*bursts into laughter but is then consumed by sobs*

Thank you Megarina-chan, I know how deep down, you loved Harry as much as Eli, or Karen, or Anne, or Maria, or Popuri, or Ron *looks at tombstone thoughtfully*

Looks familiar.....what game....where there were lots of tombstones...*shakes head* Naw, I musta been thinking outta the box again.

As Harry would say, if he wasn't dead and under a grave:


Then he'd go play with his hoe....How he loved that hoe *cries*

I dunno how to do links, so I'm not going to try buuuut ya'll see at the side of my blog *points* where it says Mighty Big Tv? That is the site you have to go to right now.

Right. Now.

Not now right. But Right now.

See, ya'll know what my favourite show is right?


Well, at MBTV, site mentioned, they do the bestestestest recaps in the land.

I swear to you all on the head of Harry of the Hogwarts Farm, they are the best.

The gal who recaps em, Jessica, my biggest hero. She's the funniest, wittiest, coolest, snarkiest, funniest, bestest, wickedest person in the world. I wanna grow up to be her.

I'm not gonna change my name however.

Hmmmm maybe I could just put a J infront....waaaiiitt. Then I'd be Jamy. Which is a lot like Jamie.....dag nabbit. Well maybe I'll become Ajmy, lord of the dance. I mean, reader of Recaps.

That is all.

*starts to dance*

*starts to groove*

*starts to dance and starts to groove*

No, there isn't any point.

I got 13 hits on my blog today.

I'm so very proud. *wipes away tear*

I'd like to thank my parents, for making me go to school. I learned to read, and therefore have a blog.

I'd like to thank my bestest friend Meg for making me get a blog.

I'd like to thank my bestest friend Speller for being all Speller-like.

I'd like to thank Heidi for reading my blog!

I'd like to thank John Heaton for reading my blog, then questioning me about my blog, thus allowing me the knowledge and much happyfeelingish that he read my blog.

I'd like to thank Megan for giving me many things to blog about, and for being able to fly over puppies with no feet.

I'd like to thank Jamie for putting up the counter-thingy so that I could see how many people go to my blog.

I'd like to thank Dan for ......(just tried to work in a way to mention him)

I'd like to thank Askem for not attacking me when I blog.

I'd like to thank Sarah, for not having a blog, thus making me spend less time checking other people's blogs and more time working on my own.

*music starts to play*

I'm not done! *pulls out little peice of paper*

I'd like to thank Blogger! I'd like to thank Netscape! I'd like to thank Bob, and Jack, and Tyler! I'd like to thank *music grows very loud and drowns me out*

*keeps talking, but is mute*

*is pulled off stage by big burly security guards named Biff and Jumbo.

Please all stand.

Today we mourn the loss of a wonderful farmer.

Farmer Harry, of the Hogwarts Farm has perished.

Along with him, the entirety of livestock died. Even his dog Hedwig, and his horse Hagrid.

*takes out tissue*

He was a good farmer, a rich farmer. He thought he had everything, lots of women, lots of money, lots of cows and sheep, but none of those things helped him in the end. We all know he's in a better place now, running freely with Gray the blacksmith's grandson, the one he was ment to be with, but still, we will miss him. I will miss him. He, and Delia of 97.3 Easy Rock filled my evenings of no computer with happiness and enlightenment. Now, only Delia lives....Well for now....

*places a single bag of pineapple seeds on a gravestone* Goodbye Harry, the world will miss your thoughtful nod, and silent nature.

I went swimming today.

Adam's little friend Dennis is extremely annoying. He kept splashing Jamie and me. And following us around. Probably liked Jamie.

On the up side, I made a two little friends. No idea there names. They're probably like 7 but still. They were showing me all the cool things they could do. Like jump into the pool. Ah, kids, so entertaining.

Hmmm, I'm gonna go swimming again tomorrow. Wow! Well bye.

I didn't blog yesterday, shame on me. Shame, shame double shame.

Guess what?

I'm talking to Speller right now! Yay! I love talking to Speller, cause she's super funny, and my best friend. Even though her taste in music needs some real elbow grease, she's still one of the best people in the entire world! One day, we're all gonna hail to her, honest. Well, cept maybe the Backstreet Boys, she'll probably have them killed. Although, first she should have them battle Nsync. Cause that'd be super cool.

I ate some eggo. And a cookie. I'm drinking Orange Juice too, cause I love orange juice.

