I love the new blog layouts!!!

Good job Speller, Katka, Heidi and Megan!

It makes me want to do my blog layout...Almost makes me want too..

I won't have the internet for the next couple days ya'll, so no yelling if I don't blog.

I'm Jack!

What FIGHT CLUB character are you?

One day I shall rule the planet. And on my planet only geographers and scientists will be allowed to eat Pork. And all people will be treated differently. Every individual will be treated the way they want to be treated. Cept for the bad people, they'll be sent to Utah. On my planet Utah will be the place where bad people go and will only be allowed to sing the Amy Anthem and no other songs. And cats will be expected to bring slippers, dogs will be expected to go to the bathroom in boxes and squirrels will not be allowed to live in trees! No! They will live in hutches and dining room tables! In my planet your parents will have to listen to you when you want them too! And will shut up when they're being mean! On my planet you can like anyone you like, who cares if they have thirteen fingers! On my planet cheese will not be banned, but distributed to all. On my planet I will watch music videos between televison shows! On my planet, wars will be fought with pool noodles and stern looks! On my planet everyone will have to say what they're thinking, when they're thinking it! On my planet I won't have to move anymore! On my planet I will be able to not finish sentences, even if they're

Oooh There's a B movie on....The man can teleport anything, buuuuuuut it makes things backwards. So on the bottom of a cup it says "NAPAJ NI EDAM" Silly B movies.

I did these tests so long ago, but I forgot to post my results. So here's my results!

I thought so long about what I could actually blog about...then I realized I didn't. Stupid Amy.

Ah ha! Fer the Carebear one I had a tie!

See what Care Bear you are.

Or I'm

See what Care Bear you are.

*I* didn't cheat on this one.

I don't quite get it. I am smarter, fitter, and bolder

than my potbellied brother ever could hope to be, yet he gets all the fame, fortune, and glory, not to mention Peach's heart. If

only I was the first player in Super Mario Bros... things could have been different. Maybe I can make a comeback, now that I

finally have my own game.. but probably not. After all, I'm just Luigi.

What Super Mario Bros character are you?

I took the McDonalds test, and guess what I got?

You can take the

McDonalds Product Test
by Matio64


You are Edward Wong Hau Pepelu Tivrusky the


A strange and fun loving kid. You are an expert computer hacker and have all the really important, meaningful

dialog in the series :).
Which Cowboy Bebop Character Are You?

Ok. Post Attempt 2.

Today I was going through my archives (avoiding Math like it were...math..), because I"m trying to figure out what classes I have next semester. You know, before next semester starts. Twas Megan's idea. *clapclap* But apparently, I never blogged my schedule. Stupid Amy.

So what did I find instead you ask? A memory, and two parts of a great book.


This is from when Firefly, my family and I all went up to Niagra Falls.

"We, my family and I, made up wicked cool campfire stories. Well, they're supposed to be scary, buuuut that's physically impossible to do with these people (my mom, aunt, and Firefly!!!!). So, we ended telling very amusing stories. Which involved, Fredricka who got a call from her Father, who had been dead for 30 years, and then her mom showed up, who had been dead for 25 years. Then, Mussolini, a guy who wanted a pizza pie, and ended up marrying the Pizza Guy's dead dog Rocky.

Then, the most amusing story of the night, the one that brought apon numerous mentions of the 'boxes' through-out the night, about a boy named Timmy and his neighbors. Three boys who all reallly wanted to show Timmy their boxes. Their pretty, pretty boxes. Oh, and the neighbor's mom who really just wanted a bottle of Mr. Clean. By now, everything was supposed to be serious. So we had a character named River-Rat, who lived in the forest of the Mississippi. He found his daughter, who he then decided to eat. However, his daughter, just wouldn't die. First her head kept asking for her shoes, and her arm, which River-Rat had swallowed whole, lunged out of his chest.

Of course, we told like one more, but it was all boring and serious so I won't mention it. The only reason it got serious was cause my mom threatened Firefly, er I mean anyone who wasn't serious, with a marshmellow up the behind."

*smiles* That reminds me how good a dancer Fireflychan is. She was the best man. She is the best.


The following is my favourite part from The Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

"So this is it," said Arthur, "we are going to die."

"Yes," said Ford, "except...no! Wait a minute!" he suddenly lunged across the chamber at something behind Arthur's line of vision. "what's this switch?" He cried.

"What? Where?" Cried Arthur twisting round.

"No, I was only fooling," said Ford, "we are going to die after all."

*giggles* It's funny man. On so many floors. Top floor, men's sporting clothes all the way down to Children distracting devices.


Now, this is my second favouirte part out of the book...But it's so funny, as I reread it now, that maybe it's my favourite. Oh I'm so torn.

*See, missles were flying at the Heroes. So Arthur, being the true genius he is, turned on the Improbability Drive. Turning those missiles, into a bowl of petunias and a very surprised looking whale.*

This is the complete record of its thoughts from the moment it began its life till the moment it ended


Ah...! What's happening? it thought.

Er, excuse me, who am I?


Why am I here? What's my purpose in life?

What do I mean by who am I?

Calm down, get a grip now...Oh! this is an interesting sensation, what is it? It's a sort of...yawning,

tingling sensation in my...my...well I suppose I'd better start finding names for things if I want to

make any head way in what for the sake of what I sahll call an argument I shall call the world, so

let's call it my stomach.

Good. Ooooh, it's getting quite strong. And hey, what about this whistling roaring sound going past

what I'm suddenly going to call my head? Perhaps I can call that... wind! Is that a good name? It'll

do...perhaps I can find a better name for it later when I've found out what it's for. It must be

something very important because there certainly seems to be a heck of a lot of it. Hey! What's this

thing? This...let's call it a tail-yeah, tail. Hey! I can really thrash it about pretty good can't I? Wow!

