In the third chapter, page 51, the author takes us through is walk on the internet. He explains what he does and tells us through each step what interests him. Reading about what the author does on the internet, it made me think of what i do on the internet. i start each day by first signing on and then i go into hotmail to check my mail. I'll read all of emails from friends and then check the sites of free newsletters that i receive. Most of them are on relationships, exercises, and other things. After that I'll respond to the messages that friends have written me which shows what a procrastonator i am. The internet reflects kind of what personality I have. Like the sites I visit, the things I make, are all based on what I like to do and who I am. The sites that he visits and what he talks about shows me that he isn't that interesting. I find the things that he does are pretty boring. I appreciate that he's giving us a view of what he does or what he likes but i find that if the internet is that great and huge then i wouldn't spend my time doing the things that he does. My time for the internet is short because i'm so busy but I guess the internet just shows that I'm a social person and that's what i like to do.

It's so amazing just how technical the internet is. I mean, to think that everything has to be exactly perfect for it to work.i have been trying to get back to my blogs forever and then I was explaining my problem in class, sign back on tonight and find that the button I needed to update was finally there. Yes, the internet can be very frustrating when not working for you. In class today we talked about the different types of questions you need to ask yourself as a reader. I can almost see myself growing over the past year as a reader and I feel that I know that I develop somewhat almost every time I'm reading a new book. I hope that I can keep growing at that same rate because I'll desperately need it for college. A few questions that were asked today were about how the author's tone and language can be almost confusing at times. As a reader you think that a book explaining digital literacy and different things you can learn about the internet would be written almost in a child-like way because you wouldn't want to throw the reader off even more. Yet the author does have a language that can be hard to understand at times. Another thing that caught my attention was his comment that the internet is like having a driver's license. That could be looked at in several different ways. One way is that having a license is a necessity and if you don't you're almost always left behind. Another way is just showing how popular the internet is becoming. Internet skills are needed in many jobs now and if you're not computer literate, companies don't want you. His ideas are kind of hard to interpret what he means or the point he's trying to get across.

Woah dude!
I totally forgot to mention I also saw "The Bogus Witch Project" today. *smacks head over and over* Oooh pretty blood.

The movie is for the most part SUCKY!!!! So my advice is don't see it, but get one of your friends to see it. They'll act the funny parts out. Well I am. Maybe I'm just special then.

Movie Review

I saw Disney's The Kid today and it was cute. It obviously wasn't as good as like Toy Story or The Lion King, but for a movie that has Bruce Willis in it, it was pretty swell! I liked the concept of it a lot though. Oh you don't know the concept? Shame on you first of all, and second of all the concept was that this dude named Russ (Bruceykins) meets his younger self (this adorable little kid who I've never seen in any other movie, but I did see him on Leno where he was kinda annoying). Russ is really mean to his kid self through out like the whole movie, and the little kid was like really cute so I wanted to slug the stupid Russ man. But I didn't.......I didn't! Tis a good movie though, so defiantly see it, yeah know if your in a feel good kinda movie mood. Oh and the ending is the best. I don't wanna give it away, but there is a puppy. Nuff said there.

Yeah know what? Well do you? I don't have all day. Oh don't be so impatient. When ever I have to clean up, which is like every saturday (stupid parents), I always listen to ABBA. I know I know, please I'm already so ashamed. Tis just that the music is SOOOOO happyish. It's the same as like S Club 7, but I will never buy a their CD, cause I don't want them to live.

Well, it seems I've said all I want to say. *thinking* Hmmm oooh yeah know Dan? Sure you do. He says I complain ALL the time. That soooo shocked me. I don't think I complain a lot, but he says that I do indeedy. What do you think? I'll wait all day if I have to.

Tacs, Meg, and Steps. The connection is obvious. So obvious that I'm shocked that I made the connection. Shocked I tell you shocked!!