I'm listening to "Fly me to the Moon". I love this song! Thank you Speller!! Her foot is tapping! It's actually tapping! I love this song.

Ah yesterday was great fun. I fell asleep on the drive back and when I awoke it was about to rain really hard. I love thunder storms, well maybe not driving in them, but I love them anyways. Gosh my left arm was hot, being stuck in the back with Jamie and Adam for an hour or so isn't all that it's cracked up to be. Those wacky scientists who said it would be fun, lies lies!

Hey! Xena's on! Yay!

Hehe, Scully's almost drunk, Mulder's flirting with some girl, and he was naked only moments ago. It's all wonky.

Uh oh, evil baby on Xena. tsk tsk, that's what rap music will do.

Ah, baby's gone. All is well in the world again.

Ah it is very hot and sticky. I should have gone swimming today. *shakes head* Tut tut. I will go tomorrow though for sure.

Oooh Heath Ledger is on my TV. He was in a movie called "Two Hands"

He's saying the F-Word though....Well, he's just acting after all.

Oooh, I found money.

Can anyone else tell I'm just blogging out of sheer boredeom? Cause I can.

Gosh I have nothing in particular to blog about.

Well hey, it's raining and thundering and really super windy. That's pretty cool.

Heath Ledger.....*starts to swoon*

Once I had a dream, where I beat up Heath Ledger's wife. I dunno if he's married but in my dream he was. His wife was....dundundun...Rosie O'Donnel. It was horrible. I just kept kicking her and she kept saying "We'll be right back with more of my honey, Heath Ledger" Grrr she just wouldn't die!

Hmmm. Heeeey.

Well the movie's over. A ten year old boy shot the bad guys then took the money. He was really scary looking.

Askem's sleeping. Let us all say Aww. Awwww.



Okay that's enough for today. My life isn't being exciting.

Toy Cat. Paper plates. Bowl.


I'm in the wonderful land of water falling. Rejoyce!

Jamie is the bestestestestes dancer in the world. I tell you she is. She is. The bestesetstestest. *nods*

The bestest.

We had marshmellows. I do not know how to make s'mores properly. Feel my shame. *throws shame at random people* Take that! And that!

I'm Amy of the wired.

Jamie sighed.

Jamie said "Jamie sighed."

Jamie laughed.

Jamie laughed again.

Jamie, while laughing, hit me and said "Stop blogging what I'm doing!"

Jamie is silent.

And holdng something in. And now punching.

Oh guess what? Wanna hear something that is a horrible horrible injustice? Me and Jamie were all set up to sleep in a wicked cool, non-smelling, bug free, tent. When! My brother, who was 'tired' got to get it instead. But don't worry, we know where he lives. Unless he moves.

We, my family and I, made up wicked cool campfire stories. Well, they're supposed to be scary, buuuut that's physically impossible to do with these people (my mom, aunt, and Jamie!!!!). So, we ended telling very amusing stories. Which involved, Fredricka who got a call from her Father, who had been dead for 30 years, and then her mom showed up, who had been dead for 25 years. Then, Mussolini, a guy who wanted a pizza pie, and ended up marrying the Pizza Guy's dead dog Rocky. Then, the most amusing story of the night, the one that brought apon numerous mentions of the 'boxes' through-out the night, about a boy named Timmy and his neighbors. Three boys who all reallly wanted to show Timmy their boxes. Their pretty, pretty boxes. Oh, and the neighbor's mom who really just wanted a bottle of Mr. Clean. By now, everything was supposed to be serious. So we had a character named River-Rat, who lived in the forest of the Mississippi. He found his daughter, who he then decided to eat. However, his daughter, just wouldn't die. First her head kept asking for her shoes, and her arm, which River-Rat had swallowed whole, lunged out of his chest. Of course, we told like one more, but it was all boring and serious so I won't mention it. The only reason it got serious was cause my mom threatened Jamie, er I mean anyone who wasn't serious, with a marshmellow up the behind.

We're gonna go to the Falls tomorrow, whoo and a hardy hoo!

Oh, I finished that book I wasn't reading too. I'm very happy, the ending was good. *phew*

Oh, I don't mean it was written well, I mean, the gal Melissa had a happy life, hence the *phew*

I better finish this blog entry. There are people to talk to. Bye

Snake. Discoball. Tiger.

The connection is something...

My eyes hurt.

