Ya know what I'm gonna blog about? My Life.

I have the best Family in the world.

No I do.

I have two really, really, really wonderful Parents who love me tonnes, a little brother who seems to like me more then the brothers on TV and a nice kitty and two gerbils. I don't have the biggest house ever, or the cleanest for that matter but it's still somewhere I like to be no matter what. We may not be the richest family out there, but everything I have I love. I may not be the most popular girl in school (like I'd want to, blah) but the friends I have I absolutely adore. I may not be the smartest kid in school but I know enough to pass my classes with A's. So, even though I'll probably complain about all those things during the time I have this blog, (hey, i'm a teenager, my mood will change quite frequently), at this given time, I'm pretty sure I have the best life in the world.

Cept maybe Tea Leoni. What? She gets to kiss Mulder.

I'm not bitter.

P.S. George W.? Cutest. President. Ever.