I agree with the author's view of using this unique technology to only enrich our lives. People definitely use it the wrong way, leaving the innocent users widely unprotected and at a great chance of somehow getting hurt, either their computer or in another way. It is pretty weird to think of the internet as only in it's adolescence. Growing up in this time, it's become a lot of what I know and I can't imagine our world without it but to other people they are amazed by how immense technology has become. I am amazed at how the internet is an interactive place like how Mr. Gilster was saying. Just what people are thinking up; 3D chat, voice and imaging when talking to people via internet, downloading anything you care, and obtaining the wildest information you could think up and having to pick from 20 places. I am beginning to like the book because I can see that I am going to learn some things. Whether it be new words pertaining to the internet or different forms in which it can be used which both interests me.

The book is becoming better to me. I find it not to be as boring and is pretty interesting to hear someone's thoughts on what he feels the internet will bring. I agree on the author's interpretation of what he feels the internet will bring to people like schoolteachers. Mr. Gilster makes an example of a blacksmith made obsolete by the automobile and a schoolteacher by the television. His view of technological change is correct in how results in winners and losers. It is really weird to hear of the stories such as someone who spent 520 hours our of 720 online in a month. I cannot believe how addicted people can become to the internet. It almost seems to be a type of drug in how people can never quite get enough. There are now even support groups and places you can go to get help on your addiction to the internet. To me this seems a bit extreme; I can't believe how humans can become so intrigued with something such as the internet. I admit to losing some sleep over the internet and religously checking my email. Those are also just stages that I went through though. It never became unmanigable to where I was glued to the screen. I only now use the internet for email and to talk online to people using AIM.

Also in the first chapter the author provides us with a lot of statistics. Such as how many users will be estimated in the year 2002 and how many now use the internet. Personally, I could care less what the world thinks about how many people are using the internet and who and also how fast-spreading it is. I am already bored because I do know about the internet already and of its possiblities. This book is already shown to not be written for people under the age of 25 which is quite weird considering it quoted most users are under that age. Maybe this could be why the author is writting to a different type of audience. I do not know of many people who want to read pages of "who the internet is" and what it is going to become. I would like to read things such as the new technology we could learn about and to what extent we could get from it all. I hope the author teaches me about possibilities most basic users wouldn't know about.

Digital literacy is the ability to access networked computer resources and use them. It is also the ability to understand what we have been taught or have learned in other ways from many sources. I'm going to be honest, I feel that the first chapter is very boring. In a book I really do not want to read a bunch of definitions which is what a lot of the context is. Mr. Gilster gives us a lot of useless facts and not much insight or examples to the internet which is mainly how I learn things. He does use such words as hypermedia and hypertext which computer illiterate people may not understand. I would think that if you are targeting a book to an audience that needs help with today's internet that you would make clear the words that relate to it so they could follow along.

Digital Literacy starts out with the author talking about what the internet is and how he became involved in it. Mr. Gilster is basically just introducing the internet to us and giving us a definition of what it is. I do like this introduction because he's giving us a chance to get used to his writing by just talking about something simple like an intro. I admit that I do think it is long though. I mean, how long must you go on about what a unique piece of technology has been founded here and how it's going to make our world grow tremendously. I'm sure that this is for the readers who are a bit anal though. That's what we discussed in class- how this book was written for people who are unsure about what the internet is and how scared they are of it. The intro is almost like his way of getting us hooked, thinking that this book will teach us enormous things. Which it might but the author almost seems too boring to learn from so far.

Amy is very very very sick.
Her head hurts A LOT and she has a fever. She isn't going to school, even though she wanted to. It's the second day of the semester, I'm gonna miss a lot! *pouts*
Ya know what the worst thing about a fever is? When you're trying to sleep, you have these really trippy er trips. I was sure last night that I was on survivor, and that my tribe and I were battling. Seems funny, and yet it was not. I knew that it wasn't real, but I couldn't snap out of it. I don't like being sick.
My little brother is sick too, he was sick on Saturday, and yesterday, I had a fever, I tried really hard to feel better for school this morning, but me mom said I was too sick to get outta bed. I really wish I was in school.