Tu ne mange pas le caca? Non, merci.

Watch out french folk, we're on to you.

If I like someone, and then I pick on them and get then kick them and beat them up and make it so they hate me, will they love me. I didn't think so....and yet some guys do...

Ya know Mark? Sure you do. I don't like him. It isn't cause he's gay cause hey I like Cam and he's gay to right? Right? Well I don't like Mark cause he has no spine. Okay he must have a spine or he wouldn't be able to stand up but you know what I mean. Hey Meg, give him a spine. Or make someone give him a spine, or get someone to run him over with a minivan I don't know

My best friends are goood.

Today me best friend Speller wasn't here. Severe Speller withdrawl. She is so funny dag nabbit. Like T.V. funny. Ooooh and did you know that she is a vampire? I know cause she uses slanty words....Look it up. Its right under lool in the dictionary. Honest. Stop looking at me like that. LALALA

Dan and Meg were drawing and I was like ya I can draw and Meg was like ya. And then I was like can I draw and Meg was all like not with my paper and Dan was all like .... Dan is a little crazy. But a nice little crazy. I know a gal who is a CLONE a CLONE. Not a CLOWN a CLONE. She has a puppy I like puppies.

I know this other girl who is nice.

Well those are the people I know.

I'm writing for cookies. I want cookies.



Buffy. Goobers. Stevie Wonder. The connection is obvious.

Bye ya'll and remember "I have drugs, come with me"