special Agent Dana Scully, even without Mulder's greater experience, is a force to be reckoned with.

Song of the milisecond: John Jacob Jinglehymansmit (*shrugs* You think I know how to spell it?).

Cause someone was singing it during the biology quiz. In the hall outside. I love that person.

Arugh! I was at the bus stop today and this car splashed me. He was driving to close to the curb. Stupid cars. Stupid puddles. Stupid rain. Stupid weather. Stupid world.

I love orange juice!

Sarah just came on msn.

Sarah's cool! And and a good actress! And most certainly not short or blond! *wipes forehead* I think I fixed it.

School is so wack yo.

My law teacher is off recooping from her gang fight, where she took a stab wound to the stomach and had to have an operation (that's my theory), so I have a supply. Supplies aren't all together bad when you have them for a day or so, but I've had this guy for like, months! And he's not leaving until June! And he has no idea what he's doing in that class. The whole class cheated on a test we had. I didn't. So I could either have a 60% in that class or an 80%. I have no frickin idea. Mostly I go there now, listen to my walkman and do the day's homework.

Ah English. The only thing I'm ok at. Not much to say really about English...My teacher is really, really great and I'm doing okay. Only class I look forward too. And we started our ISU's today. I give it a week before I start failing in english.

Lunch is good. I like eating with Katka, Christine and Sarah of course. The windows breaking kinda sucks though.

Biology isn't all that bad. I like the people in it the work is hard. For me. I don't know why I took a science. I'm not a science person.

Finally I have programming. I love Katarina.

And that's a day in the life of Amy. You may all wake up now and proceed on to your many drug related doings.

*sniff* Speller wasn't here today. My one reason for liking school. Dang dead bird...Maybe the bird was killed by the Egg...Some sorta Freudian thing? The Egg killed the bird so that the egg could go on to seduce you! It all comes together!

Kawaii blogs Katarina and Heidi!!

The kitty dude and Kenshin should battle. Or make out. Really either way.

Speller, I thought you were just being funny with the egg on the Humpty Dumpty trying to seduce you and I laughed. Saying "Oh that wacky Speller."

Then I looked down at the chip bag on the floor.

If I were on tv, the music would have gone doo doo doo and zoomed in on the picture of the little egg on the bag.

It's soo trying to seduce..someone.

On the back of the bag it's all smug saying "Guaranteed to Satisfy" and on the cover of the bag it's giving it's smug little smile and his eyes are open lazily.

New Blog Layout! Last night was the shows 7th last episode. That's right, seven.

The X-Files was one damn fine show back in the day. The pictures show all of the moments from past to recent. The lifetime of a show that I loved and had a big impact on my life.

Thanks goes out to Megan of course, because without her it would be nothing but...my old blog...

[i'm dean thomas]

...and which lesser Harry Potter character are you?

You know you're weird when you keep capitalizing some Letters for no apparent reason...

Take the Pokémon character selection testhere!
Test made by Aylawuff! ^_^

Thought that was Ash...*shrugs*

You know you've been role playing as Mulder too long when you actually get Jealous when Scully goes out on a date with some British dude....Stupid skank....