Wow! That feels great! Doesn't seem to achive very much but I'll probably find out what it's for

later on. Now-have I built up any coherent picture of things yet?


Never mind, hey, this is really exciting, so much to find out about so much to look forward to, I'm

quite dizzy with anticipation...

Or is it the wind?

There really is a lot of that now isn't there?

And wow! Hey! What's this thing suddenly coming towars me very fast? Very very fast. So big and

flat and round, it needs a big wide sounding name like...ow...ound...round...ground! That's it! That's

a good name-ground!

I wonder if it will be friends with me?

And the rest, after a sudden wet thud was silence.


Ah, memories.

Memories give me the same tingly feeling in my stomach that really liking someone does. *runs to keep reading archives*

Yup, it's all true. It was a beautiful wedding too. I wore white!! *audience in shock* We left the doves in that box too long though . . .

Ah I finished the Hobbit! YAAAAAY!

Ah what to say, what to say.

I like Bilbo now, cause he's all heroic and clever by the end of the book...So I liked him!

Gandalf...Oh my god! I love that guy so much! Every time he was in the book I was like "YAAAY!" And he was all cool like Dumbledor. I'm glad he's in LotR's cause he's just cool.

I liked this one dwarf guy named Dori too. He was cool cause like, he was always in charge of watching Bilbo. Well until Balin started doing it all the time. I liked Balin too, but he was too much of a goodie goodie. Dori complained. I liked him.

Oh and I really liked Kili and Fili cause they were the youngest and very cool.

I hate Thorin. *grumbles* Greedy mean dwarf guy! Bossy too.

Hmm what else to say....Tis a very long book with lots of description, for everything. But there are lots of bits that were fun to read and the ending was really cool!

Oh and I love how the Ring is in the book, but I think I'm gonna like Frodo and Co. more then I liked Bilbo and Co. If only cause Marry and Pippin are clever!

I'm done now! Weeeee!

Thanks Megan for letting me borrow the book!


# 1 Kagome

# 2 Sango

# 3 Hojo

# 4 Kikyou

# 5 Miroku

Which anime I am...

# 1 Ranma 1/2

# 2 Cardcaptor Sakura

# 3 Digi Charat

# 4 Ah My Goddess!

# 5 Kodomo No Omocha

Oh man, there's some show called "Voltron" or something and it's so wrong!

I'm just glancing over at the tv cause I"m all with the looking over at the tv-ness when I see these two computer-animated guys in like, drone outfits talking.

Drone 1 says: How do I look?

Drone 2 says: Pretty...

Amy: *giggles*

Little later on.

Drone 1 says: Is this it?

Drone 2 says: Yes, this is where we get off.

Amy: *insane giggling*

Parents: What?

Amy: *can't speak*

Parents: Isn't her bedtime yet?


Every time I see something cool on tv, my dad changes.

First it was an old music video to song I like...Flick.

Second it was Daria..He left it on for a second then...FLICK!

Third it was the X-Files....FAST FLICK!

Fourth..The show he leaves it on...Some show that's in a different language and looks fifty years old....

Ah I saw a movie yesterday boys and girls!

Nurse Betty.

Tis the oddest movie ever...In the commercials I saw for it, way back in the day, I thought it was a comedy.

It isn't.

At all.

It's the saddest movie out there...But I liked it. Rene Zellwiger(spelling) is my new favourite actress.

Other then Gillian Anderson. Who is my Dogma.

I can't wait to go to Meg's house tomorrow! *does a happy dance of joy joy*

Now all I have to do is laundry.

In the laundry room.

That is filled with ants.


Only two more weeks...

"Mulder, toads just fell from the sky." -Scully

"I guess their parachutes didn't open." -Mulder

-"Die Hand Die Verletz"

This poem makes me cry every single time...

My family brought me home one day

cradled in their arms.

They cuddled me and smiled at me,

and said I was full charm.

They played with me and laughed with me

they showered me with toys.

I sure do love my family

especially the girls and boys.

The children loved to feed me,

they gave me special treats,

They even let me sleep with them

all snuggled in the sheets.

I used to go for walks,

often several times a day.

They even fought to hold my leash,

I'm very proud to say.

These are things I'll never forget

a cherished memory.

I now live in a shelter

without my family.

They used to laugh and praise me

when I played with that old shoe.

But I didn't know the difference

between the old ones and the new.

The kids and I would grab a rag,

for hours we would tug.

So I thought I did the right thing

when I chewed the bathroom rug.

They said that I was out of control.

and would have to live outside.

This I did not understand

although I tried and tried.

The walks stopped one by one,

they said they hadn't time.

I wish that I could change things,

I wish I knew my crime.

My life became so lonely,

in the backyard, on a chain.

I barked and barked all day long,

to keep from going insane.

So they brought me to a shelter

but were embarrassed to say why.

They said I caused an allergy,

and then kissed me goodby.

If I'd only had some classes,

as a little pup.

I wouldn't have been so hard to handle

when I was all grown up.

"You only have one day left,"

I heard the worker say.

Does this mean a second chance?

Do I go home today?

Which Harry Potter Character I am!

# 1 Harry Potter

# 2 Rubeus Hagrid

# 3 Fred/George Weasley

# 4 Ron Weasley

# 5 Hermione Granger

Harry? How does that make any logical sense!

What Kind Of Pokemon Are You?

Which Lord of the Rings Character I Am

# 1 Eomer

# 2 Galadriel

# 3 Gandalf Mithrandir

# 4 Sauron

# 5 Arwen

I can't member who that is...