I reckon I shouldn't keep my eyes open while swimming in the clorine filled pool but I can't help it. It's kinda fun though, everything has a nice hazy look to it. Oh, and if I move my head really fast, I can see fireworks. It's magic.

I'm reading a book that I'm not reading.

See, I read this book a couple years ago called "Second Child" by John Saul. I don't really like this book, but I cannot remember how the book ended. The reason I don't like the book all that much is because the main character, Melissa, is put through far to much hardship. She's abused by her mom, her stepsister is evil, and everyone thinks she's crazy. It's horribly sad, but I can't stop reading it before I know what happens to her. Blame John Saul and his problem with children. I've read about three of his books, and all of them involve something horrible happening to children, they're evil abused, or they're evil. It's always so sad.

Pokemon's on.

Let us all shudder.

*sighs happily* It's okay, it's Whose Line is it Anyway?


Hehe, my eyes are tingly.

We're having pizza. Feel the wrath of the pizza.

I took a moment, to read. The mom's forcing Melissa to go in the shower, and the water's scalding hot. I hate this book. I think when I'm done, I'm going to read Harry Potter again.

I like Candra. I didn't like her for a long time, but she's grown on me. Like a fungus.

Don't kill her. Please.

I like the song Duvet. I know I said I really loved Teenaged Dirtbag, but I tell ya, those two songs are probably ranked at the same level. I could listen to it over and over. And, now that I have the words (courtesy of Megarina-chan), I can now sing it out loud, and sing it right.

Oh ya know what? The Pizza guy's gonna wanna buzz up for the pizza. Better stop now then.

Paint. Hammer. Camera.

The connection is as obvious as the Question. *bows and walks away*

*giggles insanely* Oh Speller, you crack me up. Literally. You know how long it took me to glue myself back together? 42 hours.

But sadly Speller, while your answer is right, it's not the answer I was looking for. You will get a hardy handshake for your efforts however.

Meg is the official winner, although, she didn't really read it off my blog...she sorta just heard me say what Speller did....Ah ha! A loop hole.

You all still have a chance.

I'd like to take a moment, a moment of silence. Why? This silence is for my mistake. Yesterday, I said there were Four books in the trilogy, when in fact, there's Four plus 1.

Seeing how my birthday is in *checks watch* Two months, I'm expecting all these books, they are

Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (I've read, but I need to own.)

The Restaurant and the End of the Universe

Life, the Universe and Everything

So Long and Thanks For All the Fish

and Mostly Harmless.

First person to get me one, get's a bronze Turtle.

I went swimming today. Whoo and a hardy Hoo!

Guess what?



Who said that?

I did.

Who are you?


Floyd who?

Just go on, jeez.

Fine, fine.

There is a comic book, being made at my house. Ya think it's too soon to turn my living room into a museum?

My hero, John Heaton, has added me. This day...July 18? 19? will go down in history. On this day, I shall always check my email, and eat a hardy pancake. Oh, and I'll spell colour, without the U, in honour of him being all American.

I think I swallowed a bug. Please hold, while I gag.

I got to role play as Mulder today. It was great fun because it was all about Mulder trying to convince himself that he's all man. Here, let me show you.

In this Role Play, all the characters have to meet up in the same bar, Mulder, feeling a tad lonely, decided to call Doggett.

"Okay, great. So it's a date," Mulder winced. "I mean, it's in no way,

absolutely not a date, in any sense of the word." Mulder let out a sigh of

relief. Glad he cleared that up. " Yeah, I'll meet you there, let's say eightish?"

Mulder winced again. "I mean, like, if you want. We could even arrive at

seperate times. Hey, we could even pretend we don't even know each other

at all." Mulder paused. "Although, wait, no, okay. I'll meet you there." He

hung up before he could do any more damage.

Mulder looked at himself in the mirror. 'I need to brush my hair', he though

patting his hair. 'Wait! I don't....I'll not even get changed I'm gonna wear my

track suit, yeah, yeah.' Mulder thought again, ruffling his hair so it was even


"I'm not even going to shower," Mulder said confidently. Mulder went to his

small bathroom, and started to brush his teeth. Then he stopped. And spat out

all the toothpaste. 'Now, my breath is minty fresh! AHHH!" Mulder shouted

at no one in particular.

