Which Harry Potter Character I am!
# 1 Harry Potter
# 2 Rubeus Hagrid
# 3 Fred/George Weasley
# 4 Ron Weasley
# 5 Hermione Granger
Harry? How does that make any logical sense!
What Kind Of Pokemon Are You?
Which Lord of the Rings Character I Am
# 1 Eomer
# 2 Galadriel
# 3 Gandalf Mithrandir
# 4 Sauron
# 5 Arwen
I can't member who that is...
I don't care if this makes everyone bored! I liked it and it's my blog!
Mulder got in the driver side of the car and realized something. He was drunk. He couldn't drive
anywhere. "Aw shhhhhooot(only not shoot).." Mulder moaned in the front seat. "Guess we're gonna
have to sleep it off Scully..." Mulder said over his shoulder.
"What? It's ok, let me drive." Scully drowsily reached for the door handle.
Mulder shook his head. "No Scully you can't drive...There's a force field around you..."
"A what? A force field?" She looked around her confused. "Oh my god...you're...your're right. Well,
Mulder looked back at Scully then he looked around himself. "Oh no...I'm in it too.."
"What?" she leaned forward and studied Mulder closely. "Oh my god...you're right! Guess we're up the
paddle without a creek, Spook.."
Mulder knew something was wrong with what she said but the force field was closing in on him.
"Scully...If we don't make it out of here.."
"If we don't make it out of here..what? Do you turn into a pumpkin or something?"
Mulder shook his head frantically, he climbed over his seat and fell atop of Scully. "No Scully," He said
looking down at her. "If I don't make it out, I want you to know..."
"Know what?"
Mulder was fast asleep.
Scully shook her head. "I..I think that you have the right idea, Spook." she replied groggily. "Nite good."
Scully's head fell on top of Mulder's shoulder.
Mulder started to snore softly, and that's where the two agents lay. In the backseat of Mulder's car,
parked out front of a bar. Chicken wing sauce on their faces, and alcohol in their systems. Everything a
good FBI Agent should be.
"Cry? I just found a talking puppy. I'm rich!"
Which Kenshin Character I am!
# 1 Kamiya Kaoru
# 2 Himura Kenshin
# 3 Takani Megumi
# 4 Makimachi Misao
# 5 Sagara Sanosuke

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