I don't care if this makes everyone bored! I liked it and it's my blog!

Mulder got in the driver side of the car and realized something. He was drunk. He couldn't drive

anywhere. "Aw shhhhhooot(only not shoot).." Mulder moaned in the front seat. "Guess we're gonna

have to sleep it off Scully..." Mulder said over his shoulder.

"What? It's ok, let me drive." Scully drowsily reached for the door handle.

Mulder shook his head. "No Scully you can't drive...There's a force field around you..."

"A what? A force field?" She looked around her confused. "Oh my god...you're...your're right. Well,


Mulder looked back at Scully then he looked around himself. "Oh no...I'm in it too.."

"What?" she leaned forward and studied Mulder closely. "Oh my god...you're right! Guess we're up the

paddle without a creek, Spook.."

Mulder knew something was wrong with what she said but the force field was closing in on him.

"Scully...If we don't make it out of here.."

"If we don't make it out of here..what? Do you turn into a pumpkin or something?"

Mulder shook his head frantically, he climbed over his seat and fell atop of Scully. "No Scully," He said

looking down at her. "If I don't make it out, I want you to know..."

"Know what?"

Mulder was fast asleep.

Scully shook her head. "I..I think that you have the right idea, Spook." she replied groggily. "Nite good."

Scully's head fell on top of Mulder's shoulder.

Mulder started to snore softly, and that's where the two agents lay. In the backseat of Mulder's car,

parked out front of a bar. Chicken wing sauce on their faces, and alcohol in their systems. Everything a

good FBI Agent should be.

"Cry? I just found a talking puppy. I'm rich!"

Which Kenshin Character I am!

# 1 Kamiya Kaoru

# 2 Himura Kenshin

# 3 Takani Megumi

# 4 Makimachi Misao

# 5 Sagara Sanosuke

alt="Take the Rurouni Kenshin test" border="0">

Take the

Rurouni Kenshin Character Quiz

Sheez, I did post that blog during fourth period. Course it didn't post until now. Terribly sorry o'le chap.

Ah, for a pointless blog now.

Ah, some recent Search Hits!

"Hot tub amy"-Ok..Uh Since Decemeber 10th, I've gotten this search hit eight times...ok...

"amy's blog"-Well done!

"buffy naked OR nude"-Aren't naked and nude the same...

"blog;trooper"-Such a trooper to come to my blog!

"armadillo blog"-There's a link on the side kiddo...

"amy smithers"-That's right, I married Whalen Smithers! Screw Mr. Burns!

"Psych the Musical Buffy"-Hehe that sounds like a really bad joke...Like look over there! What? PSYCH! The Buffy Musical.

"buffy and new hair cut"-O..k

"mbtv"-Best. Website. Ever.

"Smithers McDonalds"-What?

"Megan Seatle"-Cool! And ok...

"naked + oz"-Honey, if I had that I wouldn't have time to blog...I'd be knitting him some clothes.

"stupid amy"-Speller?

Oh Congrats!

Heidi your blog has given me the most Website Referrers! WHOOO! At a whopping 150!

Meg comes in second with 107 then Megan with 93!


Ah, today Megan has become a 17 year old. Wonders will never cease!

I really hope you're birthday is really good Megan and right now, you're making something to electricute people and that makes a tear come to my eye. A tear of happiness o'course.

I met Megan way back when we were freshpeople in grade 9. We had the same geography class and we sorta sat next to each other. We never spoke really, except when I asked for paper from HER. I thought she was pretty nice and wondered why the two guys who sat behind her bugged her so much. Of course, now I know.

It was grade 10 when I first really started to know Megan. We had two classes together, careers/civics and gym. Then we had lunch together second semester and it was great. I remember when it was great, yeah it wasn't. Hehehe just to confuse her!

Well yeah, I could go on for a while, cause I'm supposed to be doing work...in the lab! Bahahah when will they learn! When! Never that's when! Bahahahaha! But I'll stop now, because one the teacher is gonna come in any second and two it kinda sounds like Megan's dead and I'm remininicing. Which isn't right cause we all know she isn't dead. Yet. April 23, 2004. Why? Oh she know's why!


Hi! I don't feel good, at all.

I woke up this morning, at 12, and I tried to get out of bed. The sheer naseau alone knocked me down. So logically, I called for my mommy. Apparently, I have a fever and my stomach feels really, really icky. I went back to sleep and kept waking up off and on until now. I decided to blog because I had a really cool dream I wanted to share with ya'll.

See, I was in this like huge place...It was like a airport/amusement park and Speller, Sarah, Meg, Dan, and Ron were there. Ron was like, our age and I thought he was nifty. So, he and I went off to go on this fire station ride that was really lame. Somehow, I forgot the pay and we had to run away from the person running the ride. It was about then that Ron was hungry and decided to buy us some hot dogs. He was in line when I saw this little black haired guy annoying this dark brown haired girl. I went up to the guy and told him to beat it and he obliged. I looked at the girl and realized that it was Sarah Michelle Geller! I said "Ok, this might sound weird..but are you Sarah Michelle Geller? I promise not to like, scream and freak out if you are." So SMG smiled and nodded. I said "Wow.." And shook her hand. She was like "Uh..I really gotta go now though.." And I was like "Oh ok..But can you just meet my one friend? You just have to meet her, she loves Buffy!" So SMG agreed and we went outside. Only now outside was like directly outside of our stairwell at lunch. There, was Speller, Sarah, Tara(from buffy) and Kerry Weaver(from ER). I brought SMG to Speller and said "Do you recognize her Speller? Look really closely.." And Speller had this moment of like, confusion on her face, then she looked at Sarah and then her face like totally brightened and I felt so really happy. I decided to leave them to alone and ran and hugged Tara. I was like "You haven't been on Buffy in forever!" Then I hugged Weaver and was like "You're great on ER!" It was then that Weaver freaked out on SMG and hurt her hand.

