Ah Song of the CENTURY!
Kinda..see I don't know what it is, but my song that I have on cd, is different then all the song lyrics I can find....So the following is what I hear.
And then she Kissed her by Boa
The god of dreams,
sent me a sign,
and I felt homesick.
And from his point of vew, there was no rescue.
No single word, no single cry,
was sending sounding any lie
And then she kissed her, her only love, then she kissed her.
And then she missed her, her only love.
And then she kissed her, her only love and then she kissed her.
And then she missed her, her only love.
Her lonelyness, her fury, her *somethingsomethingtooo*
Her influence on me was like hilarious.
My father, my brother, were teaching me of tragedy.
And then she kissed her, her only love and she kissed her.
And then she missed her, her only love.
Get in touch with me. Get in touch with me.
No single word, no single cry, and far too soon and far too late.
And then she kissed her, her only love and she kissed her.
And then she missed her, her only love.
And then she kissed her, her only love and then she kissed her.
And then she missed her, her only love.
And we feel homesick And we feel homesick.
*really quiet like*
And then she missed her..and then she missed, and then she missed her...
If anyone can get the one part I'm missing, or knows how to fix it up, I'll give them hugs and and and something...
r, she missed her then she missed her*
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