Mulder hurriedly ran into his kitchen and started eating all the foul things that

had been found in his fridge when he had moved in. Old garlic bread, rotting

onions, and some cat food. Mulder licked his palm and smelt it. Ah, much


Mulder, with his horrible breath, stained old track suit, and messy hair left

his apartment and began his drive to The Spy Lounge.

It's just fun to be Mulder.

Well, it's fun to be Krycek too. When I feel murderous.

Orange juice is yummy.

I'm brushing my hair. Speaking of which, I really need to get my hair cut. Heidi, I think you should get your hair cut, if you want to get it cut. Don't even think about what other people say or anything.

I'm wearing a cow shirt. It says 101 Cowmations. Now, is it just me or is that clever? Yeah, it's probably just me.

Heidi, come get your CDs tomorrow. Cause, I promise to make sure that no one is online from 4-7. I cross my heart and hope to die. I'm very sorry I'm on the internet right now. Honest.

Yeah know what? I need to post my second favourite part from "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy". Here it is

See, missles were flying at the Heroes. So Arthur, being the true genius he is, turned on the Improbability Drive. Turning those missiles, into a bowl of petunias and a very surprised looking whale.

This is the complete record of its thoughts from the moment it began its life till the moment it ended it.

Ah...! What's happening? it thought.

Er, excuse me, who am I?


Why am I here? What's my purpose in life?

What do I mean by who am I?

Calm down, get a grip now...Oh! this is an interesting sensation, what is it? It's a sort of...yawning, tingling sensation in my...my...well I suppose I'd better start finding names for things if I want to make any head way in what for the sake of what I sahll call an argument I shall call the world, so let's call it my stomach.

Good. Ooooh, it's getting quite strong. And hey, what about this whistling roaring sound going past what I'm suddenly going to call my head? Perhaps I can call that... wind! Is that a good name? It'll do...perhaps I can find a better name for it later when I've found out what it's for. It must be something very important because there certainly seems to be a heck of a lot of it. Hey! What's this thing? This...let's call it a tail-yeah, tail. Hey! I can really thrash it about pretty good can't I? Wow! Wow! That feels great! Doesn't seem to achive very much but I'll probably find out what it's for later on. Now-have I built up any coherent picture of things yet?


Never mind, hey, this is really exciting, so much to find out about so much to look forward to, I'm quite dizzy with anticipation...

Or is it the wind?

There really is a lot of that now isn't there?

And wow! Hey! What's this thing suddenly coming towars me very fast? Very very fast. So big and flat and round, it needs a big wide sounding name like...ow...ound...round...ground! That's it! That's a good name-ground!

I wonder if it will be friends with me?

And the rest, after a sudden wet thud was silence.

That's exactly how it is in the book. Well, cept I changed one word to heck. Isn't that just the best thing ever?

Ah, I'm going to reread the book I think. It's just so full of goodness.

Depeche Mode is gone. Let us all cry....Yeah I didn't think I'd hear crying either.

I mean, *sobsob*

Oh, and I'm very pleased. Hi Cam!!!! Good ole Cam. Hey Cam, you have real nice hair.

Jamie has to stop blotching.

The fool.

Hehehe Fool.

No one's playing Harvest Moon!!! Will wonders ever cease.

Wait, no. My mom's now playing her shooting violent game.


Jamie isn't following the law. According to Meg.

I'm a teenaged dirtbag. I could listen to this song, a million times. Let us say, that this song, is in fact, My Song of a Lifetime.

We're singing. There isn't anything better. Then listening to a song, and singing it with your friends.

Okay, maybe writing a song with your friends.

*ahem* This is how a song goes, that I will be making into a cd.





Pure Gold.

Gonna watch movies tonight.

Gonna play Harvest Moon tonight.


Oh, and I'm going to take over the planet.

I just have to figure out a way, to lure all the mice on the planet into a large cage, which has a running wheel.

Reckon some cheese'll work?

Life. The Universe. Everything.

First person who has the answer gets a big hug!

I'm very sorry for not calling you when I said I was going to call you Heidi! See, at me home, we only have that one stinkin phone line, and so I couldn't get to call you back. I'm evil. I'm very sorry. But, on an upside, you get your CD's tomorrow!! Cheer! Throw popcorn, eat a squid!

My internet friends amuse me.

See, I have many friends online, who I actually know in real life. And they're all my favourite people in the world.

Then, I have people who I know through our RolePlaying games. Where I'm either a snarky, killer Krycek, or a snarky, caring Mulder. They all amuse me, since they have good personalities and are creative.