There's more to the dream, but I really, really dont' feel well and can't type anymore. Bye

I'm really pushing the length of blogs...

A HREF="http://www.inverse.org/tests/slayers">If I<br /><br />        were a Slayers character, I'd be Sylphiel Nels Rada! Who would you be?

1 Name: Amy

2 Nicknames: Amerino, Amers, Am, Mrs. Noodles, That Girl, Hey You

3 School: Ching

4 Age: 17

5 Sex: Maybe later

6 Height: Taller then Sarah, but shorter then Katarina

7 Birthday: September 27

8 Zodiac Sign: Libra

9 Eye color: Brown..blue

10 Hair color: Brown

12 Pets: Askem, Dana, Scully, and the little boy who lives in my drawer

13 Siblings: 13 year old boy *shudder*

15 Hobbies: spitting, typing, reading what I type, typing what I read, hanging out with gremlins


17 Color: Toss up between puke orange and blue/purple

18 Car: The one all the clowns come out of

19 Food: Whatever can be turned into a drink

20 Drink: Whatever can be turned into a food

21 Restaurant: School caf

22 Football Team: Red Sox

23 Sport: Hockey

24 Music band: Boa, Another one..

25 Boy band: Sum41

26 Female Singer: Buffy

27 Male Singer: Giles

28 Actor: Bill, from the Coors Light commercial.

29 Actress: Gillian Anderson

30 Movie: Arry...Poster...

31 Quote from movie: *slurpslurp* Mac and Me

32 Place to go on vacation: Anywhere my heart takes me...So maybe a seven eleven

33 Mall: Place D'Orleans

34 Song: And then she kissed her-Boa

35 Store: Anywhere I can buy a really cool shirt for 99 cents

36 Season: Fall

37 Cartoon: Trigun

38 Book: Harry Potter, Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy, and some others I can't recall

39 Teacher: TV

40 Subject: Lunch, Gym, Parenting

41 Flower: Dandelion

42 TV show: Loyally The X-Files, Logically Buffy

43 Animal: Human

44 Quote: "Beep Beep Ritchie! Beep Beep!"

45 Holiday: Thursday

46 Board Game: Whovile Monopoly?

47 Disney Movie: Lion King

48 Radio Station: kiss 92, or 97.3 easy roooooock

49 TV Channel: Much Music

50 Emotion: Glee

51 Magazine: Uh...The one we get at the movies?

52 Number: 27


52 Who is the most important person in your life? There is no specific person...

53 Who is your best friend? Mary and Pippin

54 have you known the longest of your friends? Sam

55 do you cry to? Stryder

56 do you get the most surveys from? Gandolf mostly

57 do you go to for advice? Bilbo

58 is your worst enemy? Dang ring

59 do you look up to? Everyone..Darn hobbit height

60 Knows you best? Well..Probably Bill

61 Do you like to hang out with? All eight of my pals..

62 Is the craziest person you know? Probably that guy who tried to take the ring from me

64 Do you like? I really like Legolas..

66 Has the nicest hair? Legolas

67 Do you want to be like? Wait..I'm not Frodo! Crap..


68 Do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend? Both! Good ole Hermaphrodite Billy

69 What is their name? Uh..Billy?

70 Do you like your parents? I love my parents.

72 Are you wearing your pajamas? YES! How did you know that?

73 Are you talking to someone online? Three, but the only one who matters is Maygan

74 Are you happy? Partly

75 If your sad, why? What's with the questions?

76 Would you die for a friend? I think so.

Do you believe in...

77 God? Yes.

78 Love at first sight? See question 231

79 Superstitions? Yes.

80 Heaven/Hell? Kinda

81 The closet monster? Always.

82 A perfect guy? Since there's a perfect girl, I'm hoping there's a perfect guy..somewhere


83 What one wish would you wish for? Heh.

84 Do you believe wishes come true? Depends how many candles are on the cake.

85 Do you wish you could be someone else? Yes.

86 Have you ever wished upon a star? Yes..Am right now.

Which one:

87 (Girls) Freddie Prinze Jr. or Ryan Phillippe? Can't I have both?

88 (Guys) Sarah Michelle Geller or Jennifer Love Hewitt? Ew. Those two shouldn't be in a comparison with each other..That's such an insult to Sarah.

89 Lust or Love? Love. Lust is highly over rated.

90 Having a night alone with your man/woman, or out at a party? Why can't you have both? Just gotta find the closet..

91 Church or school? School.

92 Messy or Clean? Messy

93 Computer or DVD? If I had a really good computer, Computer, if I had a dvd player, dvd.

94 Cds or DVDs? Cds.

95 Flowers or Chocolates? From a guy? Chocolate. From a girl? Flower.

96 Bush or Gore (for president). Gore

97 Clinton or Gore (for president) Gore

98 Guy or girl: Depends on the person.

99 Kiss Or Hug: Hug..though that's slightly bias.

100 Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate

101 Children or no children: Children

102 Blonde hair or brown hair on a guy: Brown hair.

104 Slow dance or fast dance: Can't. Dance. Ever.

105 Wife beaters or no shirt: I have to choose between a wife beater or not wearing a shirt? Man these questionares get harder every time..

