Ah Song of the CENTURY!
Kinda..see I don't know what it is, but my song that I have on cd, is different then all the song lyrics I can find....So the following is what I hear.
And then she Kissed her by Boa
The god of dreams,
sent me a sign,
and I felt homesick.
And from his point of vew, there was no rescue.
No single word, no single cry,
was sending sounding any lie
And then she kissed her, her only love, then she kissed her.
And then she missed her, her only love.
And then she kissed her, her only love and then she kissed her.
And then she missed her, her only love.
Her lonelyness, her fury, her *somethingsomethingtooo*
Her influence on me was like hilarious.
My father, my brother, were teaching me of tragedy.
And then she kissed her, her only love and she kissed her.
And then she missed her, her only love.
Get in touch with me. Get in touch with me.
No single word, no single cry, and far too soon and far too late.
And then she kissed her, her only love and she kissed her.
And then she missed her, her only love.
And then she kissed her, her only love and then she kissed her.
And then she missed her, her only love.
And we feel homesick And we feel homesick.
*really quiet like*
And then she missed her..and then she missed, and then she missed her...
If anyone can get the one part I'm missing, or knows how to fix it up, I'll give them hugs and and and something...
r, she missed her then she missed her*
I am blogging my day accounts, as told to Katarina before she had to depart.
Well I started it out by fighting some ninja's who were trying to get my cat. I gave them a punch here, a jab there, eventually they were so scared they ran away, leaving a very nice Ninja outline-hole in my wall. After I plastered up the hole I went out to find my long-lost-buttotallyevil-sister, Spoons. Yesterday you see, Spoons and I had been on this parade float. I liked the float, cause Santa was there and Santa is totally my homey-G. See, the problem was that Spoons really didn't want to be on the float anymore, and so one day, she killed all the Emu's on the float and fed Santa to the angry, and very hungry elves. I was very upset with Spoons so I took out my nose-gun, and blew her away. I also blew up the whole down-town of December, and a McDonalds. Sadly, I couldn't remember who I was for a whole thirteen minutes and Spoons got away and joined the navy. So today, after regaining my memory, I went looking for Spoons. Course then I got sidetracked by the pretty, pretty Ron doll that I got for Christmas. I spent many an hour putting his shoes on, and then off again. Yeah, that was great. Remember? Remember when it was great? Yeah that was great. Then I went on the computer for a little while and tried to find some song lyrics. I couldn't find the lyrics in my alloted time and sank into a very deep pile of jelly. Yup yup. Purple Jelly. I went a little crazy there you see, and grew these like, dog ears on my head. Then my one true love, the Ron doll, died. I was heartbroken but also very angry. I thought that the Ron doll had betrayed me, seconds before it had died, and so I stuck myself to a pile of laundry. I sat on that pile of laundry for a many of minutes before a stuffed Teddy bear came and freed me. Turns out, the Ron doll's spirit went into the Teddy bear, and Ron hadn't betrayed me at all! I was really happy but instead of acting nice to the teddy bear, I made fun of his tail. He didn't like me very much..he ran away then, and I think I heard him mumble something about Ranma..or something.. It was then that I decided to go on walk. Outside of the house I found all these balls. Inside were all these interesting creatures. I thought hey, I might as well use them for weird purposes and started battling my neighbors who also had the odd creature living inside balls things. We battled for minutes and minutes until both our creature thingys were so tired that they blew up. Then I came home and went on the computer. On the computer, I got sucked in to this odd world where everyone thought I was someone else. Some thought I was "Amy of the Wired", some "Amy of the not Wired" and so forth. I was really confused and the guys with laser pointers taped to their heads didn't help much. It was about then that the world became very purple and black liney squiggly-like. Soon, I woke up lying a top a very, very nice bed.