I also, have two friends that I found from our mutual interests. There's my online buddy whom I met through Mightybigtv (who is also my hero), and a friend who I met through a chat.

But then, I have this one friend. I met her along time, in a Buffy Trivia chat room. She's online fairly a lot, but we never seemed to talk so I took her off my friend list. Then she messaged me. See, she was having trouble with her boyfriend and came to me for advice. I couldn't figure out why. I gave her my advice (the best advice a gal who's never been in a relationship can give), and she took it. Then, I never spoke to her again. Well, until today. For more advice. It's odd. Yet, very amusing. What made this girl, er, assumingly, decide to message someone she never talks to? Boredom. Yeah, probably boredom.

The sprinklers are on.

AGAIN! At 2:19 AM.

I haven't heard the Tennis commercial again. I can't tell you how much this pleases me.

I finished "The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy" today. Now I have to read the second one. And all of the four books in the triology. Now that's just clever. Arthur's still my fav. But now, I must know the Question.

Someone is playing Harvest Moon. Who could it be? *Blue's paw print pops onscreen* Blue wants to play Blue's Clues! To figure out who is playing Harvest Moon!

*giggles insanely* All we need now is Mulder and Scully.

Ah ha!


It felt like an ah ha! Moment.

I'm from Ottawa. I was raised by the Government.

I have the song "White Christmas" running through my head. No, it's not the song of the day. Nor the song of the week.


You were scared. Go on, admit it.

Am I always online when no one else is? Dang it all. Ya'll just gotta go online after 2 AM and we can chat till the Cows get hit by large floating milkshakes. Or Whales, who had just been missles, and only had a few seconds to relish it it's being a whale. Such a special moment in "The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy", second to my favourite.

There is movement.


Bathroom door closing.

Ah ha! We just found our first clue!


No, no I won't go there.

Well, I believe I've run out of things to talk about for the moment.

Adios amigos.

Vaccum. Camera. Oven Mitt.

Oh come on, if you can't get this one, I'm leaving.

I saw Final Fantasy tonight!

I made everyone late.

Oh CRAP!!!! *breathes heavily* There was a Tennis commercial just on, and the voice sounded like the guy at the beginning of Lain who says "Present Time Present Day" I nearly choked. *lets out deep sigh* Hehe, Conan's blushing.

OH right the movie! Anyways, the movie started at 7:10, and we arrived at the theater at...7:10. When we arrived, there was a huge line. I was afraid we wouldn't be able to get in at all but thankfully, Kiran was further up in the line. We only missed like half of one commercial in the end however. Oh and then Dan came in after us, because he went to buy popcorn, and he could not see us waving to him. It was so funny. The people behind us must have hated us with a firey passion. I kept talking in the movie, which I know is a horrible, horrible habit that I should be shot for. I just always want to make people laugh you see, and when something happens in the movie, and I think of something funny to say, I say it. I'm sorry to all people who hate people who talk to people during movies. But, for the record, I'd never bring a cell phone into the theatre, with it on. I think someone's cell phone went off during the movie. But, I forgive that person because they didn't answer the phone. Good job person, wherever you may be.

I'm just a Teenaged Dirtbag.

I become obsessed with things very easily.

No really.

I think my first obsession was with the X-Files. I started watching the X-Files late in the series, starting at probably the sixth season or so. AH! The tennis commercial! *turns tv off* Okay, back to..oh right. I first started watching the X-Files *turns tv back on* purely for the interaction between Mulder and Scully. I remember my first thought being "So, this girl (later to be known as "The Goddess of all things, Scully") likes this guy (later to be known as "Very cute Guy who the Goddess of all things likes, Mulder")?" Which is a totally immature thought, but regardless it hooked me, I, myself being a hopeless romantic. I started collecting X-Files stuff soon after. Basically, newspaper clippings, Magazine clippings, pictures of the internet, and what have you. I'd put all of these things into a small shoebox. Unfortunatly, when we moved my Father threw out my box and I later had to go through garabage bags looking for it. Now all my pictures, clippings, are on my wall, and the top shelf of my bookshelf is reserved for my books and X-Files Barbies. *ahem* I still am obsessed with the X-Files, but probably less than I was, say, two years ago. It comforts me to know that there are people, who are more obsessed than me, thankfully enough.