106 Sunscreen or sun tan lotion: It's so sad I didn't know the difference until last summer.

107 Ring or Bracelet: Ring...One ring to rule them all...

108 hot bath or hot shower: Shower

109 Herbal Essents or Suave: Mickey Bubble bath

110 crayon or marker: Pencil crayon.

111 Pen or pencil: Pencil.

112 Movie or tv: Movie

113 Phone or chat online: Phone

114 Day or night: 12-4 AM, this is my peak.

115 Dark Or Light: Dim

116 Shoes on or off: Depends if I have socks.

117 Long Or Short hair: Short.

118 Burger King OR MC DONALDS: McDonalds



121 Coke or Pepsi: Pepsi

122 AOL or Telephone: Telephone

123 Hanging out with a couple of close friends or hanging out with a big group: Why can't you have a big group of close friends? Eh? Eh? Always judging...You with your questions and your jugding! But really, sometimes I prefer to just be with one close friend...I'm weird.

124 E-mail or Snail mail: Snail mail..from Americans..named Jamie..

When was the last time you:

125 Said thank you? Eight hours ago

126 Read a book? Oh god...I have to read..

127 Read the Bible? Once when I was 12..but not all of it, just the beginning..line.

128 Prayed? Uh..Two weeks ago...But not real praying..Just asking how God was..I'm not joking.

129 Did something nice? Uh...I didn't kill anyone...

130 Helped a friend? Probably not for a year..I'm selfish.

131 Took a shower? Hehehe

132 (girls) shaved your legs? Nev..er...

133 Got mad? *whistles*

135. Did your own laundry? Yesterday

136. Spent Money? Three days ago

137. Who did you spend it on? Myself.

138. Went shopping? Couple weeks ago.


139 Do you want to live? Anywhere that isn't here.

140 Is the most fun place to go? My friend's house.

141 Do you want to meet your husband/wife from the future? No where specifically, just at all.

142 Do you want to go Heaven or Hell? Duh...Dallas.

143 Do you want to get married? Online.


144 Do you like to do? Have fun.

145 Was the most fun retreat/trip you ever went on? Megan's house!

146 Friend is always there? Speller, unless she has homework.

147 Relative sends you the most money for Christmas? Askem.

148 Do you like about your church or school clique? Uh..no church...My friends.

149 Do you want to be when you grow up? Smarter.

150 Do you want your husbands name to be? Not Bob Smith..Sarah would kill me..

152 Is your favorite piece of clothing? My new jacket!

Have you, in the last 24 hrs...

153 Cried? Yes.

154 Gotten in major trouble? Hehehe No!

155 Cut your hair? Nope.

156 Ate a meal? Yup, at least three.

157 Hugged someone? No...But now I really want one.

158 Kissed someone? Nope..

159 Made a new friend? Yes!

160 Lost something? My youth.

161 Done something new? Breathed out, then in, not in then out.

162 Got online? Der...

163 Checked your e-mail? Oh ya!

164 Talked on the phone? YUP!

165 Exercised? I ran sooooo much in the forest with Zoey

166 Slept? Yes..

167 Got in a fight? Not yet..But it is 4:36 AM and my parents are getting up for work soon...

168 Got dressed in something other than your pj’s? Sadly, yes.

169 Went bowling? Awwww I shoulda gone bowling!

Have you ever...

170 Been so drunk you passed out? Who would want to...

171 Gone out in public in your pajamas? Yes. Proudly.

172 Had an imaginary friend? Yup. She sat on top of the McDonald arches.

173 Cried during a chick flick? Yup..and a boy flick.

174 Owned a New Kids on the Block CD? Noooooooooo

175 Gotten in a car accident? Not a serious one..but then I don't drive yet.

176 Liked someone so much you cried? Ya, currently. Oh Toto!

177 Cussed when your parents were around? Bahahahah

178 Told your sister/brother he/she was a bitch? No...

179 Sung in front of the mirror? I just was...

180 Made faces in the mirror? While I sang...

181 Spent more than one hour on your hair? Hehe naw, it only takes a minute to brush.

182 Sleep- walked? Nope. I have ropes that stop me from doing that.

183 Talked in your sleep? Many times.

184 Watched a scary movie and couldn’t sleep all night? Yes.

185 Gone Caroling? Yes, but not for Christmas.


186 What is the funniest movie you ever saw? I haven't been in a movie though...

187 What is the stupidest movie? You drive me crazy

188 Which movie could you watch over and over? The Goonies

190 Who do you go to the movies with? Usually alone or with friends

191 What movie made you cry the most? AI, Land Before Time

192 Did you like Titanic? First time no.

If you were stranded on an island

193 Who would you take? Seems kinda mean to bring someone...

194 Who would you take if you only had two people you could bring? Heath Ledger and Seth Green..the real one.

195 What three things would you bring? Plane, computer, love

196 What island would you want to be stranded on? North America

197 What animal would you kill for food? None...Well maybe a giraffe

198 Would you write on the sand "HELP!"? If I had enough markers

199 Would you panic or relax? Panic..So Heath would have to massage

Would you ever...

