School's out for Summer!
School's out forever!
Well, cept I have a math exam tomorrow.....*shudder compulsively*
OH I'm eating an orange. I just love my new blog layout. Now I find myself going to my own blog for the pure joy. It's so fun to be home at 1:31.
I went to Megan's house yesterday! We played the sims and it was great fun. We made a sim house with the following people in it; Me, Speller, Heidi, Sarah, Dan, Weird Stalker guy, Meg, Megan and uh... that's it I think. Well Anyhoo, the first thing we did was to lock Stalker guy in a room and take away his door. It was very amusing as we watched him try to find a couch. Then We had the Meg and Megan Sim like each other. They kissed, danced, tickled, gave presents too. The Sarah and Dan Sim always were up to stuff too, ie. Skinny dipping in the hot tub, which was in the dining room. Then, after we took the weird stalker guy out of the locked room he and Heidi hit it off. hte the hot tub which was in the dining room. Of course then Dan got to play and he made my Sim and Speller's Sim get it on. It was all very amusing and the moral of the story is: Never eat toast over an elephant.
*glomps Meg* Don't worry kiddo. *double glomps*
Aye, aye! Billy Elliot is a very good movie!
*shines finger nails*
So everyone wants me to blog. I feel ever so special now. *grins*
I LOVE having Firefly-chan staying here. I mean she's probably bored out of her mind, and sick of my family but I adore it. My whole life I wanted an older sister type. *points at Firefly-chan* See!
Uh uh uh! Buffy's dead. Sorry Speller and Heidi but she's so dead. Sure it happened a long time ago now, I'm still hip and happening.
Me may get a new computer soon! Everyone cheer! *waits....crickets....* The crickets count as cheering! Dan walked to my house today. Very good! He almost fell numerous times...*giggles*
My family got a new fridge! Feel all the excitement! It has a slot thingy for dairy! I mean I hate dairy products and all, but I never had a slot for em! And and it came with ice cube trays! My family lost the recipe for ice cubes so we're all very happy.
We're watching Xena! Joxer's back!!! Oh how I adore Joxer! I just love the dumb guys. *crycry* they're being mean to Joxer's reborn girl. I'll show them *pulls out sword* POW POW!
I hate school. Can I mention the hate for school I have?
I love my friends and I love classes that are generally easy but oh goddess help me when it comes to Math. A full week of testing?!?!? I did so horribly on that last year I can't even begin to explain the nervousness.
My dad's sitting in Jamie's spot *glares at dad* When will he learn? when? What's that you say? This afternoon? Okay.
I'm gonna do my math homework soon.
No I am.
I think I'll go for a walk out side now! The sun is out calling my name i wanna go! I just can't stay inside anymore! I gotta get out something something LA!
FLY ME TO THE MOON! Something something something something Jupiter and Mars!
Hey Heidi's online!
Have I mentioned how glad I am that I met Heidi? No? Well I'm very glad I met Heidi. As she would say "Sure. Whaterver" Well Screw you then! *smiles*
Megan I love your new blog! It's superbded. Megan's very funny! When she laughs her shoulders go up high on her neck and it's ever so funny. *giggles* She keeps hearing her name in math class. I don't know why... *looks up at the ceiling*
Meg! I see Meg lots now a days. Tis very fun! And I stand by the "Poor Louis, or Lewis" Just for the spite.
Joxer the mighty! Roams through the countryside! With Gabby as his sidekick, fighting with her little stick! He's Joxer! Joxer the mighty!
I was mentioned at!
I'm Amers. Feel the love. *throws pointy love at people* Bahahah!
Now you watch all this won't post. Then I'll be all Grrr then all POW POW then the computer'll be all CRASH CRASH
Firefly-chan is singing along with her gameboy, let us watch.
Speller! Gosh aroonie toonie! I almost forgot Speller! Well now I have to talk about her for the longest. Speller is ever so funny!! Why just today she was being all funny like. How I adore her funniness. Her and Sarah! Bahahhaha! oooh Sarah! She may not have a blog but I can blog about her too. Nsnce in TWO WEEKS WHOO!!! *gag* I mean WHOOO! You must miss Zack ever so much! I have to get a real job this summer now too. *crycry*
Sarah is funny and short! See she's blond, and we all know about blonds right. *nods* Well see short people are generally smart too, a.k.a. Scully, so there's an enternal struggle in Sarah. See that explains the self-mutilation with the B44 and all.
Ooh! Bank assignment! *crycry*
Xena don't marry Aries!
I'm gonna wear a simpsons shirt tomorrow I think. *nods*
Oooh History blah! Who ever knows anything about the FLQ please stand now.
I'll wait.......
I was Paul, Jerry and Steve! Be proud!
Xena noooo!
OH!!!!!! Mulder and Scully kissed! Can we say oh my goddess? I knew we could boys and girls. Sorry Meg, you wanna be spoiler free and all but I'm a rebel!
Dude! Long post eh? Should stop eh? But it's not very likely I'll blog for a while so I'll just ramble more than.
I don't know what else to ramble about.
oh I love Carter. He's very nice. Askem! Roll over! He'll get it.
I have to stop blogging, my left pinky is beginning to beg no more blogging. Should I listen? No? OKAY!
*pinky attempts to strangle moi*
Hahah that'll never wor------*crash*