For a long while, I also obsessed over Gerbils. I just wanted them as a pet, so much. I read about them for nearly five years before I got them. I do so love my two little Gerbils, Dana and Scully. Of course, now that I have them, I don't need to obsess.

The Sims and Harvest Moon are two video games that I am also obsessed with. Video game obsessions are not something to be proud of, I realize. But, I do so adore them both. The Sims is such a great game to me, because 1.) I get to control people's lives 2.) It's always different 3.) It lets me design and build houses, which I have always loved doing.

Harvest Moon is something of an odd game. It's basically Farming. All day. Every day. But, for some reason I can yet explain, I find myself compelled to play it into the wee hours of the morn.

My most recent of obsessions is with the Harry Potter series. When I first read the books I really enjoyed them, but not to an obsessive state. When I saw the trailer for the Harry Potter Movie. I decided to reread the first book, then I read the second again, the third, and I finished the fourth soon after (all of which I borrowed from The WONDERFUL and FORGIVING Speller). Now I've had Harry Potter dreams, I'm going to Harry Potter websites, and all I want pictures of are Harry Potter and Co.

Now, I realize that these aren't really unhealthy obsessions, since they aren't with people, or drugs, but it still makes me wonder why I have them. But, it doesn't bother me that much, since it's not going to stop me from liking any of them. Although, I sure can't wait to see what the next one will be.

I'm watching Caroline in the City. Why? Cause Caroline and Richard love each other, but don't admit until the end. See, that there is the hopeless romantic. Plus, this show brings back lots of memories from when I lived in Ottawa. Hee! I had a big crush on Richard for a while. I have no idea why anymore. He was tall, dark, and brooding. Kinda like Mulder. Hmmmm a connection!

I like orange juice.

I'm reading "The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy". My favourite character by far is Arthur. Although, Ford is very amusing too. Favourite part so far?

Ford and Arthur are about to be launched out into space.

"So this is it," said Arthur, "we are going to die."

"Yes," said Ford, "except...no! Wait a minute!" he suddenly lunged across the chamber at something behind Arthur's line of vision. "what's this switch?" He cried.

"What? Where?" Cried Arthur twisting round.

"No, I was only fooling," said Ford, "we are going to die after all."

Oh how that made me laugh.

I'm about to watch the X-Files again. It's the episode called "Bad Blood" and the info section on my tv says "Mulder and Scully have different stories about a death stemming from one of their investigations." This is one of my favourite episodes of all time. I even have it recorded on a cassette tape so that I could listen to it every night before falling asleep. I know almost every line. Mulder sings, Scully actions like a itchb, Mulder acts like an over hyper boy, oh the hyjinx never cease. AH! Tennis commercial!!! *covers ears*

*hears noises outside* Now why do they water the plants at 2:09 AM?

Someone is still playing Harvest Moon. Silly Americans.

Oh! I've been linked by lissa-chan, Jamie's best friend! I'm ever so pleased! Thank you! I will link to your blog oh ever so quickly. If I knew how to do it. I'll figure it out lickitysplit though! I promise!

Do you suppose there's a limit for how long a blog entry can be?

Well, I'd love to blog more, really I would, but I want to go see what Meg blogged about.

Watch. Fabric Softener. Ketchup.

Connection? Almost as lame as Final Fantasy's ending. And dude, that takes talent.

I like Blue's Clues.

I adore Steve.

Religion Test

1. Unitarian Universalism (100%)

2. Reform Judaism (99%)

3. Liberal Quaker (94%)

4. Sikhism (92%)

5. Liberal Protestant (88%)

6. Neo-Paganism (86%)

7. Jainism (86%)

8. Mahayana Buddhism (84%)

9. Bahá'í (81%)

10. Orthodox Judaism (81%)

11. New Age (80%)

12. Secular Humanism (73%)

13. Islam (72%)

14. Hinduism (70%)

15. Theravada Buddhism (70%)

16. Orthodox Quaker (69%)

17. New Thought (68%)

18. Scientology (60%)

19. Conservative Protestant (58%)

20. Taoism (54%)

21. Latter-day Saint (Mormon) (50%)

22. Atheism and Agnosticism (47%)

23. Seventh Day Adventist (43%)

24. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (40%)

25. Eastern Orthodox (36%)

26. Jehovah's Witness (36%)

27. Roman Catholic (36%)

Uh, that other Test.