200 Jump out of a plane? Not on my own free will

201 Kiss your best guy friend (or if you’re a guy girl friend)? Yes.

202 Go bunjy jumping? Nope..

203 Stay in your room for a whole day? Yeah, I've done it before.

204 Go in the snow without clothes? That would explain the frost bite there...

205 Skinny dip? Hehehe

206 Drink salt water? Done that..accidently

207 Touch road kill? Never...On purpose..

208 Take a job even if it meant you’d be away from your guy? Duh.

209 Smile at your worst enemy? If I had one I would.

210 Play 8,000 bowling games in one night? Of course! NO! yes!

211 Go to Reno to get married? Why not?

212 Gamble? Yup.

213 Bring shorts to Minnesota? Hehe, never thought about it..

214 Have a make-out party? Uh is that like having a whole bunch of people over and making them take turns? cause sure...

215 Throw a party without your parents? I'll do it this afternooooooon

216 Go to a foreign country? If I collect enough pennies

217 Fly a plane? Gosh no.


218 Life: Box of squid.

219 Love: Inevitable

220 A friend: Someone who'll listen to a lame story, even if they've heard it before

Love Life

221 B/f Or G/f?: Are you offering? You're moving so quickly..We've only had 221 questions together...

224 Crush: Suuuuuure.

227 If you could go out with one person in the world, who?: David Duchovny..So I could kick his arse...The jerk...

228 When you first meet someone, what do you notice?: If they laugh at my jokes, or I get the big rolly eye thing.

229 Would you rather be in a long term relationship, or date a lot of different people?: Both.

230 Would you ever be in a long term relationship?: Yes.

231 Do you believe in love at first sight?: See question 78

232 Who was your first crush?: Some red head in Kindergarten...But it was based solely on his marker accesibility.

233 Ideal girl/guy: Funny, smart, caring, funny, sweet, and optamistic

234 Idea of the perfect date: Oooh, one that's sweet and juicy, a little tender, but still...we're talking about the fruit right?


235 JOE: jigalo

236 JENNIFER: Anistan

237 JOHN: Smith

238 SALLY: Fields

239 JORDAN: and Mitchel, two cute kids from playschool.

240 SARAH: Ohad.

241 JESSICA: Parker

242 LAUREN: girl who has the same birthday as me

243 Mark: Guy from school.

244 RAY: Everybody loves.

245 RACHEL: Jamie

246 JANET: Micheal.

Friends ~

248 Do you have a best friend: Homer Simpson.

249 If so, who is it: You're repetitive! I refuse to fill out the rest of this survey!

250 Name your friends:

251 Nicest:

252 Funniest:

253 Most caring:

254 Smartest:

255 Ugliest:

256 Prettiest:

257 Hottest:

258 There for you the most:

259 Friend that lives the farthest away:

260 All around best friend:

261 Best eyes?

262 Best Hair?

263 How long did this take you? From 2 AM to 5 AM, and then from 2:30 PM to 2:47 PM

Are you a Bitter Hermit?

I am a marvel of science. None has ever been discovered like me before, and for that, The Bitter Hermits are grateful. They will be taking membership requests later in the year. Cost is $1,000,000 per year membership and 3 years indentured slavery to each current member. I think it's more than worth it!

Chance I would leave my home voluntarily: ?
Chance I would leave my computer voluntarily: ?

You are

Sailor Venus!
You are graceful, beautiful, and
the incarnation of love and heart. You're athletic, and you're a good

friend... Even if you do have a tendency to be late. You might even be famous someday!
You fight with the power

of love and beauty!

Take the Which Sailor

Are You?
...created by Kenzie.

border="0" alt="Want to know which Buffy character is like you?">

I'm really pushing the lenght of blogs...

A HREF="http://www.inverse.org/tests/slayers">If I<br /><br />        were a Slayers character, I'd be Sylphiel Nels Rada! Who would you be?

1 Name: Amy

2 Nicknames: Amerino, Amers, Am, Mrs. Noodles, That Girl, Hey You

3 School: Ching

4 Age: 17

5 Sex: Maybe later

6 Height: Taller then Sarah, but shorter then Katarina

7 Birthday: September 27

8 Zodiac Sign: Libra

9 Eye color: Brown..blue

10 Hair color: Brown

12 Pets: Askem, Dana, Scully, and the little boy who lives in my drawer

13 Siblings: 13 year old boy *shudder*

15 Hobbies: spitting, typing, reading what I type, typing what I read, hanging out with gremlins


17 Color: Toss up between puke orange and blue/purple

18 Car: The one all the clowns come out of

19 Food: Whatever can be turned into a drink

20 Drink: Whatever can be turned into a food

21 Restaurant: School caf

22 Football Team: Red Sox

23 Sport: Hockey

24 Music band: Boa, Another one..

25 Boy band: Sum41

26 Female Singer: Buffy

27 Male Singer: Giles

28 Actor: Bill, from the Coors Light commercial.

29 Actress: Gillian Anderson

30 Movie: Arry...Poster...

31 Quote from movie: *slurpslurp* Mac and Me

32 Place to go on vacation: Anywhere my heart takes me...So maybe a seven eleven

33 Mall: Place D'Orleans

34 Song: And then she kissed her-Boa

35 Store: Anywhere I can buy a really cool shirt for 99 cents

36 Season: Fall

37 Cartoon: Trigun

38 Book: Harry Potter, Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy, and some others I can't recall

39 Teacher: TV

40 Subject: Lunch, Gym, Parenting

41 Flower: Dandelion

42 TV show: Loyally The X-Files, Logically Buffy

43 Animal: Human

44 Quote: "Beep Beep Ritchie! Beep Beep!"

45 Holiday: Thursday

46 Board Game: Whovile Monopoly?

47 Disney Movie: Lion King

48 Radio Station: kiss 92, or 97.3 easy roooooock

49 TV Channel: Much Music

50 Emotion: Glee

51 Magazine: Uh...The one we get at the movies?

52 Number: 27


52 Who is the most important person in your life? There is no specific person...

53 Who is your best friend? Mary and Pippin

54 have you known the longest of your friends? Sam

55 do you cry to? Stryder

56 do you get the most surveys from? Gandolf mostly

57 do you go to for advice? Bilbo

58 is your worst enemy? Dang ring

59 do you look up to? Everyone..Darn hobbit height

60 Knows you best? Well..Probably Bill

61 Do you like to hang out with? All eight of my pals..

62 Is the craziest person you know? Probably that guy who tried to take the ring from me

64 Do you like? I really like Legolas..

66 Has the nicest hair? Legolas

67 Do you want to be like? Wait..I'm not Frodo! Crap..


68 Do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend? Both! Good ole Hermaphrodite Billy

69 What is their name? Uh..Billy?

70 Do you like your parents? I love my parents.

72 Are you wearing your pajamas? YES! How did you know that?

73 Are you talking to someone online? Three, but the only one who matters is Maygan

74 Are you happy? Partly

75 If your sad, why? What's with the questions?

76 Would you die for a friend? I think so.

Do you believe in...

