You're Momiji - the rabbit!
Which Fruits Basket Character Are You?
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So I'm telling this story to everyone when I realize...what are blogs for other than to tell stories? Mwah.
Thursday: I finish my Gage Park job at 4 o'clock, have a meeting for Vector at 7. Hmm, I say to myself. What shall I do? So, being the good employee that I pretend to be I clean up the Snack Bar. We're talking fullfledged cleaning. Counters washed, floor mopped, fridge restocked, everything perfect.
Friday: Me and my bestest pal Lindsay went to Toronto! Why have ya'll never heard of Lindsay before? Well I met her last year at Wonderland and thought she was just hilarious. Cept she lives kinda far from here and so we don't see each other ever. Well a few weeks ago she calls me out of the blue and we decide to chillout. And that's what Friday was. First I trekked to Wonderland as a designated meeting place. It was so grand! I couldn't see Lindsay so I called her cell phone and she could see me (probably because my hair is blindingly red) and started to direct me towards her. Apparently I can't see when I'm on the phone because I totally didn't see her till I noticed a girl a few yards ahead of me talking into a cell phone. Then I was like "Lindsay! AHHH!" and she was like "Amy! AHHH!" and there was running and hugging and it was much enjoyed by all. Now, there has to be said about Lindsay. She has the exact same sense of humour as me. That means 99.9% of the day was spent everything. The other .01% was spent trying to eat food...which often led to choking do to the laughing n'such. It was such a great day. First we bussed for a very long time then there was the subway and then bright and sunny Toronto! Wow. There are a lot of crazy people in Toronto. A lot a lot. Lil scared, but s'all ok. We rose a ruckus wherever we went and Rick the Temp smiled and waved at me (er us). He is so cute. Bradford also waved but in a much more offhanded way so not as much love is shared to him. Lindsay and I saw a shiny metal man, mohawk kids pleading for money (though they can afford the mohawk), nice t-shirts, great books (ooh I got a booook), KFC, Pidgeons! Lots and lots. It was such a fantastico day. Wish you all had been there...A bit. Lindsay's off to Costa Rico today...I'm gonna miss that wacky chicken. It's odd when you see someone only once a year and yet you fall into a rhythm as soon as you talk. Tis great.
Saturdsay: Morning starts out beautifully. Daddy buys me a bagel, I'm all bagel full. Go to work, lil late, but it's all good. Open door to snack bar....a multicoloured fluid all over the floor greets me. Yes. The girl who worked the day before me (lovely girl I had always thought) had left....I'll give you a rundown of what she did a) left the refridgerator open, coffee machine on, no stock, dishes dirty, window not even locked. Ten boxes of popcicles live in that fridge. Ten boxes of about thirty popcicles are completely ruined. I mean completely. They've dripped all over the fridge, onto the floor...a sea of sticky goodness. Wearing my new shoes and white work shirt I get to work. Turn off coffee machine, seeing as how fire's bad and all that, empty contents of fridge, scrub fridge, refill fridge, throw out all the popcicles, call boss. Cannot sell hotdogs left out...poison and all that. Wash, scrub, clean floor. Wash dishes. Restock fridge. Scrub. Covered in muck. Open snackbar. 2 people in park. Make $11.24. Fun fun. Upside is that it was kinda cool cleaning n'such. I mean not in a cool "Wow! This is so cool" way, but in a "This is different" cool way. Twas a good day overall.
After work I came home and watched the end of a movie called "Frailty"...pretty freaky movie.
Sunday: Go to Gage park early. Set up. Open. Work till 1:45 run to Vector meet up with Heather. Go to Toronto for Field Training. Heather is so cool. Watch how to do a demo. Realize I've been doing demo's right all along (yey!). Get home at 5:30ish. Ponder what to do. Go on computer. Maygan online. Much rejoycing. And now I've been here ever since, doing laundry and cleaning my room as I talk to a few o'my favourite people.
There! Look at that, I posted lots. Now don't say I never do anything fer ye.
You're Ireland!
Mystical and rain-soaked, you remain mysterious to many people, and this
makes you intriguing. You also like a good night at the pub, though many are just as
worried that you will blow up the pub as drink your beverage of choice. You're good
with words, remarkably lucky, and know and enjoy at least fifteen ways of eating a potato.
You really don't like snakes.
Take the Country Quiz at
the Blue Pyramid
Today is the birthday of someone more important to me than I can really ever express. Someone more important than the x-files, harry potter, harvest moon and the sims combined. That's right. My friend from Nevada. Maygan's been with me through good times, bad times, horrible times, sweet times, friggin craptacular times, superb times and perfect times. She's been my friend when I needed her...Everything really. And it's her birthday.
I met her four years ago when I was a wee pup and I've not been rid of her since. Thank God. I honestly can't say there's anyone I've spent more time with than her, or spent contemplating about...if only because she's so damn smart.
Well yeah, I'm super bad at being all poetic and crap sooooo
Happy Birthday Maygan!! May your year be full of the one thing you want the most and the one thing you most the want.
Oooh man. Can't wait for tomorrow. Shall be my first day off in seven days. Wooo woooo! And it's the first day of vacation!
Okay so I started my job at Gage Park. Dude it really is a good job but they have these wacked out tongs that for some reason I always slice my fingers on. And always very deeply. So not fun....I don't like blood very much. Especially since I bleed a lot. I'm sure I have leukemia and it's only a few days before I croak. Or months....I should probably look into leukemia a bit more.
My job with Cutco....Best. Job. Ever. Seriously. I adore it so much. Not only is the pay great but most importantly I really am selling the absolute best product in the world. Ever. There's so much confidence that it scares me. Scares me in a happy great way. Oooh I love my job.
*yawn* I swear I was gonna blog more than this....but...I'm...soo....sleepy! Byeee
You are Remus Lupin,the kind werewolf and possibly
the sweetest person in the world^^ You like to
read and love hanging around with your best
Which of the marauders are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
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tháng 7
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tháng 7