Paranoid: Low

Schizoid: Low

Schizotypal: Moderate

Antisocial: Moderate

Borderline: Low

Histrionic: High

Narcissistic: Low

Avoidant: High

Dependent: High

Obsessive-Compulsive: High

A Sagittarius!

It's sooo you!

The planets are very complex. Maybe your astrologer will disagree, and

maybe a few tendencies will vary, but overall you're a SAGITTARIUS. As

a fire sign, you are energetic and restless -- quite the explorer! Your

adventurous and independent spirit gives you an incurable sense of

wanderlust. You thrive on change and always find ways to avoid

monotony and routine. You are in tune with your stars and often seem to

be in the right place at the right time. You're a generous friend and have

a great sense of humor, but you're sometimes are uncomfortable with

romantic commitments. Your symbol is the archer, which represents

your strong ambition and your straightforward and honest qualities.

Always fun to be around, Sagittarius is known and admired for an

unyielding optimism.


See that ha is in connection with the fact that I'm blogging now.

I went to Heidi's house on Friday!!!!! I had oodles and oodles of fun! I

love her house, the people are all so nice, her room's so nice and

Heidi's so nice! It was super super fun. On Saturday tho, I kept trying

to call home so that I could leave and let her family be rid of me, cept

no one answered! Finally they did and I was able to leave the poooor

people alone. They must have been very happy. Heidi's dad is really

funny! And oddly psychic. See we were having dinner and I had a peice of

bread. I didn't want to ask for the butter/margarine/yellow stuff because

people were talking and I thought it'd be rude. Anyhoo, then Heidi's dad said

"Linda, please pass Amy the butter." It was cool! I thought Tanya was nice too,

and Karl's all shy and polite which is adorable in little brother status. Linda

was funny with her sun tan lotion and cow backpack too! Heidi is always cool and nice!

So thanks Heidi and her family for letting me stay and having a superdeeduper time!

On Thursday I went to Megan's house! I adore Megan's house the same as I adore

Heidi's house! Nice house, nice people! I played the Sims at Megan's house too and we

killed 15 people. We were both proud, and ashamed. :) We did lots of stuff also!

When my family got a new patio set (from CANADIAN TIRE!) the weather was bad for like a week

so we couldn't enjoy it for a while. Now the Pool is open but it's cold out there! Grrr

The stealing of this continues!

7 things you fear

~losing someone

~no one laughing at my joke

~Garden Gnomes

~The Voice of the guy on Americas Most Wanted, not the Walsh guy, the one who narates it.



~the boogey Man!

7 things that make you laugh

~Mightybigtv RECAPS!!

~My Friends

~The image of Meg drowning someone at the water table

~Whose Line is it Anways?

~the song parodies on 92.5 KISS fm

~Conan O'Brian

~John Heaton

7 things that make you cry

~when one of my friends is unhappy, or hurt

~being called a manipulator

~losing someone

~the Holocaust

~Numerous movies

~When my brother tells me he hates me

~Anya crying

7 things I hate


~being yelled at


~Being confused

~when people are hurt

~Being called immature

~People assuming things about me

7 things I love

~My Family!

~my friends

~making people laugh

~music all music

~The X-Files

~Lots of TV shows...it's sad really

~making people laugh! (again)

7 things I don't understand



~why the world can't be run by squirrels

~why some bad people live well, and some good people live bad

~why I can't be a genius

~the future

~the past

7 things on my desk

~two coffee cups

~computer games

~my arms

~a book

~a potato

~tv guide


Right now you are: Typing. Listening to a sports game of some sorts that my Mom's watching.

Thinking. Breathing. Talking to three people. FLYING!

7 facts about you

~I have brown hair! BLUE EYES!!!!!!!!!

~I have a thing for redheads (WAY before Meg did)

~I have an american living with me (I think it's cool)

~I don't know my background, so I'm part Russian!!!

~I become obbsessed with things very easily

~I like role playing. Apparently I'm a good Krycek.

~I wanna be a teacher some day.

7 things to do before I die

~go to Nova Scotia

~Grow up

~Tell Bluey think he's verra verra cute.

~Get the Sims

~Make a movie with Jamie-chan!

~Have children

~Marry Heath Ledger, or Seth Green

Happy Canada Day!!

I have the theme song to JSM(can't remember the order of letters) In my head!

The lifeguard keeps disapearing!=Direct little brothe quote

Well I reckon that's a perty long blog entry for today.

Sneakers. Snoopy. The Ocean.

The connection is soooooo easy!