77 God? Yes.

78 Love at first sight? See question 231

79 Superstitions? Yes.

80 Heaven/Hell? Kinda

81 The closet monster? Always.

82 A perfect guy? Since there's a perfect girl, I'm hoping there's a perfect guy..somewhere


83 What one wish would you wish for? Heh.

84 Do you believe wishes come true? Depends how many candles are on the cake.

85 Do you wish you could be someone else? Yes.

86 Have you ever wished upon a star? Yes..Am right now.

Which one:

87 (Girls) Freddie Prinze Jr. or Ryan Phillippe? Can't I have both?

88 (Guys) Sarah Michelle Geller or Jennifer Love Hewitt? Ew. Those two shouldn't be in a comparison with each other..That's such an insult to Sarah.

89 Lust or Love? Love. Lust is highly over rated.

90 Having a night alone with your man/woman, or out at a party? Why can't you have both? Just gotta find the closet..

91 Church or school? School.

92 Messy or Clean? Messy

93 Computer or DVD? If I had a really good computer, Computer, if I had a dvd player, dvd.

94 Cds or DVDs? Cds.

95 Flowers or Chocolates? From a guy? Chocolate. From a girl? Flower.

96 Bush or Gore (for president). Gore

97 Clinton or Gore (for president) Gore

98 Guy or girl: Depends on the person.

99 Kiss Or Hug: Hug..though that's slightly bias.

100 Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate

101 Children or no children: Children

102 Blonde hair or brown hair on a guy: Brown hair.

104 Slow dance or fast dance: Can't. Dance. Ever.

105 Wife beaters or no shirt: I have to choose between a wife beater or not wearing a shirt? Man these questionares get harder every time..

106 Sunscreen or sun tan lotion: It's so sad I didn't know the difference until last summer.

107 Ring or Bracelet: Ring...One ring to rule them all...

108 hot bath or hot shower: Shower

109 Herbal Essents or Suave: Mickey Bubble bath

110 crayon or marker: Pencil crayon.

111 Pen or pencil: Pencil.

112 Movie or tv: Movie

113 Phone or chat online: Phone

114 Day or night: 12-4 AM, this is my peak.

115 Dark Or Light: Dim

116 Shoes on or off: Depends if I have socks.

117 Long Or Short hair: Short.

118 Burger King OR MC DONALDS: McDonalds



121 Coke or Pepsi: Pepsi

122 AOL or Telephone: Telephone

123 Hanging out with a couple of close friends or hanging out with a big group: Why can't you have a big group of close friends? Eh? Eh? Always judging...You with your questions and your jugding! But really, sometimes I prefer to just be with one close friend...I'm weird.

124 E-mail or Snail mail: Snail mail..from Americans..named Jamie..

When was the last time you:

125 Said thank you? Eight hours ago

126 Read a book? Oh god...I have to read..

127 Read the Bible? Once when I was 12..but not all of it, just the beginning..line.

128 Prayed? Uh..Two weeks ago...But not real praying..Just asking how God was..I'm not joking.

129 Did something nice? Uh...I didn't kill anyone...

130 Helped a friend? Probably not for a year..I'm selfish.

131 Took a shower? Hehehe

132 (girls) shaved your legs? Nev..er...

133 Got mad? *whistles*

135. Did your own laundry? Yesterday

136. Spent Money? Three days ago

137. Who did you spend it on? Myself.

138. Went shopping? Couple weeks ago.


139 Do you want to live? Anywhere that isn't here.

140 Is the most fun place to go? My friend's house.

141 Do you want to meet your husband/wife from the future? No where specifically, just at all.

142 Do you want to go Heaven or Hell? Duh...Dallas.

143 Do you want to get married? Online.


144 Do you like to do? Have fun.

145 Was the most fun retreat/trip you ever went on? Megan's house!

146 Friend is always there? Speller, unless she has homework.

147 Relative sends you the most money for Christmas? Askem.

148 Do you like about your church or school clique? Uh..no church...My friends.

149 Do you want to be when you grow up? Smarter.

150 Do you want your husbands name to be? Not Bob Smith..Sarah would kill me..

152 Is your favorite piece of clothing? My new jacket!

Have you, in the last 24 hrs...

153 Cried? Yes.

154 Gotten in major trouble? Hehehe No!

155 Cut your hair? Nope.

156 Ate a meal? Yup, at least three.

157 Hugged someone? No...But now I really want one.

158 Kissed someone? Nope..

159 Made a new friend? Yes!

160 Lost something? My youth.

161 Done something new? Breathed out, then in, not in then out.

162 Got online? Der...

163 Checked your e-mail? Oh ya!

164 Talked on the phone? YUP!

165 Exercised? I ran sooooo much in the forest with Zoey

166 Slept? Yes..

167 Got in a fight? Not yet..But it is 4:36 AM and my parents are getting up for work soon...

168 Got dressed in something other than your pj’s? Sadly, yes.

169 Went bowling? Awwww I shoulda gone bowling!

Have you ever...