I was just getting comfy when Gandolf came in. He seemed very cross about a ring I seemed oh have lost or something. I shrugged and told him that the ninja's probably stole it. I got out of bed and told him that I would go and get the ring if he'd just let me pass. It was then that he pulled out a long staffy like thing and screamed that I shall not pass. Tis then I pointed and yelled "OH LOOK! A BANANA!" Gandolf looked and I walked past him. Straight into Dumbledore. I apologized immediatly and hugged him, telling him Rowling better not make his character evil or dead, or she'd be meeting with an unhappy Amy. Dumbledore smiled and patted me on the head, and told me I had better get going or I was going to miss the great feast. I walked through the common house swifly and walked right by Harry and Ron. They seemed to be busy with work, mumbling something about "Losing a bet, coming off worse in a fight", so I decided not to bother them. I walked through some very large doors and stumbled into a scary looking room that was very dark. In the corner of the room however, was a mirror. I decided to check how my hair was looking and took a gander in the mirror. There, standing on the other side was...My one true love. I bowed to my one true love and carried on my journey. I decided to go see Hagrid, considering he was a very nice fellow. I walked outside and was startled to find a very nice sword in the ground. I picked up the
sword and was immediatly put into a battle with some short short bishounen. I giggled at their double bellybuttons and was on my way once more. This time, on my travels, I was met by a blonde girl who weilded a stake. The blonde girl looked at me oddly and I glanced down at my sword. I shrugged. "Ghost hunters always have swords," I said matter-o-factly. She smiled and I arched an eyebrow at her stake. "I'm making a really little fence," the blonde responded, then she skipped off. I decided then, that travelling really wasn't a good idea and sat down to take a breather. It was then that a tall man, with a distiguished profile, and a petite red head, came walking by. They didn't seem to notice me, as they stood and talked right infront. "Cmon Scully, you're cellmate's name is going to be Large Marge...She reads a lot of Gertrude Stein?" The man said. The red head didn't seem to impressed. "Mulder...don't get mud everywhere. This is my room." The man then started to singing the Shaft song. I, slightly terrified now, ran as fast as I could. I wasn't sure how long I ran, but while running a thought occured to me. Life is like a box of chocolates. It has it's ups, it's downs, it's vanilla, it's gross grape, but when you get right down to it, it's all about the Squids. I stopped running then and came to walk beside an Ogre. I turned to the Ogre and said "You know Ogre, I think Amy's are a lot like cakes, we have layers you see.." The Ogre blinked at me and started to mumble something about onions. I wasn't sure what he was talking about, and his Donkey friend didn't either so I closed my ears and said LALALA.
It's then that I found myself at home. I logged onto the internet and saw that Katarina was online. I said hi, and she said Hi, and I started talking about my day. Later on, I went to blogger and blogged. My blog went like this... "I am blogging my day accounts, as told to Katarina before she had to depart.
Well I started it out by fighting......"
Merry Christmas to Meg, Megan, Heidi, Jamie, Katarina,Christine, Sarah, Matt, Mike, Dan, Candace, Gerrad, and anyone I all of a sudden forgot!
Happy Eid(sp) to Speller! I don't care if it's over it's still going on my heart...Really!
Spread Joy, Spread Love, Spread Saliva, Spread ALL!
Legolas Greenleaf If I were a character in The Lord of the Rings, I would be Legolas, Elf, a son of the King of Mirkwood. In the movie, I am played by Orlando Bloom. Who would you be? |
Strawberry: 30/100 Pear: 20/100 Banana: 60/100 Tomato: 10/100 Lemon: 5/100
Take the What Fruit Are You? test by
Santa Claus
For you, Christmas is about giving and not necessarily receiving.
Christmas Tree: 15/50 Snowman: 0/50 Santa Claus: 40/50 Reindeer: 1/50 Mistletoe: 0/50 Star: 10/50
Take the What in Christmas Are You? test by
Which Rocky character
are you?
Take the Corporate Mascot Test at Willaston's Lounge!
8:04 AM BLOG!
Ah, lets see what to blog about.
I had a shower! Whoo and a hardy hooo!
Oh I can share about my dream!
I had the weirdest dream last night! Okay, I was at school and was selling all my old toys to make enough money to buy Christmas presents. It was 3:04PM and Megan said "Okay we better go to the van." And I said "Yup! Just give me a minute more, I have to sell a couple more toys." And off I ran to the gym. I finished selling my toys, and got a whopping $40.00! Then I decided to go to Christine's locker..I'm not sure why...Anyhoo, I was in the stairwell with the windows? Uh no the big one, but the one down the hall from Christine's locker? Anyways, Speller was with me and I said "Oh Shoot I better hurry!" And I smashed the window and stood on the ledge. Speller looked at me like "Uh..What?" and I explained "Oh don't worry, I'm a ghost hunter, all ghost hunters can fly silly head." Then I thought 'Wait..when was the last time I flew?' So I then stepped down from the window and raaaaan as fast as I could to Megan's van. It was 4:00 by this time and Megan and her family were still waiting for me! AHHH! I felt so horrible for making them wait that I got out of the van and started running home. Then I woke up. Stupid dreams! I woke up feeling soooo guilty! Dah well, I better actually go wait for the van now! Or else it'll all come true! Cept the flying part. I can fly.
8:04 AM BLOG!
What? I couldn't say Morning Blog! That'd make me a biter.
Look at me! I'm blogging in the morning! Aren't I a good little blogger-girl? Aren't I?