170 Been so drunk you passed out? Who would want to...

171 Gone out in public in your pajamas? Yes. Proudly.

172 Had an imaginary friend? Yup. She sat on top of the McDonald arches.

173 Cried during a chick flick? Yup..and a boy flick.

174 Owned a New Kids on the Block CD? Noooooooooo

175 Gotten in a car accident? Not a serious one..but then I don't drive yet.

176 Liked someone so much you cried? Ya, currently. Oh Toto!

177 Cussed when your parents were around? Bahahahah

178 Told your sister/brother he/she was a bitch? No...

179 Sung in front of the mirror? I just was...

180 Made faces in the mirror? While I sang...

181 Spent more than one hour on your hair? Hehe naw, it only takes a minute to brush.

182 Sleep- walked? Nope. I have ropes that stop me from doing that.

183 Talked in your sleep? Many times.

184 Watched a scary movie and couldn’t sleep all night? Yes.

185 Gone Caroling? Yes, but not for Christmas.


186 What is the funniest movie you ever saw? I haven't been in a movie though...

187 What is the stupidest movie? You drive me crazy

188 Which movie could you watch over and over? The Goonies

190 Who do you go to the movies with? Usually alone or with friends

191 What movie made you cry the most? AI, Land Before Time

192 Did you like Titanic? First time no.

If you were stranded on an island

193 Who would you take? Seems kinda mean to bring someone...

194 Who would you take if you only had two people you could bring? Heath Ledger and Seth Green..the real one.

195 What three things would you bring? Plane, computer, love

196 What island would you want to be stranded on? North America

197 What animal would you kill for food? None...Well maybe a giraffe

198 Would you write on the sand "HELP!"? If I had enough markers

199 Would you panic or relax? Panic..So Heath would have to massage

Would you ever...

200 Jump out of a plane? Not on my own free will

201 Kiss your best guy friend (or if you’re a guy girl friend)? Yes.

202 Go bunjy jumping? Nope..

203 Stay in your room for a whole day? Yeah, I've done it before.

204 Go in the snow without clothes? That would explain the frost bite there...

205 Skinny dip? Hehehe

206 Drink salt water? Done that..accidently

207 Touch road kill? Never...On purpose..

208 Take a job even if it meant you’d be away from your guy? Duh.

209 Smile at your worst enemy? If I had one I would.

210 Play 8,000 bowling games in one night? Of course! NO! yes!

211 Go to Reno to get married? Why not?

212 Gamble? Yup.

213 Bring shorts to Minnesota? Hehe, never thought about it..

214 Have a make-out party? Uh is that like having a whole bunch of people over and making them take turns? cause sure...

215 Throw a party without your parents? I'll do it this afternooooooon

216 Go to a foreign country? If I collect enough pennies

217 Fly a plane? Gosh no.


218 Life: Box of squid.

219 Love: Inevitable

220 A friend: Someone who'll listen to a lame story, even if they've heard it before

Love Life

221 B/f Or G/f?: Are you offering? You're moving so quickly..We've only had 221 questions together...

224 Crush: Suuuuuure.

227 If you could go out with one person in the world, who?: David Duchovny..So I could kick his arse...The jerk...

228 When you first meet someone, what do you notice?: If they laugh at my jokes, or I get the big rolly eye thing.

229 Would you rather be in a long term relationship, or date a lot of different people?: Both.

230 Would you ever be in a long term relationship?: Yes.

231 Do you believe in love at first sight?: See question 78

232 Who was your first crush?: Some red head in Kindergarten...But it was based solely on his marker accesibility.

233 Ideal girl/guy: Funny, smart, caring, funny, sweet, and optamistic

234 Idea of the perfect date: Oooh, one that's sweet and juicy, a little tender, but still...we're talking about the fruit right?


235 JOE: jigalo

236 JENNIFER: Anistan

237 JOHN: Smith

238 SALLY: Fields

239 JORDAN: and Mitchel, two cute kids from playschool.

240 SARAH: Ohad.

241 JESSICA: Parker

242 LAUREN: girl who has the same birthday as me

243 Mark: Guy from school.

244 RAY: Everybody loves.

245 RACHEL: Jamie

246 JANET: Micheal.

Friends ~

248 Do you have a best friend: Homer Simpson.

249 If so, who is it: You're repetitive! I refuse to fill out the rest of this survey!

250 Name your friends:

251 Nicest:

252 Funniest:

253 Most caring:

254 Smartest:

255 Ugliest:

256 Prettiest:

257 Hottest:

258 There for you the most:

259 Friend that lives the farthest away:

260 All around best friend:

261 Best eyes?

262 Best Hair?

263 How long did this take you? From 2 AM to 5 AM, and then from 2:30 PM to 2:47 PM

Are you a Bitter Hermit?

I am a marvel of science. None has ever been discovered like me before, and for that, The Bitter Hermits are grateful. They will be taking membership requests later in the year. Cost is $1,000,000 per year membership and 3 years indentured slavery to each current member. I think it's more than worth it!

Chance I would leave my home voluntarily: ?
Chance I would leave my computer voluntarily: ?

You are

Sailor Venus!
You are graceful, beautiful, and
the incarnation of love and heart. You're athletic, and you're a good

friend... Even if you do have a tendency to be late. You might even be famous someday!
You fight with the power

of love and beauty!

Take the Which Sailor

Are You?
...created by Kenzie.

border="0" alt="Want to know which Buffy character is like you?">