Uh uh..Not much to blog about actually...I have the 12-minute run to do in like..*thinks* 25 minutes. Grrr, I can't wait until it's over. And I'm all red faced like my old grade 7 teacher. Good times, good times...Er.. Good future times...I'm gotta go now though, Megan and Co. are coming to get me..drive me to school. They're the bestestestest! And I don't care what you say Megan! You guys are never late, always exactly on time. Eeps better run I better!!!!!
Happy Birthday Heidi!
Heidi is now old too!! I'm so proud of her! A lot of people were saying she wasn't going to age this year. What with the alien living inside her left ear, but look at her now! She's Sweet 16!
I met Heidi last year..At first I knew her only as Sarah's friend who thought I was Meg. Soon I learned that she was super cool! Math class people, math class. Tis the place people come together! I went to math class one day, and then I was sick for a whole week. And Heidi, the doll that she is, sent me a note home telling me how to do the work and wishing me well. Right then I knew I wanted to be her friend...And now I am! Happy Birthday Heidi! You're the best!
Better go...the natives are restlesss...
Ahoy!<--- That means hello!
Happy Birthday Katarina!!!!
Katarina is now old! Well ya know, old compared to say..Heidi. And skin cells.
Oooh I just had a revelation. I knew Katarina when she was 12 years old! *sniffle* I have all these memories with her! Like sitting under the tree everyone sat under at lunch. Playing catch with apples. Playing catch with footballs, baseballs, tennis balls, bouncy balls...We were very ball oriented...Wait that sounded wrong.. *shrugs*
When I first met Katarina I thought "She seems nice...really quiet though.." Since I met her in track and field class and she just sorta stood their nodding and smiling. I remember walking home with her and going to the park and swinging on the swings...And then the hysterical laughing...Katarina's the best!
Ahh if I don't blog this! It won't be her birthday soon!
Ahoy!<--- That means hello!
Happy Birthday Katarina!!!!
Katarina is now old! Well ya know, old compared to say..Heidi. And skin cells.
Oooh I just had a revelation. I knew Katarina when she was 12 years old! *sniffle* I have all these memories with her! Like sitting under the tree everyone sat under at lunch. Playing catch with apples. Playing catch with footballs, baseballs, tennis balls, bouncy balls...We were very ball oriented...Wait that sounded wrong.. *shrugs*
When I first met Katarina I thought "She seems nice...really quiet though.." Since I met her in track and field class and she just sorta stood their nodding and smiling. I remember walking home with her and going to the park and swinging on the swings...And then the hysterical laughing...Katarina's the best!
Ahh if I don't blog this! It won't be her birthday soon!
So little to say, so much to type..
I'm working on my essay! I hate this essay....sooo much that I'm pretty sure I will soon snap and destroy a small child. *looks at Adam* Hmm maybe not Adam, he made me pancakes...
Uh uh..I like my brother's t-shirts! I wear them, and I make them look good...
Crappity crap crap, crappity crap crap, look at Amy type!
Crappity crap crap, crappity crap crap, what she write sure bites!
*bows* I'd like to thank the academy, and the bears. Ooh and Jamie's online! Let us all cheer! *lets us all cheer*
Oh to update all in my housing situation.
Currently, the place i now live in we are being kicked out of. The family upstairs wants to live in the basement and rent out the top for more money, nuts to us they say. Well we have until the end of January to find a new place...after moving in last Friday...
One would think I'd be angry about this, but in reality, I'm not really shocked by anything anymore. I'm Zen. I am so freaking Zen it's scary. I'm Zen until you piss me off, then watch yourself. I'm all threatening now, with my Drug Hat! Oooh the place next door is being rented out, but first it's being fixed up...Fixed up to have a bedroom with it's own bathroom..It's only 50 dollars more than the place now....It's MINE! I will have the room with the bathroom! And I will often run water, just for the hell of it. Yes, that's right, I said hell. I am growing, I am maturing, and I am going to work on my essay so my teacher loves me!
Lưu trữ Blog
tháng 12
- Ah Song of the CENTURY!Kinda..see I don't know wha...
- I am blogging my day accounts, as told to Katarina...
- Happy Channukah Krista! I've decided that I reall...
- HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!Merry Christmas to Meg, Megan, Hei...
- Legolas GreenleafIf I were a character in The Lord...
- 8:04 AM BLOG!Ah, lets see what to blog about. *th...
- Grrr arugh
- Blogthis better work! Or I'll blog that!
- 8:04 AM BLOG!What? I couldn't say Morning Blog! Th...
- Bonjourno!Happy Birthday Heidi!Heidi is now old to...
- Ahoy!<--- That means hello! Happy Birthday Katarin...
- Ahoy!<--- That means hello! Happy Birthday Katarin...
- So little to say, so much to type..I'm working on ...
tháng 12